Auction Catalogue – October 31st 2024

Jewellery, Furnishings & Collectables

October 31st 2024 – 10.30am start

This auction is now over.

Consignments are invited for future sales; contact us here. Please see our Auction Dates page for details of the next sale.

  • LOT 1

    A Victorian naval style coopered oak bucket with brass fittings, 302mm high to top of bucket x 302mm diameter at top £20-30

  • LOT 2

    Two 19thC. manor house kitchen copper pans, largest 353mm wide £30-50

  • LOT 3

    A large early 19thC. Georgian copper cooking pan, 500mm wide x 270mm deep x 160mm high to rim £30-40

  • LOT 4

    A large Victorian punch bowl with repoussé & applied decor with lion head handles, silver plate on copper has mostly worn off, 450mm diameter x 260mm high £20-30

  • LOT 5

    A WW2 Air Ministries pine box, marked Air Ministries 1941 1A/3881 £20-30

  • LOT 6

    A wooden Boots Drug Company first aid cabinet, 365mm wide x 245mm high x 125mm deep £20-30

  • LOT 7

    An antique oak coopered wine barrel, carved to the top Whiteways Winery, 445mm high x 370 at widest £60-80

  • LOT 8

    Five large 19thC. manor house pewter serving platters, largest 421mm diameter smallest 373mm diameter £60-80

  • LOT 9

    A Gothic mounted lead water font, 770mm tall £30-50

  • LOT 10

    A large antique Indian toleware water carrier, 650mm tall x 500mm wide £60-80

  • LOT 11

    A 19thC. Regency style painted log box with brass cartouche decor, 475mm wide x 320mm high x 310mm deep £30-40

  • LOT 12

    A large 19thC. manor house brass plated copper wash bowl, 507mm diameter x 135mm high £30-40

  • LOT 13

    A Victorian copper coal scuttle, 440mm wide x 450mm high to top of handle £20-30

  • LOT 14

    A 19thC. cast iron umbrella stand, tray damaged to one corner, 654mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 15

    After Christopher Dresser, a copper watering can, 225mm high x 290mm wide £10-20

  • LOT 16

    An early 19thC. oak salt box, 325mm high to back £30-40

  • LOT 17

    A Georgian style copper & brass footed coal scuttle, 420mm high to top of handle £20-30

  • LOT 18

    Two antique Islamic brass coffee pots, tallest 305mm £30-40

  • LOT 19

    A late 19thC. copper camping stove with kettle twinned with a similar copper pot with spout with brass plaque GWS & S £20-30

  • LOT 20

    A W. R Loftus Ltd, Tottenham Court, London copper ice bucket for champagne, 390mm tall x 250mm diameter £30-50

  • LOT 21

    A wrought iron & copper warmer, 440mm wide, twinned with one other warmer with stand & burner £20-30

  • LOT 22

    A copper coaching horn, 838mm long £10-20

  • LOT 23

    An 18th/19thC. carved Gothic church font cover, 666mm tall x 666mm wide £100-200

  • LOT 24

    A pair of oak Gothic style corbels with relief stag silhouette decor, 405mm high x 127mm wide x 140mm deep overall £20-30

  • LOT 25

    A pair of 19thC. oak lion mask corbels, 260mm high x 265mm wide x 164mm deep £60-80

  • LOT 26

    A c.1900 Islamic mother of pearl inlaid octagonal table, some losses, 537mm high x 410mm diameter £30-40

  • LOT 27

    A Benares metal table with folding stand, 530mm high x 570mm diameter £20-30

  • LOT 28

    An antique Sheraton style mahogany jardiniere & stand, 727mm tall x 345mm diameter at top £30-40

  • LOT 29

    A substantial ecclesiastical, Gothic wrought iron candle holder twinned with three others, tallest 940mm to include a wrought iron lamp £30-40

  • LOT 30

    A retro stylised brass stag, 280mm high £10-20

  • LOT 31

    A Seahorse ships lamp & one other, approx. 245mm diameter £60-80

  • LOT 32

    A brass companion set with the "Fowey Ship" finial to the top, 677mm tall £10-20

  • LOT 33

    An antique nautical lamp, later converted to electrical, 460mm drop £30-40

  • LOT 34

    An early/mid 20thC. nautical lamp, 475mm drop x 430mm at widest £30-40

  • LOT 35

    An early 20thC. copper stern nautical lamp with electrical fitting, 340mm tall £30-40

  • LOT 36

    An early/mid 20thC. nautical lamp, 375mm drop x 320mm diameter £30-40

  • LOT 37

    An early/mid 20thC. nautical lamp, 290mm drop x 310mm diameter £30-40

  • LOT 38

    An early/mid 20thC. nautical lamp, 285mm drop x 300mm diameter £30-40

  • LOT 39

    An early/mid 20thC. nautical lamp, 470mm drop x 430mm diameter £30-40

  • LOT 40

    An early/mid 20thC. nautical lamp, 370mm drop x 320mm diameter £30-40

  • LOT 41

    An early/mid 20thC. nautical lamp, 280mm drop x 300mm diameter £30-40

  • LOT 42

    An early/mid 20thC. nautical lamp, 330mm drop x 300mm diameter £30-40

  • LOT 43

    A c.1940's figurative art deco style glass lamp & shade, 372mm tall £30-50

  • LOT 44

    A brass coaching style lamp twinned with a smaller paraffin lamp, tallest 410mm £20-30

  • LOT 45

    A pair of Casa Pupo milk glass oil lamps, 430mm tall £30-40

  • LOT 46

    A late 19thC. arts & crafts gas lamp with original vaseline glass shade, 645mm drop £50-60

  • LOT 47

    A late 19thC. arts & crafts gas lamp with original glass shade, loss to one decorative finial, 675mm drop £50-60

  • LOT 48

    An Eccles miners lamp, 335mm drop £20-30

  • LOT 49

    An arts & crafts Archibald Knox style copper baking/serving tray with lightly hammered finish & riveted handles, 585mm wide x 335mm deep £30-40

  • LOT 50

    A 17thC. brass alms plate with repoussé decor, depicting an over-sized bunch of grapes being carried by two figures, some wear, 335mm diameter £100-150

