Jewellery, Furnishings & Collectables
October 31st 2024 – 10.30am start
This auction is now over.
Consignments are invited for future sales; contact us here. Please see our Auction Dates page for details of the next sale.
A Victorian naval style coopered oak bucket with brass fittings, 302mm high to top of bucket x 302mm diameter at top £20-30
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A large early 19thC. Georgian copper cooking pan, 500mm wide x 270mm deep x 160mm high to rim £30-40
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A large Victorian punch bowl with repoussé & applied decor with lion head handles, silver plate on copper has mostly worn off, 450mm diameter x 260mm high £20-30
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An antique oak coopered wine barrel, carved to the top Whiteways Winery, 445mm high x 370 at widest £60-80
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Five large 19thC. manor house pewter serving platters, largest 421mm diameter smallest 373mm diameter £60-80
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LOT 11
A 19thC. Regency style painted log box with brass cartouche decor, 475mm wide x 320mm high x 310mm deep £30-40
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LOT 19
A late 19thC. copper camping stove with kettle twinned with a similar copper pot with spout with brass plaque GWS & S £20-30
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LOT 20
A W. R Loftus Ltd, Tottenham Court, London copper ice bucket for champagne, 390mm tall x 250mm diameter £30-50
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LOT 21
A wrought iron & copper warmer, 440mm wide, twinned with one other warmer with stand & burner £20-30
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LOT 24
A pair of oak Gothic style corbels with relief stag silhouette decor, 405mm high x 127mm wide x 140mm deep overall £20-30
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LOT 26
A c.1900 Islamic mother of pearl inlaid octagonal table, some losses, 537mm high x 410mm diameter £30-40
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LOT 28
An antique Sheraton style mahogany jardiniere & stand, 727mm tall x 345mm diameter at top £30-40
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LOT 29
A substantial ecclesiastical, Gothic wrought iron candle holder twinned with three others, tallest 940mm to include a wrought iron lamp £30-40
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LOT 47
A late 19thC. arts & crafts gas lamp with original glass shade, loss to one decorative finial, 675mm drop £50-60
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LOT 49
An arts & crafts Archibald Knox style copper baking/serving tray with lightly hammered finish & riveted handles, 585mm wide x 335mm deep £30-40
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LOT 50
A 17thC. brass alms plate with repoussé decor, depicting an over-sized bunch of grapes being carried by two figures, some wear, 335mm diameter £100-150
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LOT 51
A 16thC. brass alms plate with heavy wear to the central repoussé decor, 460mm diameter £30-40
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LOT 53
A decorative carved wooden lamp base with fluted stem above acanthus leaves & scalloped collar, 620mm tall £20-30
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LOT 54
An antique copper spirit kettle & stand, 285mm tall, a copper cream carrier & other copper ware including a 19thC. copper kettle, a copper pot pourri & an antique Jersey creamer with inscription £20-30
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LOT 55
A pair of substantial manor house curtain tiebacks with two early 20thC. white metal baubles, one with small dent & each 120mm diameter, 980mm long overall £30-40
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LOT 58
A vintage brass candlestick telephone with four digit Tavistock phone number, wired for modern usage £30-50
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LOT 61
A Wilcocks & Gibbs sewing machine with mahogany storage case, case dimensions 377mm high x 360mm wide x 246mm deep £60-80
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LOT 62
Two parts of 15thC. medieval period armour (originally found in a similar period house by vendor) £100-200
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LOT 63
A retro 1960's Swiss Temde pendant red glass light fitting, lamp shade 250mm at widest x 165mm tall £30-40
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LOT 66
A Collier & Co. Wine & Spirit Merchants, Plymouth flat sided stoneware flagon, 3300mm tall, twinned with J. G. Spear Wine Merchants Callington flagon, damage to handle & base & soiled inside £20-30
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LOT 67
An antique oak Tantalus set, one bottle damaged, & one other with light damage to stopper, 360mm wide x 310mm high £30-40
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LOT 75
A collection of leather horse bridles (6), twinned with other riding tack of various sizes, some a/f £50-60
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LOT 79
A cast iron & teak Musgrave, Belfast saddle rack with bridle rack, approx. 490mm long £100-150
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LOT 80
A cast iron & teak Musgrave, Belfast saddle rack with bridle rack, approx. 490mm long £100-150
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LOT 81
Two cast iron & teak Musgrave, Belfast saddle racks with two bridle racks, approx. 490mm long £200-300
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LOT 82
Two cast iron & teak Musgrave, Belfast saddle racks with bridle rack, approx. 490mm long £200-300
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LOT 83
Two leather Gladstone style bags, largest approx. 495mm wide, a/f, twinned with a steel box £20-30
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LOT 84
A pine desk top, possibly from church pulpit, some faults, 773mm wide x 531mm deep x 192mm high £20-30
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LOT 85
A silver collared hunting whip twinned with a selection of horse riding crops/whips & a 'Lean on Tom Gentry' walking cane measuring stick £30-40
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LOT 86
A selection of walking canes, a Bekko light up cane, a shooting stick & top of an African beaded cane £20-30
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LOT 87
A silver collared riding crop twinned with three silver & white metal walking canes including Malacca £30-40
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LOT 88
An antique curved blade sword, a pair of Solingen sabres, one other sabre, a shooting stick with meet labels dating to 1950's & a whip £50-60
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LOT 89
Five hunting bowler hats including two Lock & Co. one Moss Bross & A. J. White twinned with two pith style hats £30-40
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LOT 92
A collection of approx. 132 c.1970s plastic toy soldiers including British & German twinned with a bag of marbles & small quantity of a/f toy parts £30-40
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LOT 93
A Rick Cain Mergence Whale & Dolphin 806/200 twinned with other sculptures including soapstone, a deity & a piece of naturalistic wood, tallest piece 410mm £20-30
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LOT 94
A pair of 19thC. cold painted spelter figures, probably Austrian, 495mm tall, her, detached fan, him loss of little finger £30-40
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LOT 95
Two large 19thC. French decorative spelter figures, La Musique & La Artiste, loss of finger, possibly paint brush & instrument, 565mm tall £30-40
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LOT 97
A 19thC. hand forged axe head, 180mm x 90mm, mounted on wooden handle twinned with an antique steel sword scabbard, 930mm long £30-50
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LOT 105
A 19thC. French gilt mantle clock with Japy Freres movement, foot a/f, 310mm tall x 190mm wide x 138mm deep £50-60
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LOT 107