  • LOT 51

    A 16thC. brass alms plate with heavy wear to the central repoussé decor, 460mm diameter £30-40

  • LOT 52

    A carved wooden Oriental fisherman with net, 700mm tall £30-40

  • LOT 53

    A decorative carved wooden lamp base with fluted stem above acanthus leaves & scalloped collar, 620mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 54

    An antique copper spirit kettle & stand, 285mm tall, a copper cream carrier & other copper ware including a 19thC. copper kettle, a copper pot pourri & an antique Jersey creamer with inscription £20-30

  • LOT 55

    A pair of substantial manor house curtain tiebacks with two early 20thC. white metal baubles, one with small dent & each 120mm diameter, 980mm long overall £30-40

  • LOT 56

    An Edwardian pipe smokers cabinet, loss to side racks, 320mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 57

    A 19thC. spice box, possibly yew wood, old repair to lid, 300mm wide £20-30

  • LOT 58

    A vintage brass candlestick telephone with four digit Tavistock phone number, wired for modern usage £30-50

  • LOT 59

    An oak cased barograph, 312mm wide x 176mm high x 166mm deep £60-80

  • LOT 60

    A small mid 20thC. barometer bearing the inscription 'RMS Queen Mary', 165mm dimeter £20-30

  • LOT 61

    A Wilcocks & Gibbs sewing machine with mahogany storage case, case dimensions 377mm high x 360mm wide x 246mm deep £60-80

  • LOT 62

    Two parts of 15thC. medieval period armour (originally found in a similar period house by vendor) £100-200

  • LOT 63

    A retro 1960's Swiss Temde pendant red glass light fitting, lamp shade 250mm at widest x 165mm tall £30-40

  • LOT 64

    A Ball & Skeates Wine & Spirit Merchants stoneware flagon, 455mm tall £30-40

  • LOT 65

    A Webbs Hotel Co. Ltd. Liskeard stoneware flagon, 421mm tall £30-50

  • LOT 66

    A Collier & Co. Wine & Spirit Merchants, Plymouth flat sided stoneware flagon, 3300mm tall, twinned with J. G. Spear Wine Merchants Callington flagon, damage to handle & base & soiled inside £20-30

  • LOT 67

    An antique oak Tantalus set, one bottle damaged, & one other with light damage to stopper, 360mm wide x 310mm high £30-40

  • LOT 68

    A mahogany three tier cake stand, 870mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 69

    A Victorian mahogany breakfast tray, 605mm wide x 410mm deep x 253mm high £30-40

  • LOT 70

    A Gothic style antique oak ecclesiastical stool, 400mm high x 485mm wide x 335mm deep £30-50

  • LOT 71

    A selection of various games, gaming chips & cards with related items £20-30

  • LOT 72

    An African soapstone chess set with board, king size 98mm £30-40

  • LOT 73

    A large vintage weather vane depicting a sailboat, 1320mm tall £60-80

  • LOT 74

    A Danish Anglepoise style work light £10-20

  • LOT 75

    A collection of leather horse bridles (6), twinned with other riding tack of various sizes, some a/f £50-60

  • LOT 76

    A leather child's saddle with stirrups, 16in £20-30

  • LOT 77

    A leather saddle with stirrups, 18.75in £20-30

  • LOT 78

    A leather child's saddle with stirrups, 16in £20-30

  • LOT 79

    A cast iron & teak Musgrave, Belfast saddle rack with bridle rack, approx. 490mm long £100-150

  • LOT 80

    A cast iron & teak Musgrave, Belfast saddle rack with bridle rack, approx. 490mm long £100-150

  • LOT 81

    Two cast iron & teak Musgrave, Belfast saddle racks with two bridle racks, approx. 490mm long £200-300

  • LOT 82

    Two cast iron & teak Musgrave, Belfast saddle racks with bridle rack, approx. 490mm long £200-300

  • LOT 83

    Two leather Gladstone style bags, largest approx. 495mm wide, a/f, twinned with a steel box £20-30

  • LOT 84

    A pine desk top, possibly from church pulpit, some faults, 773mm wide x 531mm deep x 192mm high £20-30

  • LOT 85

    A silver collared hunting whip twinned with a selection of horse riding crops/whips & a 'Lean on Tom Gentry' walking cane measuring stick £30-40

  • LOT 86

    A selection of walking canes, a Bekko light up cane, a shooting stick & top of an African beaded cane £20-30

  • LOT 87

    A silver collared riding crop twinned with three silver & white metal walking canes including Malacca £30-40

  • LOT 88

    An antique curved blade sword, a pair of Solingen sabres, one other sabre, a shooting stick with meet labels dating to 1950's & a whip £50-60

  • LOT 89

    Five hunting bowler hats including two Lock & Co. one Moss Bross & A. J. White twinned with two pith style hats £30-40

  • LOT 90

    A pair of Opticron SRGA 8x42 binoculars with case £20-30

  • LOT 91

    A cased French Crampon & Cie Buffet clarinet £30-40

  • LOT 92

    A collection of approx. 132 c.1970s plastic toy soldiers including British & German twinned with a bag of marbles & small quantity of a/f toy parts £30-40

  • LOT 93

    A Rick Cain Mergence Whale & Dolphin 806/200 twinned with other sculptures including soapstone, a deity & a piece of naturalistic wood, tallest piece 410mm £20-30

  • LOT 94

    A pair of 19thC. cold painted spelter figures, probably Austrian, 495mm tall, her, detached fan, him loss of little finger £30-40

  • LOT 95

    Two large 19thC. French decorative spelter figures, La Musique & La Artiste, loss of finger, possibly paint brush & instrument, 565mm tall £30-40

  • LOT 96

    After A. J. Scotte, a bronzed spelter figure of a musician, 370mm tall £60-80

  • LOT 97

    A 19thC. hand forged axe head, 180mm x 90mm, mounted on wooden handle twinned with an antique steel sword scabbard, 930mm long £30-50

  • LOT 98

    A mid/late 20thC. UK police helmet £20-30

  • LOT 99

    A UK police riot shield, 740mm x 650mm £50-60

  • LOT 100

    An antique Tibetan bronze style Green Tara female Buddha deity, 273mm tall £30-40

  • LOT 101

    Three Japanese bronze vases with silver & gilded decor, tallest 155mm £20-30

  • LOT 102

    A German Kundo anniversary clock with glass dome, 300mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 103

    A Victorian slate architectural mantle clock, 318mm wide x 255mm high x 145mm deep £20-30

  • LOT 104

    A reproduction French style brass quartz mantle clock, 400mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 105

    A 19thC. French gilt mantle clock with Japy Freres movement, foot a/f, 310mm tall x 190mm wide x 138mm deep £50-60

  • LOT 106

    A brass lantern clock by Mappin & Webb, French movement stamped 2033, 228mm tall £100-150

  • LOT 107

    An ornate 19thC. French figurative gilt mantle clock depicting man sat reading with fox & bird as guests, 440mm wide x 370mm tall, movement stamped R626, with key £80-100

  • LOT 108

    A 20thC. wall mounted "moon phase" style clock, 610mm high £30-40

  • LOT 109

    A Japanese bronze lamp base, 710mm overall £30-50

  • LOT 110

    An impressive large Chinese style lamp with dragon decor, 840mm tall overall £80-100

  • LOT 111

    A pair of decorative lamps, 710mm tall £30-40

  • LOT 112

    A large silver plated canteen of cutlery for eight by Butler of Sheffield, Cavendish Collection £50-60

  • LOT 113

    A quantity of mostly Portmeirion Botanic Garden pottery items included a large soup tureen & cover, chip on teapot lid, approx. 32 pieces, largest piece 310mm tall £60-80

  • LOT 114

    A quantity of uranium & green art deco glassware, approx. 31 pieces, largest piece 278mm tall £30-40

  • LOT 115

    A quantity of mostly 19thC. silver plated ware including an ornate, substantial tureen & cover with one other matching base, 340mm wide, a warming vessel, a pair of smaller tureens with covers with plated ladles, a cased carving set & other plated wares, some a/f £60-80

  • LOT 116

    A four piece silver plated tea & coffee set, monogrammed £20-30

  • LOT 117

    A cased silver plated salt set, a plated fish serving set & three silver plated bread baskets & bowls £10-20

  • LOT 118

    A vintage Coracle wicker picnic basket set for six, approx. 62 pieces, basket 600mm wide £20-30

  • LOT 119

    Two cases of mostly plated tourist ware collectors spoons, some enamelled £20-30

  • LOT 120

    A case of eighteen silver & white metal tourist ware collectors spoons, some enamelled, including Greece, Germany, Borneo, Paris & Mombasa, approx. 168.9g £50-60

  • LOT 121

    An art deco oak mantle clock, 310mm wide x 215mm high x 112mm deep £10-20

  • LOT 122

    A c.1900 architectural steel Ansonia mantel clock, 295mm tall £10-20

  • LOT 123

    An ecclesiastical oak candle box twinned with a made up wall clock with 'sun' dial, 590mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 124

    An 18thC. moonphase longcase clock movement by Brice of Sandwich, 435mm high x 345mm wide x 139mm deep £60-80

  • LOT 125

    A Zeiss Ikon Ikonti twinned with a Kodak Vest Pocket folding camera & case £10-20

  • LOT 126

    A selection of various film cameras including Voigtlander, Halina 35X, Ricoh Super Shot, Zenit-E, Taron & others £30-40

  • LOT 127

    A large quantity of vintage cameras including three movie cameras, Polaroid instant cameras, Kodak & Halina £30-40

  • LOT 128

    A Nikon AF Nikkor 35mm film camera with 70-300mm lens & one other Nikon lens 28-80mm £60-80

  • LOT 129

    A decorative cranberry glass bonbon decorated with vine leaf, one similar cup lacking glass, eight retro 'gold coin' glasses, a barometer a/f & other items £10-20

  • LOT 130

    An Oriental noodle & rice set £10-15

  • LOT 131

    An Emma Bridgewater 'Dairy Shorthorn' butter dish twinned with an antique glass decanter £10-20

  • LOT 132

    An 18th/19thC. Chinese ginger jar lacking cover, 154mm tall, twith with an Oriental hardwood bowl & cover & three antique Cantonese enamel dishes £50-60

  • LOT 133

    A decorative millefiori paperweight, a selection of knives & forks with mother of pearl handles, two knife rest pairs, a tin plate toy tank, a cow bell & other items £10-15

  • LOT 134

    An art deco style porcelain lamp base, 500mm tall, twinned with a smaller decorative lamp, chip to shade & loss of one pendant £10-15

  • LOT 135

    A 1970s Capodimonte porcelain figure group by Bruno Merli, 'Man on bench with Doves' £10-20

  • LOT 136

    A Victorian pewter chamber stick, an Anglo Indian carved & inlaid sandalwood vizagapatam box, a majolica cow bell, repair to handle, a pair of Wedgwood majolica bowls, a Portuguese majolica bowl, a Stellar cutlery set & a small plated coaster £20-30

  • LOT 137

    Two WW1 sweetheart silks twinned with Cow & Gate Farmer's Wife Cream bottle & measure with a Cow & Gate card set £20-30

  • LOT 138

    A brass Indian cobra snake wall sconce for a candle, 745mm high £20-30

  • LOT 139

    A set of eight art nouveau style tiles after Mucha from a cast iron fireplace, 152mm x 152mm £30-40

  • LOT 140

    Two decorative modern lamps, 550mm tall £10-20

  • LOT 141

    A large 19thC. Delphin Massier Vallauris style majolica pottery model of a donkey, impressed number to base, some repairs to base & lower rear legs, 510mm high x 430mm wide x 175mm deep £50-60

  • LOT 142

    Two Chinese abaci with booklet, 370mm wide x 184mm high £20-30

  • LOT 143

    A collection of Underwood & Underwood stereoscope cards 'Switzerland Through The Stereoscope", approx. 92 cards £60-80

  • LOT 144

    Three large antique silver plated basting spoons including Elkington & Co. an enamel milk stirrer, twinned with other pottery & plated ware items £10-20