An ornate 19thC. French figurative gilt mantle clock depicting man sat reading with fox & bird as guests, 440mm wide x 370mm tall, movement stamped R626, with key £80-100
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LOT 112
A large silver plated canteen of cutlery for eight by Butler of Sheffield, Cavendish Collection £50-60
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LOT 113
A quantity of mostly Portmeirion Botanic Garden pottery items included a large soup tureen & cover, chip on teapot lid, approx. 32 pieces, largest piece 310mm tall £60-80
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LOT 114
A quantity of uranium & green art deco glassware, approx. 31 pieces, largest piece 278mm tall £30-40
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LOT 115
A quantity of mostly 19thC. silver plated ware including an ornate, substantial tureen & cover with one other matching base, 340mm wide, a warming vessel, a pair of smaller tureens with covers with plated ladles, a cased carving set & other plated wares, some a/f £60-80
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LOT 117
A cased silver plated salt set, a plated fish serving set & three silver plated bread baskets & bowls £10-20
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LOT 118
A vintage Coracle wicker picnic basket set for six, approx. 62 pieces, basket 600mm wide £20-30
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LOT 120
A case of eighteen silver & white metal tourist ware collectors spoons, some enamelled, including Greece, Germany, Borneo, Paris & Mombasa, approx. 168.9g £50-60
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LOT 123
An ecclesiastical oak candle box twinned with a made up wall clock with 'sun' dial, 590mm tall £20-30
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LOT 124
An 18thC. moonphase longcase clock movement by Brice of Sandwich, 435mm high x 345mm wide x 139mm deep £60-80
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LOT 126
A selection of various film cameras including Voigtlander, Halina 35X, Ricoh Super Shot, Zenit-E, Taron & others £30-40
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LOT 127
A large quantity of vintage cameras including three movie cameras, Polaroid instant cameras, Kodak & Halina £30-40
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LOT 129
A decorative cranberry glass bonbon decorated with vine leaf, one similar cup lacking glass, eight retro 'gold coin' glasses, a barometer a/f & other items £10-20
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LOT 131
An Emma Bridgewater 'Dairy Shorthorn' butter dish twinned with an antique glass decanter £10-20
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LOT 132
An 18th/19thC. Chinese ginger jar lacking cover, 154mm tall, twith with an Oriental hardwood bowl & cover & three antique Cantonese enamel dishes £50-60
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LOT 133
A decorative millefiori paperweight, a selection of knives & forks with mother of pearl handles, two knife rest pairs, a tin plate toy tank, a cow bell & other items £10-15
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LOT 134
An art deco style porcelain lamp base, 500mm tall, twinned with a smaller decorative lamp, chip to shade & loss of one pendant £10-15
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LOT 136
A Victorian pewter chamber stick, an Anglo Indian carved & inlaid sandalwood vizagapatam box, a majolica cow bell, repair to handle, a pair of Wedgwood majolica bowls, a Portuguese majolica bowl, a Stellar cutlery set & a small plated coaster £20-30
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LOT 137
Two WW1 sweetheart silks twinned with Cow & Gate Farmer's Wife Cream bottle & measure with a Cow & Gate card set £20-30
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LOT 139
A set of eight art nouveau style tiles after Mucha from a cast iron fireplace, 152mm x 152mm £30-40
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LOT 141
A large 19thC. Delphin Massier Vallauris style majolica pottery model of a donkey, impressed number to base, some repairs to base & lower rear legs, 510mm high x 430mm wide x 175mm deep £50-60
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LOT 143
A collection of Underwood & Underwood stereoscope cards 'Switzerland Through The Stereoscope", approx. 92 cards £60-80
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LOT 144
Three large antique silver plated basting spoons including Elkington & Co. an enamel milk stirrer, twinned with other pottery & plated ware items £10-20
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LOT 145
A selection of various boxes, six miniature prints, a tray, alloy shoe stretchers & other items £20-30
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LOT 146
Two Pentax 35mm film cameras, four lenses including Tamron 500mm, Pentax-M SMC 50mm, Vivitar 62mm, Vivitar 62mm, Pentax-M SMC 28mm & Vivitar 28mm & other accessories £30-50
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LOT 147
A quantity of mixed camera equipment including Pentax, Fuji & Kodak, various accessories & six lenses including Sigma Telephoto 72mm, Tamron Close Focus 58mm, Tokina 67mm & SMC Pentax-M Zoom 80-200mm £30-50
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LOT 149
Four Folio Society books - The Silk Road, Folio Book of Days, Wonders of the World & Cities & Civilisations £10-20
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LOT 150
Six Folio Society books - The Sun King, Life, The World of Herodotus. Essays, The Newgate Calendar (2) & The Calais Affair £10-20
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LOT 151
Seven Folio Society books - Hide My Eyes, Miss Pym Disposes, Three Men in a Boat, Black Mischief, Colour Purple, Haunting of Hill House & Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee £10-20
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LOT 152
Nine Folio Society books - Beyond The Pale, The Songlines, Count Belisarius, The Red House Mystery, Tom Jones, In Cold Blood, A Is For Ox, The Daughter of Time & The Amateur Emigrant & the Silverado Squatters £10-20
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LOT 154
Book: Anatomical Model of the Cow (pop up), History of Cock Fighting by George Ryley Scott, Hildebrand by John Thorburn & The Scallop £30-40
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LOT 157
Five Folio Society books - The Secret History, The Conquest of Mexico, The Complete Shorter Fiction, A Visit to Don Otavio & King Leopold's Ghost £10-20
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LOT 158
Nine Folio Society books - The Grand Tour, Nelson & Emma, Elizabeth I, The Great Fire of London, The Monks of War, The Time Traveller's Guide to Elizabethan England, Mayflower, The Rosetta Stone & The Travels in the Interior of Africa £20-30
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LOT 159
Five Folio Society books - William the Conqueror, London Characters & Crooks, Great Contemporaries by Winston Churchill, Coleridge Among the Lakes & Mountains & Shakespeare's Life & World £10-20
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LOT 160
Nine Folio Society books including one box set of three - Agatha Christie - The Pale Horse, Murder on the Orient Express & Ordeal by Innocence, Jane Austen's Letters, John Wyndham - The Midwich Cuckoos, The Chrysalis & The Day of the Triffids, Ride Around Britain & St. Joan of Arc £20-30
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LOT 161
Eight Folio Society books including one box set of three - The Story of San Michelle, The Diary of a Country Parson, 1776, Jerome K. Jerome - My Life & Times, The Eagle of the Ninth & Georges Simenon - Maigret & the Saturday Caller, Maigret & the Calame Report & the Wine Merchant £10-20
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LOT 162
Nine Folio Society books & one other including Dangerous Liaisons, French Stories, The Trial of Joan of Arc, The Trial of Charles I, The Third Crusade & From Atalanta to the Sea £10-20
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LOT 163
Eight Folio Society books & six others including The Lives of the Most Notorious Pirates, The Gold Rush, The Beach of Falesa, The Life of Robert Burns & In Scotland Again £10-20
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LOT 164
Six Folio Society books & two others including Beethoven, box set Pick of Punch, Folio Society Book of Days & Book of Greatest 100 Paintings £10-20
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LOT 165
Book: Josephine & Her Dolls by Mrs. H. C. Cradock, Albert The Camel's Son by Hugh Heaton, The Second Book of British Birds & Their Nests & two poetry books including Byron £10-15
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LOT 166
Book: Alice In Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll, mother of pearl style covers, chip to one corner & gilded pages £10-20
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LOT 167
Book: 1698 edition of The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, The First Emperors of Rome by C. Suetonius Tranquillus £50-60
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LOT 168
Book: English Miniatures by Jean Du Bourgoing with an introduction by Dr. G. C. Williamson, 1928. Colour plates & uncut pages £60-80
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LOT 170
Book: Vols II & III Comprehensive History of England by Macfarlane & Thomson, published by Blackie £10-20
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LOT 171
Book: The Complete Angler; or, the Contemplative Man's Recreation: Being a Discourse on Rivers, Fish-Ponds, Fish and Fishing, in two parts by Isaac Walton & Charles Cotton, 1808, spine a/f £50-60
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LOT 172
Book: Vols I to IV - The Cabinet of Irish Literature by Charles A Read, published by Blackie & Son, 1879 £10-20
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LOT 173
Book: Vols I-IV Laing's Scotland, two books with detached covers, 1819, twinned with the Letters of Horace Walpole, 1840 £30-40
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LOT 174
Two Pan Books James Bond 007 paperbacks by Ian Fleming; Dr. No & From Russia With Love £10-20
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LOT 175
Book: Flowers of the Field by Rev. C. A. Johns twinned with Concise British Flora in Colour £10-15
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LOT 177
A collection of in excess of 100 photographs of mostly antique furniture & furnishings £20-30
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LOT 178
A selection of books related to premium watch brands including Rolex, Jaeger La-Coultre & Girard-Perregaux £20-30
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LOT 179
A quantity of mixed mostly novels including Wind In the Willows & Travels with a Donkey £10-20
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LOT 180
A collection of travel & adventure related books including Buckskin & Blanket Days by T. H. Tibbles, Images of Persia & The Road to Kabul £10-20
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LOT 181
Six self published volumes of Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society, 1958 & three books relating to India £30-40
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LOT 182
Book: Siamese Cats & New Siamese Cats by Phyllis Lauder twinned with the Complete Book of Cats by Adie Suehsdorf £10-15
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LOT 186
A drawer full of worldwide postcards including Plymouth post war rebuild, Stonehenge, New Zealand, Egypt & vintage greetings cards £30-40
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LOT 187
Two albums of postcards, mostly modern but does include film actors, Cornwall, comedy & French Railway posters £20-30
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LOT 188
A collection eight 19thC. prints of The Bottle & another similar eight prints of The Drunkards Children, one stained, with book of the same £30-40
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LOT 192
Two cased fly fishing rods 4/5 & 5/6, one Greys 5/6 reel with four spools & a selection of flies £20-30
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LOT 193
A Deans Rag Book growler bear 580mm tall twinned with Amber, Beanie Bears of Lichfield mohair bear, Big Softies Benjiman bear £20-30
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LOT 194
Two boxed Matchbox 'Dinky' diecast cars, VW & Mercedes twinned with a boxed Ebbro Honda Accord £10-15
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LOT 195
A selection of mostly antique Chinese hardwood vase & ornamental stands, four a/f, tallest 150mm, front three best carved £60-80
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LOT 196
A carved giltwood green man frieze for back of cabinet or desk, 885mm wide x 257mm high £30-40
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LOT 198
A 19thC. silver plated two handled tray, 550mm wide x 343mm deep, a large kings pattern silver plated ladle, a silver plated three sectioned handled food warmer, a plated tureen & cover & other plated wares £30-50
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LOT 200
A silver plated epergne twinned with a pair of white metal topped vases, a pair of plated candle sticks & other metal wares £20-30
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LOT 202
A 19thC. writing slope, 300mm wide x 218mm deep x 150mm high (closed) twinned with a box containing various ephemera including South Devon Cattle Herd book & political notes from mid 20thC. £30-40
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LOT 203
An art deco blue glass dressing table set, an art deco chrome photo frame, an art deco figurative posy holder & retro mid/late 20thC. Bohemian glass basket £20-30
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LOT 204
A WW2 brass shell & bullet table lighter, later chromium plated, a trench art pipe rest, a WW1 trench art lighter, a pixie & mushroom brass letter rack, a 1920's brass door knocker & base of brass sculpture (lacking heron to top) £20-30
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LOT 205
A Mason's plate with Chinoserie decor, a 19thC. small blue & white meat dish, a Dutch delft plate, a faience dish, three antique commemorative cups including Victoria Golden jubilee, a Doulton mounted plated egg cup, an enamel dish & other items £20-30
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LOT 206
A selection of antique treen pots, three giltwood shelves, a wine table top & a carved deer figure £20-30
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LOT 209
A selection of needlework linen & silk items including map of Britain & Royal Artillery silk £20-30
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LOT 214
A quantity of mostly ladies gloves including kid leather, bow ties & an evening dress shirt, packaged £20-30
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LOT 215
A quantity of material including Liberty & Co. William Morris, Sanderson & Warner, some a/f £30-40
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LOT 218
A quantity of various textiles including linen night clothes, black early/mid century dress a/f, lace & crochet trims £20-30
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LOT 223
A selection of mixed ephemera including invoices & ledger books, some a/f, dating from 19thC. onward £30-40
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LOT 224
A framed glass print of the Brunel bridge twinned with an onyx clock, a silver topped scent bottle & a small boxed hip flask £20-30
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LOT 225
Attributed to Fred Yates (1922-2008), a framed oil on panel of sheep entering Cornish field, image size 585mm x 445mm £100-200
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LOT 226
Dale Waldorf - titled 'A Burst of Beauty - Protea at Eden', oil on canvas, image size 600mm x 500mm £20-30
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LOT 227
A framed mixed media coastal image titled ' Wild Gorse, Little Gribben', monogrammed AJH, image size 500mm x 455mm £30-40
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LOT 228
A framed mixed media titled 'Bodmin Moor' by Colin Gibbs, dated 2015, image size 550mm x 440mm £30-40
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LOT 231