  • LOT 145

    A selection of various boxes, six miniature prints, a tray, alloy shoe stretchers & other items £20-30

  • LOT 146

    Two Pentax 35mm film cameras, four lenses including Tamron 500mm, Pentax-M SMC 50mm, Vivitar 62mm, Vivitar 62mm, Pentax-M SMC 28mm & Vivitar 28mm & other accessories £30-50

  • LOT 147

    A quantity of mixed camera equipment including Pentax, Fuji & Kodak, various accessories & six lenses including Sigma Telephoto 72mm, Tamron Close Focus 58mm, Tokina 67mm & SMC Pentax-M Zoom 80-200mm £30-50

  • LOT 148

    Book: William Thackery, 24 volumes, published by P. Smith & Elder £50-60

  • LOT 149

    Four Folio Society books - The Silk Road, Folio Book of Days, Wonders of the World & Cities & Civilisations £10-20

  • LOT 150

    Six Folio Society books - The Sun King, Life, The World of Herodotus. Essays, The Newgate Calendar (2) & The Calais Affair £10-20

  • LOT 151

    Seven Folio Society books - Hide My Eyes, Miss Pym Disposes, Three Men in a Boat, Black Mischief, Colour Purple, Haunting of Hill House & Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee £10-20

  • LOT 152

    Nine Folio Society books - Beyond The Pale, The Songlines, Count Belisarius, The Red House Mystery, Tom Jones, In Cold Blood, A Is For Ox, The Daughter of Time & The Amateur Emigrant & the Silverado Squatters £10-20

  • LOT 153

    Three books relating to Wreck & Rescue Around the Cornish Coast £10-20

  • LOT 154

    Book: Anatomical Model of the Cow (pop up), History of Cock Fighting by George Ryley Scott, Hildebrand by John Thorburn & The Scallop £30-40

  • LOT 155

    Five books relating to The Silk Road including one Folio Society £10-20

  • LOT 156

    A Folio Society book set relating to the Legends of King Arthur £10-20

  • LOT 157

    Five Folio Society books - The Secret History, The Conquest of Mexico, The Complete Shorter Fiction, A Visit to Don Otavio & King Leopold's Ghost £10-20

  • LOT 158

    Nine Folio Society books - The Grand Tour, Nelson & Emma, Elizabeth I, The Great Fire of London, The Monks of War, The Time Traveller's Guide to Elizabethan England, Mayflower, The Rosetta Stone & The Travels in the Interior of Africa £20-30

  • LOT 159

    Five Folio Society books - William the Conqueror, London Characters & Crooks, Great Contemporaries by Winston Churchill, Coleridge Among the Lakes & Mountains & Shakespeare's Life & World £10-20

  • LOT 160

    Nine Folio Society books including one box set of three - Agatha Christie - The Pale Horse, Murder on the Orient Express & Ordeal by Innocence, Jane Austen's Letters, John Wyndham - The Midwich Cuckoos, The Chrysalis & The Day of the Triffids, Ride Around Britain & St. Joan of Arc £20-30

  • LOT 161

    Eight Folio Society books including one box set of three - The Story of San Michelle, The Diary of a Country Parson, 1776, Jerome K. Jerome - My Life & Times, The Eagle of the Ninth & Georges Simenon - Maigret & the Saturday Caller, Maigret & the Calame Report & the Wine Merchant £10-20

  • LOT 162

    Nine Folio Society books & one other including Dangerous Liaisons, French Stories, The Trial of Joan of Arc, The Trial of Charles I, The Third Crusade & From Atalanta to the Sea £10-20

  • LOT 163

    Eight Folio Society books & six others including The Lives of the Most Notorious Pirates, The Gold Rush, The Beach of Falesa, The Life of Robert Burns & In Scotland Again £10-20

  • LOT 164

    Six Folio Society books & two others including Beethoven, box set Pick of Punch, Folio Society Book of Days & Book of Greatest 100 Paintings £10-20

  • LOT 165

    Book: Josephine & Her Dolls by Mrs. H. C. Cradock, Albert The Camel's Son by Hugh Heaton, The Second Book of British Birds & Their Nests & two poetry books including Byron £10-15

  • LOT 166

    Book: Alice In Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll, mother of pearl style covers, chip to one corner & gilded pages £10-20

  • LOT 167

    Book: 1698 edition of The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, The First Emperors of Rome by C. Suetonius Tranquillus £50-60

  • LOT 168

    Book: English Miniatures by Jean Du Bourgoing with an introduction by Dr. G. C. Williamson, 1928. Colour plates & uncut pages £60-80

  • LOT 169

    Book: The Contemporary Review Vol XXX, June-November 1877, spine a/f £10-15

  • LOT 170

    Book: Vols II & III Comprehensive History of England by Macfarlane & Thomson, published by Blackie £10-20

  • LOT 171

    Book: The Complete Angler; or, the Contemplative Man's Recreation: Being a Discourse on Rivers, Fish-Ponds, Fish and Fishing, in two parts by Isaac Walton & Charles Cotton, 1808, spine a/f £50-60

  • LOT 172

    Book: Vols I to IV - The Cabinet of Irish Literature by Charles A Read, published by Blackie & Son, 1879 £10-20

  • LOT 173

    Book: Vols I-IV Laing's Scotland, two books with detached covers, 1819, twinned with the Letters of Horace Walpole, 1840 £30-40

  • LOT 174

    Two Pan Books James Bond 007 paperbacks by Ian Fleming; Dr. No & From Russia With Love £10-20

  • LOT 175

    Book: Flowers of the Field by Rev. C. A. Johns twinned with Concise British Flora in Colour £10-15

  • LOT 176

    Book: Winston Churchill - A History of English Speaking People's £10-15

  • LOT 177

    A collection of in excess of 100 photographs of mostly antique furniture & furnishings £20-30

  • LOT 178

    A selection of books related to premium watch brands including Rolex, Jaeger La-Coultre & Girard-Perregaux £20-30

  • LOT 179

    A quantity of mixed mostly novels including Wind In the Willows & Travels with a Donkey £10-20