J. Colishaw, framed oil on canvas depicting galleon at sea titled 'Homeward Bound', 483mm x 392mm £80-100
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LOT 232
John Shapland (1865-1929), a pair of watercolours, titled 'Salvatore From Gandina Lake Maggior Spring Exhibition 1904', image size 355mm x 257mm £50-60
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LOT 233
A framed acrylic of young woman sleeping twinned with one other of woman, indistinctly signed, largest image size 610mm x 510mm £30-40
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LOT 237
David George Steell, (1856-1930), a pair of 19thC. oil on canvas paintings of game still life, signed & dated 1896, image size 345mm x 245mm £100-150
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LOT 238
Dion Pears (1929-1985), a pair of marine oil paintings on board featuring tall ships at sea, largest 419mm x 265mm £50-60
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LOT 239
A pair of 19thC. oil paintings depicting coastal scene & Castle overlooking an estuary, signed possibly F. R. Offen to bottom corners, image size 396mm x 240mm £150-200
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LOT 240
A Jean Owen needlework picture, signed, a June Hicks limited edition signed print 4/50, a signed Simon Drew print, a signed Elizabeth Parr print & two 20thC. samplers £20-30
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LOT 242
A framed antique print titled 'View of the Courtyard of the White Horse of Fontainebleau' dated 1667, 510mm x 375mm overall £30-40
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LOT 244
An early 20thC. oil on panel of sailboat at sea, signed Walker, a watercolour of the Fort at Fontainebleau by Pierre Thiabalt & an oil on canvas of the 'Coming Home Trees', Cornwall £30-40
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LOT 245
A gilt framed renaissance style print twinned with two other prints, one signed, largest 745mm x 600mm overall £10-15
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LOT 246
A framed Nathaniel & Samuel Buck print of Ford Abbey, Devon, dated 1734, 465mm x 320mm overall, twinned with a 19thC. print of Exeter from Exewick Fields & a 20thC. map of Devon £30-40
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LOT 247
A limited edition framed print of the top rated, all time great steeple chaser, Arkle at Cheltenham, hand signed in pencil by the artist Neil Cawthorne & jockey Pat Taaffe, 521/550, 624mm x 480mm inclusive £30-40
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LOT 249
A pen & ink sketch by Bernard Finnegan Gribble, some notes to verso & small light sketch to left of main picture, signed £30-40
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LOT 250
M. Aguilar signed pair of framed oil paintings depicting dream like portraits, largest 714mm x 586mm £60-80
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LOT 251
Candido Ballester (Spanish b.1926), a pair of framed mixed media, titled 'Mallorca', image size 474mm x 280mm £60-80
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LOT 253
A pair of framed oil on canvas paintings featuring sail ships signed G. Sieben, dated 1936, image size 630mm x 490mm £100-200
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LOT 254
A selection of prints & watercolours including one Edwin Knight landscape, as found condition & one Baxter print, a/f £10-20
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LOT 255
An oil on panel of a Whitethroat signed B. Holden, a small picture of Liskeard, two Le Blond prints & other paintings, largest image 485mm x 390mm £20-30
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LOT 256
Four framed decorative landscape paintings: Julie Brett, Jill Thomas, Claude Kittow & Ken Duxbury, largest 383mm x 205mm £60-80
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LOT 257
A George IV sampler by Mary Toms dated November 24th 1828, image size 500mm x 395mm & one other £30-40
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LOT 259
An 1840 Ackerman print 'Costumes of the British Army' set in maple frame, 438mm x 339mm inclusive £20-30
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LOT 260
After Isidore Alexandre Augustin Pils (French 1815–1875), a framed 19thC. watercolour on paper of The Zouave, image size 344m x 244mm £50-60
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 261
A pair of framed Edwardian hand painted milk glass plaques depicting peacock bird & flowers, signed M. E. Hall, dated 1908, image size 292mm x 215mm £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 262
Wycliffe Eggington (1875-1951), a moorland watercolour titled 'A Moorland View' featuring rider with sheep, dated Nov. 1905, image size 258mm x 180mm £100-150
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 263
Mabel Oliver Rae (1868-1956), an interior etching of Kings College, overall size 385mm x 265mm, signed £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 264
Three watercolour landscapes, one Norfolk landscape signed Gerald Ackerman & two others after 'Glover', monogrammed S. B to verso, largest image size 695mm x 460mm £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 265
Goddard Gale (1858-1938), watercolour of sailboat at dusk, signed & dated 1906, twinned with framed watercolour of viking ship, inscribed to verso, 'Viking Boats, framed 1983, painted @ school 1940, Don Porter', largest image size 465mm x 395mm & a small painting of Geevor Tin Mine £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 268
A large, ornate Victorian tapestry firescreen with barley twist decor, 975mm tall x 781mm wide £60-80
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 269
An antique cushioned music stool with storage under, 575mm high x 488mm wide x 381mm deep £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 272
A 19thC. Canterbury, some trim in draw, some lost & handles missing, 452mm wide x 510mm high x 303mm deep £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 273
A French marble topped walnut bedside table with drawer & shelf under, 860mm tall x 428mm wide x 350mm deep £50-60
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 274
A French mahogany marble topped & lined pot cupboard, 840mm tall x 450mm wide x 385mm deep £50-60
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 275
An Edwardian breakfront display cabinet, top frieze lacking piece of dowling, 1900mm high x 1195mm wide x 400mm at deepest £60-80
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 279
A late 17th/ early 18thC. oak gate leg table, 1410mm wide x 1245mm deep x 713mm high £100-150
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 280
A pair of Mughal style teak & iron doors, approx. 1830mm high x 1270mm wide including later hinge bars £100-150
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 281
A pair of Mughal style teak & iron doors, approx. 1790mm high x 1000mm wide including later hinge bars £100-150
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 282
A Howard Keith retro 'Encore' cocktail chair, 900mm at highest point to back twinned with upholstered rotating armchair £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 283
A cast iron Scan Andersen 1 log burner, glass cracked on door, top plate missing & damage to interior heat bricks, 720mm high x 560mm deep x 380mm wide £50-60
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 285
A Lane Altavista, Virginia oak coffee table with brass feet caps, originally purchased from Harrods, London, 1317mm wide x 604mm deep x 410mm high £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 292
A brass inlaid Anglo-Indian carved teak table with fretwork decor folding frame (some losses to one side), 610mm wide x 600mm deep x 605mm high £60-80
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 294
A 19thC. lacquered walnut Chinoiserie Queen Anne style armchair, some wear to décor, 1020mm high to back £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 295
A pine book shelf, 1215mm tall x 457mm wide x 190mm at deepest, twinned with pine bedside cabinet & a small teak console table & drawer with recessed pull, 602mm wide x 454mm wide x 498mm £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 296
A rustic style pine console table with two drawers, 1270mm wide x 480mm wide x 735mm high £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 297
A Victorian mahogany sideboard with five drawers, 1150mm wide x 845mm high x 528mm deep £50-60
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 298
A Georgian style 19thC. leather topped mahogany desk by Bartholomew & Fletcher, 1058mm wide x 761mm high x 641mm deep £80-100
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 299
A pair of 21stC. sofas on legs with brass wheels to front, each 1850mm wide x 1030mm deep £100-150
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 300
A 19thC. mahogany work table with extending leaves & lift up top, 725mm tall x 660mm wide, extended x 440mm deep £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 305
A pair of antique Gothic ecclesiastical oak settles inscribed 'Praise The Lord' with the monogram for Jesus Christ 'IHS', 1210mm high to back x 600mm wide x 490mm deep £250-300
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 306
A pair of antique Gothic ecclesiastical oak Glastonbury chairs with Jesus Christ monogram 'IHS' carved into back, 920mm high to back x 820mm wide x 565mm deep £150-200
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 307
A large George III walnut chest of drawers with brass fittings, 1100mm wide x 595mm deep x 1110mm high £100-200
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 310
An antique Gothic oak Wainscott style throne chair, 1460mm high to back x 650mm wide x 640mm deep £250-300
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 312
A painted French style writing desk with glass top, chip to glass near one corner, 840mm wide x 555mm deep x 800mm high £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 313
An antique oak drop leaf dining table with barley twist legs, 1500mm wide extended x 1050mm deep x 720mm high £30-50
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 316
A 17thC. Italian walnut carved coffer with key, some replacement & restorative works, 1530mm x 565mm high 550mm deep £80-100
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 317
A 19thC. French style inlaid walnut shoe rack with mirrored door, 1060mm high x 710mm wide x 330mm deep £60-80
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 318
A Victorian burr walnut and marble credenza, some faults, 1200mm wide x 330mm deep x 830mm high £50-60
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 319
A large antique oak bookcase with footed pedestal & adjustable shelves, 1825mm tall x 995mm wide x 360mm deep £60-80
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 320
Six Victorian mahogany dining chairs (right) twinned with three rosewood dining chairs (left) & one other dining chair, sample shown, some faults £40-50
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 322
A 19thC. military campaign chest with brass corners & recessed pulls, 990mm wide x 1100mm high x 475mm deep £100-200
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 326
A 19thC. mahogany dressing table mirror with drawer, 650mm high x 420mm wide x 195mm deep £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 327
A Victorian folk art panel with shelf with engraved decor depicting someone playing wind instrument whilst another dances & one looks on, dot work title under 'When the cats away, the mice will play', 530mm high x 636mm wide £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 328
A Victorian oak canteen with two drawers, crack to top, plaque loose, fault to one handle, 500mm wide x 340mm deep x 240mm high £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 330
A 19thC. gesso framed religious icon, measures 316mm tall, twinned with four decorative picture frames with relief decor £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 331
A pair of romantic prints of man asking woman for marriage set in carved frames with velvet mounts, titled Yes or No & Yes! published by Smith, Laurie & Co. Newcastle, 910mm tall x 575mm wide, twinned with a 19thC. print of Oxford Commemoration at Magdalen Bridge £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 333
A collection of mostly rocks & minerals twinned with a small collection of antiquated pottery pieces, with case £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 334
An early/mid 20thC. night gown holder dog toy, a treen pot with lid, an oak box, a botanical print book & a copper Islamic kettle £10-15
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 335
A small collection of covers & coins twinned with a stamp album with an Edward VII one pound, Edward VII ten shilling, Victorian five shillings, a Victorian two & Six & other stamps £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 336
A 1933 Kampf Ums Dritte Reich book with colour photographic images of the Third Reich party propaganda cigarette cards £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 337
A framed Winchester watercolour signed Lamprell '76 twinned with At Bath folio no.1 by Martin Fisher & Downfall of Augustus Hare book £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 339
A boxed pair of carved lacquer vases, one with small chip to edge of base rim, 210mm high £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 342
Two small watercolour paintings by Tony Warren, one of lifeboat & another of sailing ship, each 179mm x 127mm £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 343
A watercolour of the Drake Manor Inn at Buckland Monachorum, West Devon, signed 'R. A. Maybe', image size 390mm x 290mm, twinned with one other watercolour, indistinctly signed £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 344
Two graduated art glass vases twinned with a smoked art glass bowl, all with polished out pontil marks, bowl 370mm diameter, largest vase 265mm tall x 220mm diameter £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 345
Three Royal Crown Derby paperweights, Rabbit, Contente Kitten & Dormouse, all with gold stoppers, rabbit 85mm wide £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 348
Six Meissen porcelain floral cups & saucers, one saucer & cup with small chips, one cup lacking saucer & has repair, under glaze crossed swords mark to base £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 349
After Kaendler, three Meissen monkey band figures, the pianist, loss to tip of finger, drummer, has restoration & lute player, loss to neck of instrument, one hand & end of a foot, tallest 140mm, under glaze crossed swords mark to base £60-80
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 351
Four Liskeard glass tankards including one cider, one Liskeard glass knobbly vase, an art glass vase & a Liskeard coin £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 353
Six Charles Dickens character sandwich plates by Alfred Meakin, twinned with six German porcelain cups & saucers & a Royal Crown Derby butter knife & dish £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 354
A Royal Albert trio, a 19thC. tureen & cover, an Oriental style chocolate pot & cover & other similar items £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 355
Ten pieces of Portmeirion Botanical Garden glassware including ice bucket & large salad bowl £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 357
An art nouveau pottery vase, possibly Lauder Barum, Devon, repair to one handle, 260mm diameter x 220mm tall £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 360
A pair of Paragon anniversary cups & saucers twinned with a Queen Victoria plate, 245mm diameter £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 361
A Walsh signed cut glass crystal decanter with William Hutton & Sons 1935 Sheffield silver collar, very small chip to edge of base & probably later stopper, 255mm tall £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 363
A Royal Doulton Thelwell pony figure with box twinned with a Liskeard glass bowl & an art glass vase, 385mm tall £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 364
A small collection of Oriental cloisonne pieces including a pair of vases & three bird figures, tallest 125mm £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 365
A Limoges trinket box twinned with two Japanese vases & porcelain wares including Aynsley £10-15
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 366