  • LOT 180

    A collection of travel & adventure related books including Buckskin & Blanket Days by T. H. Tibbles, Images of Persia & The Road to Kabul £10-20

  • LOT 181

    Six self published volumes of Journal of the Royal Central Asian Society, 1958 & three books relating to India £30-40

  • LOT 182

    Book: Siamese Cats & New Siamese Cats by Phyllis Lauder twinned with the Complete Book of Cats by Adie Suehsdorf £10-15

  • LOT 183

    A selection of mixed stamps on & off paper & other related items £10-15

  • LOT 184

    A collection of postcards, mostly modern, includes some trains & other transport £20-30

  • LOT 185

    Four world stamp albums £20-30

  • LOT 186

    A drawer full of worldwide postcards including Plymouth post war rebuild, Stonehenge, New Zealand, Egypt & vintage greetings cards £30-40

  • LOT 187

    Two albums of postcards, mostly modern but does include film actors, Cornwall, comedy & French Railway posters £20-30

  • LOT 188

    A collection eight 19thC. prints of The Bottle & another similar eight prints of The Drunkards Children, one stained, with book of the same £30-40

  • LOT 189

    A boxed Hornby train set £10-20

  • LOT 190

    A selection of 00 gauge railway accessories including trees, landscapes & buildings £10-20

  • LOT 191

    A Scalextric car racing game including track, cars & power £20-30

  • LOT 192

    Two cased fly fishing rods 4/5 & 5/6, one Greys 5/6 reel with four spools & a selection of flies £20-30

  • LOT 193

    A Deans Rag Book growler bear 580mm tall twinned with Amber, Beanie Bears of Lichfield mohair bear, Big Softies Benjiman bear £20-30

  • LOT 194

    Two boxed Matchbox 'Dinky' diecast cars, VW & Mercedes twinned with a boxed Ebbro Honda Accord £10-15

  • LOT 195

    A selection of mostly antique Chinese hardwood vase & ornamental stands, four a/f, tallest 150mm, front three best carved £60-80

  • LOT 196

    A carved giltwood green man frieze for back of cabinet or desk, 885mm wide x 257mm high £30-40

  • LOT 197

    A decorative carved wood seahorse, 1000mm tall £10-15

  • LOT 198

    A 19thC. silver plated two handled tray, 550mm wide x 343mm deep, a large kings pattern silver plated ladle, a silver plated three sectioned handled food warmer, a plated tureen & cover & other plated wares £30-50

  • LOT 199

    A cased bone handled silver plated fish knife & fork set for twelve £20-30

  • LOT 200

    A silver plated epergne twinned with a pair of white metal topped vases, a pair of plated candle sticks & other metal wares £20-30

  • LOT 201

    An eight setting silver plated canteen of cutlery by Arthur Price £30-40

  • LOT 202

    A 19thC. writing slope, 300mm wide x 218mm deep x 150mm high (closed) twinned with a box containing various ephemera including South Devon Cattle Herd book & political notes from mid 20thC. £30-40

  • LOT 203

    An art deco blue glass dressing table set, an art deco chrome photo frame, an art deco figurative posy holder & retro mid/late 20thC. Bohemian glass basket £20-30

  • LOT 204

    A WW2 brass shell & bullet table lighter, later chromium plated, a trench art pipe rest, a WW1 trench art lighter, a pixie & mushroom brass letter rack, a 1920's brass door knocker & base of brass sculpture (lacking heron to top) £20-30

  • LOT 205

    A Mason's plate with Chinoserie decor, a 19thC. small blue & white meat dish, a Dutch delft plate, a faience dish, three antique commemorative cups including Victoria Golden jubilee, a Doulton mounted plated egg cup, an enamel dish & other items £20-30

  • LOT 206

    A selection of antique treen pots, three giltwood shelves, a wine table top & a carved deer figure £20-30

  • LOT 207

    A Yamaha PSR-F51 electronic keyboard, with box & packing, works as should £20-30

  • LOT 208

    A quantity of mostly antique linen & silk items £30-40

  • LOT 209

    A selection of needlework linen & silk items including map of Britain & Royal Artillery silk £20-30

  • LOT 210

    A quantity of linen including antique £20-30

  • LOT 211

    A quantity of mostly crochet & lace type items including antique £20-30

  • LOT 212

    A quantity of mostly antique Christening gowns, bonnets & capes £30-50

  • LOT 213

    A quantity of mostly antique lace wares, bonnets & gloves £20-30

  • LOT 214

    A quantity of mostly ladies gloves including kid leather, bow ties & an evening dress shirt, packaged £20-30

  • LOT 215

    A quantity of material including Liberty & Co. William Morris, Sanderson & Warner, some a/f £30-40

  • LOT 216

    A quantity of tweed including herring bone twinned with tapestry & other items £20-30

  • LOT 217

    A quantity of linen, tableware, lacework, silk work including some antique £30-40

  • LOT 218

    A quantity of various textiles including linen night clothes, black early/mid century dress a/f, lace & crochet trims £20-30

  • LOT 219

    A quantity of linen & various night gowns £30-40

  • LOT 220

    A Chinese silk Kimono, approx. 1100mm hem to collar, label reads United Co. Bermuda £60-80

  • LOT 221

    A small selection of vintage Christmas decorations £10-15

  • LOT 222

    An Afghan style woollen carpet runner, 3520mm long x 825mm wide £50-60

  • LOT 223

    A selection of mixed ephemera including invoices & ledger books, some a/f, dating from 19thC. onward £30-40

  • LOT 224

    A framed glass print of the Brunel bridge twinned with an onyx clock, a silver topped scent bottle & a small boxed hip flask £20-30

  • LOT 225

    Attributed to Fred Yates (1922-2008), a framed oil on panel of sheep entering Cornish field, image size 585mm x 445mm £100-200

  • LOT 226

    Dale Waldorf - titled 'A Burst of Beauty - Protea at Eden', oil on canvas, image size 600mm x 500mm £20-30

  • LOT 227

    A framed mixed media coastal image titled ' Wild Gorse, Little Gribben', monogrammed AJH, image size 500mm x 455mm £30-40