Four over-sized Royal Worcester 'Cup of Cups' cups & saucers, cup 110mm x 72mm, saucer 167mm diameter £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 367
A pair of 19thC. cranberry vases 165mm tall, twinned with a Scottish stoneware jug by Buchan, Portobello £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 369
A silver plated ale tankard twinned with plated grape scissors, other plated wares & four pieces of a Wedgwood bachelors set £10-15
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 370
A Lladro polar bear, a pair of jade foo dogs, a bronze style elephant & a Swarovski crystal swan £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 371
A 19thC. Oriental imari dish twinned with a Poole pottery bowl & other ceramics including 19thC. £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 372
Two boxed Rosenthal Studioline items, a porcelain art vase & a similar art glass, tallest 235mm £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 376
An F. Winkle & Co. set of English china comprising six comports & twelve matching plates £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 378
A 19thC. glass urn, 197mm wide x 135mm high, a 19thC. Bristol blue glass insert, both with faults, twinned with a studio art pottery dish £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 382
Two Doulton 5271 pattern stoneware bottle vases, 190mm & 185mm tall, one with crude repair to damage to rim £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 383
A 1930's art deco decanter set, probably by Karl Palda, all the glasses have chips, the decanter as has chips £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 384
Two Moser style enamelled glasses twinned with four Salviati style glass Oriental carp, 150mm long, one lacking a fin £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 386
A blue striped studio pottery vase, indistinctly signed, three other studio pottery items & a salt glazed bottle, tallest 150mm £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 387
A selection of mostly 19thC. glasses including four matching champagne glasses, three Stiegel style etched glasses, an 18thC. rummer & an antique French four chamber decanter £50-60
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 389
Nine 19thC. Minton dessert plates twinned with eight late 19thC. Berlin blanc de chine porcelain cups with six matching saucers with relief decor £60-80
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 390
A Baccarat crystal ice bucket, a pair of Baccarat red wine glasses, a pair of Bacarrat white wine glasses, one cracked twinned with a glass candle holder, an Orient Express glass & Orient Express photo frame £60-80
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 393
Two pieces of 1960's European art glass sculpture, possibly by Makora Kronso, Poland, tallest 266mm £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 396
Two Royal Doulton figurines, Mary, 220mm tall, twinned with six Coalport figurines including Daphne & Diana £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 397
A selection of various continental porcelain figures & ornaments including a 19thC. Meissen style pug a/f, Dresden figures & others, largest 185mm £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 399
A pair of miniature traditional Madeira boots twinned with leather hob nail style boot, 175mm tall £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 400
A gold plated Parker 61 fountain pen, one matching biro with other pens & a silver pencil £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 401
A Copeland porcelain parianware group 'Chasse Au Lapin', after P. J Mene. repair & also a loss to one dog foot, 320mm wide £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 402
A Clarice Cliff 'My Garden' charger with relief floral decor, firing blemish to rear, very small grazing to rim edge, 338mm diameter £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 403
Three Sklo Union glass vases, a Pertti Santalahti style art glass, a Liskeard glass vase & other glassware £30-50
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 405
A two handled pewter tankard, somewhat indistinct stamp, possibly reads "C II KRK", 165mm tall x 245mm at widest £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 407
A 19thC. alabaster box set with cartouche holding watercolour of Schnepfenthal Salzmann boarding school, Gotha, Germany, damage & loss of glass to bottom right of oval, 131mm wide x 91mm deep x 72mm high £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 409
A large 19thC. Nailsea glass style cranberry pipe twinned with one other, largest 435mm long £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 410
A Folio Society book on Trafalgar twinned with a piece of oak set within a paperweight from Nelson's flagship, HMS Victory £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 412
A Turdric pewter tray no. 0287 designed by William Haseler & sold by Liberty & Co. London, 284mm wide x 210mm wide £50-60
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 413
A Beswick pottery horse twinned with a Border Fine Arts 'Full Stretch' model 1368/1500 (loss to whip) & a bronzed resin model of racehorse with jockey, tallest 230mm £30-50
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 414
A Dartmouth pottery glug glug jug, 230mm tall, twinned with a silver topped scent bottle, stopper a/f £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 415
A collection of various plates including Ridgways Cornwall, two Limoges, Bloor Derby imari & a plated tray £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 416
A collection of six retro Glyn Colledge, Denby pottery items including tankard & 'cloisonne boat', tankard 130mm tall £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 417
A collection of five retro Glyn Colledge, Denby pottery vases, two plant pots & a bowl, tallest 205mm, bowl 225mm diameter £50-60
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 421
A Royal Doulton Churchill character jug, 225mm tall, twinned with a Portmeirion Botanical Gardens teapot, a Wedgwood trinket box & a pottery tomato tray £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 426
Two J.C. Boldoot, Amsterdam figurative scent bottles, male with losses to end of feet, 89mm tall £10-15
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 428
A pair of 19thC. silver plated extending candle sticks, a pair of 19thC. brass candlesticks & a brass box, tallest 270mm £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 429
A Russ vintage edition mohair Bartholomew bear, no.10803 of 25000, small hole near eye, 175mm tall £10-15
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 439
A cut glass crystal ice bucket with tongs, twinned with silver plated coasters, bucket 230mm tall inclusive £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 440
A three piece arts & crafts style silver plated tea set twinned with a similar potpourri a/f & other plated ware, teapot 180mm high £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 441
A collection of 19thC. editions of Lake's Falmouth Packet, periodical broadsheet, 1870 - Jan to Dec; 1875 - Jan to Dec; 1871 Jan to May; 1874 - Jan to July £80-100
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 445
A late Victorian pottery wash bowl of scalloped form with garland decor, small chip to rim, 445mm wide x 330mm deep x 150mm high, 'The Foley Faience' printed to base £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 446
A Cornish studio pottery bowl & basin, jug stamped 'Zane', bowl 305mm diameter, jug 190mm tall £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 447
A pair of 19thC. sugar cutters, a Mappin & Webb pepper grinder, a cigar cutter, a boxed egg coddler set & a needle case £10-15
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 449
A George V tin money box, a George V & Mary bakelite vesta case, a 1925 London Exhibition multi-tool knife, an East Cornwall Bell Ringing Association badge, a made up miniature horse shoe & three metal pencils £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 451
A quantity of mixed ephemera, two treen boxes, a small case, a leather flask case & other sundries £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 452
A cut glass claret jug with ornate silver plated handle, a decanter with gin label & four other glass decanters £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 453
An antique Faberge Russian cut glass decanter with silver top with 84 standard & the silver mark for Karl Faberge, lacking stopper, one very small chip to shoulder of decanter & two smaller ones along with a small chip to edge of base, 143mm tall, twinned with a 19thC. glass small claret jug, probably Russian, 198mm tall, lacking stopper £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 454
A George III 1804 Paul Storr London silver mounted cut glass sweet meat lacking cover, height 115mm £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 455
A George III 1817 London silver teapot by Charles Fox, 1030g. Ivory exemption number 28A9EDBZ £400-500
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 456
An 1898 Victorian Sheffield silver coffee pot by James Dixon & Sons Ltd. dented to lower half, 680g £250-350
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 457
A 1937 art deco Birmingham silver tea strainer & stand by Barker Brothers Ltd. two pieces date to 1937 & 1939 respectively, 55.1g £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 461
A 1902 Edwardian silver pair of serviette rings by Harrison Bros. & Howson, numbered 1 & 2, monogrammed, 59.4g £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 462
Three serviette rings, two Birmingham silver 1894 & 1921, the other 19thC. white metal dating to c. 1897, 83.3g total £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 463
Four serviette rings, one sterling silver with elephant decor, one Chester & two Birmingham, 66.2g £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 464
An 1848 Victorian London silver salver by Edward, John & William Barnard, 138g, 160mm diameter, etched with decorative crest £60-80
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 465
An 1833 William IV silver teaspoon by William Woodman twinned with other silver items, 84g £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 466
An 1828 George IV London silver pair of sugar tongs by David Phillips twinned with a silver spoon with floral finial & two silver condiment spoons, 52.8g £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 467
A decoratively mounted 1887 Victorian London silver vanity mirror by William Comyns & Sons, 290mm long £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 468
A Georgian silver tea spoon, a pair of white metal handled fish servers & a pair of 1899 Victorian Sheffield silver sugar tongs by Copper Bros. silver weight 38.6g £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 469
A pair of silver handled spoons a/f twinned with an Eversharp silver self propelling pencil & a Birmingham silver pencil holder £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 470
A decorative Victorian 1900 London silver cake fork by William Hutton & Sons Ltd, a silver backed brush, a small 0.800 silver condiment spoon, a silver handled cake server, a small EPNS trowel & two silver topped glass salts, weighable silver 57g £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 473
A 1925 Birmingham silver christening cup by Joseph Hayward & Son, some bumps, twinned with other hallmarked silver items, some a/f, 244g £100-150
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 474
A pair of small 1911 Birmingham silver photo frames by G & C Ltd. both a/f, 66mm x 63mm £10-15
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 475
A Birmingham silver condiment by Nathan & Hayes, dating to 1892, rubbed marks twinned with a Birmingham silver Walker & Hall mustard pot dating to 1921 & a 1989 Hampton Utilities silver spoon, silver weight 59g £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 476
A 19thC. ruby glass scent bottle, 101mm long twinned with a 19thC. double ended cranberry glass scent bottle, 130mm long £30-40
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 477
Five thimbles including one brass cloisonne, one Charles Horner Chester silver, one 1977 Silver Jubilee in silver & enamel & two white metal continental £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 478
A 1989 Birmingham silver cigar piercer by H. Huntley & Sons, 73mm long extended, 4.6g £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 480
An 18thC. Georgian enamel patch box with motto 'Love me & leave me not', 22mm diameter £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 482
A 1953 Glasgow silver thistle set with amethyst brooch by Ward Bros. 30mm diameter, 6.6g £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 483
An 1880 Victorian silver locket by Cornelius Desormeaux Saunders Sr & James Francis Hollings Shepard, slightly a/f, 16.8g £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 485
A pair of 1976 London Celtic cross silver earrings twinned with a 600mm silver chain with enamelled James Fenton silver Yorkshire white rose pendant (formerly a brooch), 26.4g £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 486
A 1987 Sheffield silver cat brooch set with sapphires for eyes, maker SJM, 5.7g, 43mm wide £10-20
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 487
An early 20thC. white metal vanity mirror & clothes brush, mirror 270mm long, twinned with an art deco brush £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 488
A 19thC. white metal topped scent bottle with faceted shoulders, a Barlings 3184 pipe, unused, an RMS Asturias silver plated tyg, a boxed Colibri lighter, two crowns & a WW2 MOD issued Bosun's whistle £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 492
A cut glass Victorian scent bottle with London 1861 silver collar, twinned with a silver topped jar, a silver topped inkwell, a/f & a white metal tooth pick holder £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 494
An .800 silver pocket watch, movement set with 15 rubies, diameter 48.75mm, not running £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 495
A Dunhill tie clip twinned with a Lobor gents wristwatch with .999 gold ingot to dial £50-60
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 499
A Norwegian silver & enamel necklace twinned with other silver & enamelled jewellery, 39.1g £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 501
A selection of silver & white metal fashion jewellery, some earrings lacking pairing, 52.8g £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 503
A well carved cameo brooch, an antique bog oak brooch, two yellow metal brooches, three silver brooches & a metal chain £30-50
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 504
A selection of silver & white metal jewellery including enamelled bracelet & lapis lazuli pendant, 113g £50-60
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 505
An 1880 Victorian Birmingham silver bangle with organic decor, internal measurement 58mm x 48mm, 39.3g £20-30
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
BP 20% plus VAT
LOT 512
A boxed ladies plated Tissot wristwatch 20mm case, twinned with a similar 9ct gold cased Tissot 'Stylist' wristwatch with plated strap, 17mm case £50-60
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LOT 513
Five pocket watches including W. T. Williams, Presteigne with Chester silver case & one brass Smiths, some with faults £30-40
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LOT 515
A Victorian Waltham Watch Co. full hunter pocket watch in 1896 Birmingham silver case, 115g, case 52mm, wound, ran & stopped £20-30
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LOT 521
A 1964 Elizabeth II full gold sovereign in 9ct gold mount with 9ct 470mm long chain, 19.4g £400-600
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LOT 522
A 1979 one ounce South African Krugerrand, with 9ct gold mount & 620mm chain, 59.6g £1000-2000
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LOT 523
A one ounce .9999 fine gold ingot with 21ct gold 690mm chain & mount, ingot decorated with Oriental woman to verso, 61.3g £2000-3000
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LOT 524
An 18ct gold Cartier 'Love' bangle with original screwdriver, internal measurement 57mm x 51mm, size 19, 31.7g £2000-3000