  • LOT 228

    A framed mixed media titled 'Bodmin Moor' by Colin Gibbs, dated 2015, image size 550mm x 440mm £30-40

  • LOT 229

    Richard Tearoe, a framed oil on canvas rural landscape, image size 443mm x 342mm £50-60

  • LOT 230

    A late Victorian oil of cottage & garden, image size 344mm x 242mm £20-30

  • LOT 231

    J. Colishaw, framed oil on canvas depicting galleon at sea titled 'Homeward Bound', 483mm x 392mm £80-100

  • LOT 232

    John Shapland (1865-1929), a pair of watercolours, titled 'Salvatore From Gandina Lake Maggior Spring Exhibition 1904', image size 355mm x 257mm £50-60

  • LOT 233

    A framed acrylic of young woman sleeping twinned with one other of woman, indistinctly signed, largest image size 610mm x 510mm £30-40

  • LOT 234

    A pair of gilt framed Victorian oil landscape paintings, image size 295mm x 195mm £30-40

  • LOT 235

    A Victorian reversed glass painting set in gilt frame, image size 590mm x 390mm £20-30

  • LOT 236

    A framed Cornish coast shipwreck watercolour painting, image size 430mm x 320mm £20-30

  • LOT 237

    David George Steell, (1856-1930), a pair of 19thC. oil on canvas paintings of game still life, signed & dated 1896, image size 345mm x 245mm £100-150

  • LOT 238

    Dion Pears (1929-1985), a pair of marine oil paintings on board featuring tall ships at sea, largest 419mm x 265mm £50-60

  • LOT 239

    A pair of 19thC. oil paintings depicting coastal scene & Castle overlooking an estuary, signed possibly F. R. Offen to bottom corners, image size 396mm x 240mm £150-200

  • LOT 240

    A Jean Owen needlework picture, signed, a June Hicks limited edition signed print 4/50, a signed Simon Drew print, a signed Elizabeth Parr print & two 20thC. samplers £20-30

  • LOT 241

    A framed map of Cornwall after John Speed, 500mm x 380mm overall £20-30

  • LOT 242

    A framed antique print titled 'View of the Courtyard of the White Horse of Fontainebleau' dated 1667, 510mm x 375mm overall £30-40

  • LOT 243

    A selection of various pictures & prints, largest image size 402mm x 297mm £20-30

  • LOT 244

    An early 20thC. oil on panel of sailboat at sea, signed Walker, a watercolour of the Fort at Fontainebleau by Pierre Thiabalt & an oil on canvas of the 'Coming Home Trees', Cornwall £30-40

  • LOT 245

    A gilt framed renaissance style print twinned with two other prints, one signed, largest 745mm x 600mm overall £10-15

  • LOT 246

    A framed Nathaniel & Samuel Buck print of Ford Abbey, Devon, dated 1734, 465mm x 320mm overall, twinned with a 19thC. print of Exeter from Exewick Fields & a 20thC. map of Devon £30-40

  • LOT 247

    A limited edition framed print of the top rated, all time great steeple chaser, Arkle at Cheltenham, hand signed in pencil by the artist Neil Cawthorne & jockey Pat Taaffe, 521/550, 624mm x 480mm inclusive £30-40

  • LOT 248

    Two vintage photographs of naval seamen, one framed, image size 400mm x 300mm £10-15

  • LOT 249

    A pen & ink sketch by Bernard Finnegan Gribble, some notes to verso & small light sketch to left of main picture, signed £30-40

  • LOT 250

    M. Aguilar signed pair of framed oil paintings depicting dream like portraits, largest 714mm x 586mm £60-80

  • LOT 251

    Candido Ballester (Spanish b.1926), a pair of framed mixed media, titled 'Mallorca', image size 474mm x 280mm £60-80

  • LOT 252

    Five gilt framed botanical prints of flowers £20-30

  • LOT 253

    A pair of framed oil on canvas paintings featuring sail ships signed G. Sieben, dated 1936, image size 630mm x 490mm £100-200

  • LOT 254

    A selection of prints & watercolours including one Edwin Knight landscape, as found condition & one Baxter print, a/f £10-20

  • LOT 255

    An oil on panel of a Whitethroat signed B. Holden, a small picture of Liskeard, two Le Blond prints & other paintings, largest image 485mm x 390mm £20-30

  • LOT 256

    Four framed decorative landscape paintings: Julie Brett, Jill Thomas, Claude Kittow & Ken Duxbury, largest 383mm x 205mm £60-80

  • LOT 257

    A George IV sampler by Mary Toms dated November 24th 1828, image size 500mm x 395mm & one other £30-40

  • LOT 258

    A gilt framed needlepoint picture of The Last Supper, image size 580mm x 520mm £30-40

  • LOT 259

    An 1840 Ackerman print 'Costumes of the British Army' set in maple frame, 438mm x 339mm inclusive £20-30

  • LOT 260

    After Isidore Alexandre Augustin Pils (French 1815–1875), a framed 19thC. watercolour on paper of The Zouave, image size 344m x 244mm £50-60

  • LOT 261

    A pair of framed Edwardian hand painted milk glass plaques depicting peacock bird & flowers, signed M. E. Hall, dated 1908, image size 292mm x 215mm £30-40

  • LOT 262

    Wycliffe Eggington (1875-1951), a moorland watercolour titled 'A Moorland View' featuring rider with sheep, dated Nov. 1905, image size 258mm x 180mm £100-150

  • LOT 263

    Mabel Oliver Rae (1868-1956), an interior etching of Kings College, overall size 385mm x 265mm, signed £30-40

  • LOT 264

    Three watercolour landscapes, one Norfolk landscape signed Gerald Ackerman & two others after 'Glover', monogrammed S. B to verso, largest image size 695mm x 460mm £30-40

  • LOT 265

    Goddard Gale (1858-1938), watercolour of sailboat at dusk, signed & dated 1906, twinned with framed watercolour of viking ship, inscribed to verso, 'Viking Boats, framed 1983, painted @ school 1940, Don Porter', largest image size 465mm x 395mm & a small painting of Geevor Tin Mine £30-40

  • LOT 266

    A large floor standing Oriental style stick stand with dragon decor, 775mm tall £30-50

  • LOT 267

    An oak curule style seat, 785mm wide x 600mm high £50-60

  • LOT 268

    A large, ornate Victorian tapestry firescreen with barley twist decor, 975mm tall x 781mm wide £60-80

  • LOT 269

    An antique cushioned music stool with storage under, 575mm high x 488mm wide x 381mm deep £20-30

  • LOT 270

    A wall mounted mahogany bookshelf, 1065mm wide x 898mm high x 190mm deep £30-50

  • LOT 271

    An antique inlaid mahogany cabinet, 618mm wide x 365mm high x 286mm deep £20-30

  • LOT 272

    A 19thC. Canterbury, some trim in draw, some lost & handles missing, 452mm wide x 510mm high x 303mm deep £30-40

  • LOT 273

    A French marble topped walnut bedside table with drawer & shelf under, 860mm tall x 428mm wide x 350mm deep £50-60

  • LOT 274

    A French mahogany marble topped & lined pot cupboard, 840mm tall x 450mm wide x 385mm deep £50-60

  • LOT 275

    An Edwardian breakfront display cabinet, top frieze lacking piece of dowling, 1900mm high x 1195mm wide x 400mm at deepest £60-80

  • LOT 276

    An 18thC. continental oak dresser, 1890mm high x 1640mm wide x 490mm deep £200-300

  • LOT 277

    A low level oak shelf unit, 700mm high x 560mm wide x 338mm deep £10-15

  • LOT 278

    A decorative oak bookcase, 995mm tall x 595mm wide x 190mm deep £20-30

  • LOT 279

    A late 17th/ early 18thC. oak gate leg table, 1410mm wide x 1245mm deep x 713mm high £100-150

  • LOT 280

    A pair of Mughal style teak & iron doors, approx. 1830mm high x 1270mm wide including later hinge bars £100-150

  • LOT 281

    A pair of Mughal style teak & iron doors, approx. 1790mm high x 1000mm wide including later hinge bars £100-150

  • LOT 282

    A Howard Keith retro 'Encore' cocktail chair, 900mm at highest point to back twinned with upholstered rotating armchair £30-40

  • LOT 283

    A cast iron Scan Andersen 1 log burner, glass cracked on door, top plate missing & damage to interior heat bricks, 720mm high x 560mm deep x 380mm wide £50-60

  • LOT 284

    A retro brass mounted onyx coffee table, 1050mm wide x 450mm high x 450mm deep £10-20

  • LOT 285

    A Lane Altavista, Virginia oak coffee table with brass feet caps, originally purchased from Harrods, London, 1317mm wide x 604mm deep x 410mm high £30-40

  • LOT 286

    A selection of various stools, five in total £20-30

  • LOT 287

    A 19thC. mahogany Pembroke table with drawer, 1050mm wide x 875mm deep x 730mm high £20-30

  • LOT 288

    A 19thC. pine trunk, 785mm wide x 460mm deep x 480mm high £20-30

  • LOT 289

    A pair of reproduction Victorian side tables, 615mm wide x 390mm deep x 680mm high £20-30

  • LOT 290

    A pair of small oak foot stools, 440mm wide x 258mm deep x 380mm high £10-20

  • LOT 291

    An antique oak back to back church pew, 1038mm high x 741mm wide x 598mm deep £60-80

  • LOT 292

    A brass inlaid Anglo-Indian carved teak table with fretwork decor folding frame (some losses to one side), 610mm wide x 600mm deep x 605mm high £60-80

  • LOT 293

    A three drawer pine chest, 660mm high x 450mm wide x 400mm deep £5-10

  • LOT 294

    A 19thC. lacquered walnut Chinoiserie Queen Anne style armchair, some wear to décor, 1020mm high to back £30-40

  • LOT 295

    A pine book shelf, 1215mm tall x 457mm wide x 190mm at deepest, twinned with pine bedside cabinet & a small teak console table & drawer with recessed pull, 602mm wide x 454mm wide x 498mm £10-20

  • LOT 296

    A rustic style pine console table with two drawers, 1270mm wide x 480mm wide x 735mm high £20-30

  • LOT 297

    A Victorian mahogany sideboard with five drawers, 1150mm wide x 845mm high x 528mm deep £50-60

  • LOT 298

    A Georgian style 19thC. leather topped mahogany desk by Bartholomew & Fletcher, 1058mm wide x 761mm high x 641mm deep £80-100

  • LOT 299

    A pair of 21stC. sofas on legs with brass wheels to front, each 1850mm wide x 1030mm deep £100-150

  • LOT 300

    A 19thC. mahogany work table with extending leaves & lift up top, 725mm tall x 660mm wide, extended x 440mm deep £10-20

  • LOT 301

    An antique upholstered bucket chair, 820mm high to back £20-30

  • LOT 302

    A 19thC. mahogany Pembroke table with drawer, 928mm wide x 818mm deep x 715mm high £20-30

  • LOT 303

    Four vintage Ercol oak chairs, some losses to veneer to splats, 855mm high to back £10-20

  • LOT 304

    A part painted compact pine dresser, 1069mm wide x 1852mm tall x 465mm deep £30-40

  • LOT 305

    A pair of antique Gothic ecclesiastical oak settles inscribed 'Praise The Lord' with the monogram for Jesus Christ 'IHS', 1210mm high to back x 600mm wide x 490mm deep £250-300

  • LOT 306

    A pair of antique Gothic ecclesiastical oak Glastonbury chairs with Jesus Christ monogram 'IHS' carved into back, 920mm high to back x 820mm wide x 565mm deep £150-200

  • LOT 307

    A large George III walnut chest of drawers with brass fittings, 1100mm wide x 595mm deep x 1110mm high £100-200

  • LOT 308

    A 1920/30s oak longcase clock, 1825mm tall x 450mm wide x 245mm deep £60-80

  • LOT 309

    A 1920/30s grandmother clock, 1340mm tall x 255mm wide x 245mm deep £30-40

  • LOT 310

    An antique Gothic oak Wainscott style throne chair, 1460mm high to back x 650mm wide x 640mm deep £250-300