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LOT 525
An 18ct gold bangle set with approx. 1.96ct of diamonds, internal measurement 52mm x 49mm, 33.4g £2500-3000
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LOT 526
A Concorde 50th Anniversary quarter gold sovereign with proof finish, limited to 4999 coins, with book & luggage tags £80-120
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LOT 527
An approx. 1.28ct diamond solitaire ring set in 9ct gold shank, stone measures 6.9mm diameter x 4.3mm deep, has no inclusions with a x10 loupe, is bright, white & lively, not drawing colour & has no inclusions, diamond tests as lab produced, 3.4g, size S £600-800
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LOT 528
An 18ct white gold diamond cluster ring set with approx. 1.6ct of diamond, centre stone approx. 0.5ct, 4.8g, size J £500-600
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LOT 530
A 9ct gold charm bracelet featuring an abacus, ballerina, mouse ran up the clock, piano & typewriter, 64.2g £600-800
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LOT 540
An antique 18ct gold ring set with three platinum mounted diamonds of approx. 0.33ct, 2.8g, size Q/R £150-200
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LOT 541
A yellow metal ring set with small white stone, tests electronically as 14ct gold, 2.5g, size N £60-80
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LOT 554
A 9ct gold ring set with diamond & possibly garnet, main stone is abraided, 3g, size R £40-50
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LOT 555
A Victorian yellow metal ornate arrow brooch, tests electronically as 9ct gold, set with rose cut diamonds, largest being 4.5mm diameter, small rubies & blue paste stones, 67mm wide, 11.8g £400-500
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LOT 565
An antique 18ct gold ring set with five stone setting, lacking one diamond, 3.2g, size N £80-100
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LOT 571
A 9ct gold chain, 0.7g, with two elephant pendants, one in turquoise & the other malachite £20-30
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LOT 572
An 18ct gold diamond cluster ring, approx. 0.66ct of diamonds, lacking one stone, 3.6g, size P £200-250
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LOT 576
A yellow metal zodiac pendant representing Libra, set with enamelled decor, tests electronically as 18ct gold, 28mm x 14mm, 2.9g £60-80
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LOT 585
A yellow metal brooch with letter 'A' decorated with amethyst, one stone has chip, tests electronically as 14ct gold, 27mm wide, 1.4g £30-40
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LOT 586
A yellow metal Romany ring set with 0.33ct of diamond, tests electronically as 18ct gold, 3.9g, size M £200-250
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LOT 595
A 19thC. brooch, filigree work tests electronically as 18ct gold, some faults to stones, 37mm wide, 10.6g inclusive £50-60
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LOT 596
A yellow metal pendant set with peridot, tests electronically as 9ct gold, loss to pearl above main stone, 21mm drop x 11mm wide, 2.4g £20-30
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LOT 603
A platinum diamond ring set with approx. 0.85ct old cut centre stone of good colour & clarity with small stones on shoulders, 3g, size M/N £700-900
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LOT 605
A small pair of 9ct gold sleeper earrings, a Smiths top wind pocket watch, a pair of boxed Jeff Banks cufflinks, a white metal heart shaped pendant & a costume necklace £10-20
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LOT 606
Two silver fashion rings, UK bank notes including one pound & five pound, an antique amethyst cross, silver rings, coins & other costume items £20-30
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LOT 607
A small quantity of various costume jewellery items including silver bangle & coin bracelet £10-20
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LOT 608
A selection of costume jewellery items including wristwatches, kilt pin, malachite pendant, fashion necklaces & other items £20-30
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LOT 609
A selection of costume jewellery including various beads including an antique red amber style beaded necklace, a Sekonda watch, malachite necklace & other items £30-50
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LOT 610
A vanity case & contents twinned with coins, crowns, compacts including Stratton, evening bags & other items £20-30
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LOT 611
A selection of costume jewellery items including brooches, earrings, necklaces & jewellery boxes £20-30
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LOT 612
A faux pearl necklace with 9ct gold clasp twinned with a Gradius fob watch on silver bow mount £10-15
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LOT 613
A boxed quantity of costume jewellery items including New Zealand jade pendant, pocket watch, earrings & Shaeffer 12ct gold plated biro set £20-30
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LOT 614
A collection of badges including USA, Canada, New Zealand, Cunard & Cornwall Caravan Club £10-20
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LOT 615
A Fossil fashion watch, a Seiko watch, miniature prayer books, various jewellery including white & yellow metal jewellery £10-20
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LOT 617
A vintage Swatch wristwatch twinned with other watches including Seiko, Pulsar & Accurist £20-30
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LOT 618
A boxed selection of jewellery items including two silver & marcasite brooches, crowns, silver jewellery, jade pendants & a miniature biscuit tin £20-30
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LOT 619
Seven wristwatches including Seiko & Rotary twinned with a small selection of costume jewellery items including plated earrings £10-20
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LOT 621
A quantity of vintage wristwatches including Seiko, Smiths, Euromatic, Citron & a leather collar case £10-20
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LOT 622
Two boxed medallions, President Medal Saltram Rotary & Past Chairman Faculty of Architects & Surveyors twinned with two Rotary tie pins, a boxed 1951 Festival of Britain crown & an enamel badge, possibly would have been sewn on, with Latin motto that translates to Simple Kindness Cheerfulness, 30mm x 35mm, 12.9g £10-15
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LOT 623
A 1935 crown, a 1994 silver proof Queen Mother Barbados dollar & a selection of mixed coinage £10-20
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LOT 626
A selection of mostly antique coinage including four Queen Victoria crowns 1889, three Victoria double florins 1888, 1887 & 1890, sixteen half crowns, other UK silver coinage including George III & George IV, an 1862 Victoria one penny with lustre & other coinage £100-200
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LOT 627
A selection of mostly antique coinage including Indian, Roman, a Leopold I 1672, George VI 1652-1952 South African crown, a silver 1773 Schilling, an 1813 George III Stiver, coffee tokens & other tokens, sealed half pennies, a 1795 Dublin Half Penny token, other coinage twinned with a London Rifle Brigade swagger stick top & a boxed quantity of silversmith/watchmaker tools £30-50
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LOT 630
A boxed four piece Broadway & Co. 1972 Birmingham silver dressing table set comprising hair brush, clothes brush, mirror & comb, twinned with a 1977 jubilee silver plated coaster set, a box of decorative teaspoons & a vintage cased coffee spoon & cake knife set £30-50
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LOT 632
A large carved Chinese camphor wood chest with half top tray & brass clasp, 1040mm wide x 530mm deep x 580mm high £40-50
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LOT 634
An ethnic white metal bangle twinned with other white metal, silver & other costume items £20-30
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