  • LOT 311

    A 19thC. walnut tilt top breakfast table, 1210mm wide x 900mm deep x 730mm high £100-150

  • LOT 312

    A painted French style writing desk with glass top, chip to glass near one corner, 840mm wide x 555mm deep x 800mm high £20-30

  • LOT 313

    An antique oak drop leaf dining table with barley twist legs, 1500mm wide extended x 1050mm deep x 720mm high £30-50

  • LOT 314

    An Edwardian mahogany chest of drawers, 912mm wide x 785mm high x 483mm deep £60-80

  • LOT 315

    An Oriental camphor wood chest, 1010mm wide x 505mm deep x 580mm high £30-50

  • LOT 316

    A 17thC. Italian walnut carved coffer with key, some replacement & restorative works, 1530mm x 565mm high 550mm deep £80-100

  • LOT 317

    A 19thC. French style inlaid walnut shoe rack with mirrored door, 1060mm high x 710mm wide x 330mm deep £60-80

  • LOT 318

    A Victorian burr walnut and marble credenza, some faults, 1200mm wide x 330mm deep x 830mm high £50-60

  • LOT 319

    A large antique oak bookcase with footed pedestal & adjustable shelves, 1825mm tall x 995mm wide x 360mm deep £60-80

  • LOT 320

    Six Victorian mahogany dining chairs (right) twinned with three rosewood dining chairs (left) & one other dining chair, sample shown, some faults £40-50

  • LOT 321

    An oak framed dressing table mirror, 580mm high x 470mm wide x 150mm deep £10-15

  • LOT 322

    A 19thC. military campaign chest with brass corners & recessed pulls, 990mm wide x 1100mm high x 475mm deep £100-200

  • LOT 323

    A large pine framed mirror, 1310mm wide x 1010mm high £20-30

  • LOT 324

    A large Edwardian pine framed mirror, 1590mm tall x 645mm wide £30-50

  • LOT 325

    A 19thC. oval satinwood framed mirror, 701mm tall x 552mm wide £20-30

  • LOT 326

    A 19thC. mahogany dressing table mirror with drawer, 650mm high x 420mm wide x 195mm deep £10-20

  • LOT 327

    A Victorian folk art panel with shelf with engraved decor depicting someone playing wind instrument whilst another dances & one looks on, dot work title under 'When the cats away, the mice will play', 530mm high x 636mm wide £20-30

  • LOT 328

    A Victorian oak canteen with two drawers, crack to top, plaque loose, fault to one handle, 500mm wide x 340mm deep x 240mm high £20-30

  • LOT 329

    A c.1900 American style clock with pendulum, 395mm tall x 300mm wide £20-30

  • LOT 330

    A 19thC. gesso framed religious icon, measures 316mm tall, twinned with four decorative picture frames with relief decor £20-30

  • LOT 331

    A pair of romantic prints of man asking woman for marriage set in carved frames with velvet mounts, titled Yes or No & Yes! published by Smith, Laurie & Co. Newcastle, 910mm tall x 575mm wide, twinned with a 19thC. print of Oxford Commemoration at Magdalen Bridge £20-30

  • LOT 332

    A heavy 19thC. oak framed mirror, 615mm wide x 590mm tall £10-20

  • LOT 333

    A collection of mostly rocks & minerals twinned with a small collection of antiquated pottery pieces, with case £30-40

  • LOT 334

    An early/mid 20thC. night gown holder dog toy, a treen pot with lid, an oak box, a botanical print book & a copper Islamic kettle £10-15

  • LOT 335

    A small collection of covers & coins twinned with a stamp album with an Edward VII one pound, Edward VII ten shilling, Victorian five shillings, a Victorian two & Six & other stamps £20-30

  • LOT 336

    A 1933 Kampf Ums Dritte Reich book with colour photographic images of the Third Reich party propaganda cigarette cards £20-30

  • LOT 337

    A framed Winchester watercolour signed Lamprell '76 twinned with At Bath folio no.1 by Martin Fisher & Downfall of Augustus Hare book £10-20

  • LOT 338

    A selection of various prints & paintings including six Victorian watercolours £10-20

  • LOT 339

    A boxed pair of carved lacquer vases, one with small chip to edge of base rim, 210mm high £10-20

  • LOT 340

    A quantity of Villeroy & Boch Gallo design Switch 4 tea ware, 29 pieces £20-30

  • LOT 341

    A cased W.H. Harling drawing set £10-15

  • LOT 342

    Two small watercolour paintings by Tony Warren, one of lifeboat & another of sailing ship, each 179mm x 127mm £20-30

  • LOT 343

    A watercolour of the Drake Manor Inn at Buckland Monachorum, West Devon, signed 'R. A. Maybe', image size 390mm x 290mm, twinned with one other watercolour, indistinctly signed £20-30

  • LOT 344

    Two graduated art glass vases twinned with a smoked art glass bowl, all with polished out pontil marks, bowl 370mm diameter, largest vase 265mm tall x 220mm diameter £30-40

  • LOT 345

    Three Royal Crown Derby paperweights, Rabbit, Contente Kitten & Dormouse, all with gold stoppers, rabbit 85mm wide £30-40

  • LOT 346

    A Royal Crown Derby Chiff Chaff, 95mm wide, gold stopper £10-15

  • LOT 347

    A large Kaiser German porcelain brush pot vase with Olivia pattern, 320mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 348

    Six Meissen porcelain floral cups & saucers, one saucer & cup with small chips, one cup lacking saucer & has repair, under glaze crossed swords mark to base £30-40

  • LOT 349

    After Kaendler, three Meissen monkey band figures, the pianist, loss to tip of finger, drummer, has restoration & lute player, loss to neck of instrument, one hand & end of a foot, tallest 140mm, under glaze crossed swords mark to base £60-80

  • LOT 350

    Three Lladro figures including Goose Girl, tallest 252mm, recumbent boy, 225mm long £30-40

  • LOT 351

    Four Liskeard glass tankards including one cider, one Liskeard glass knobbly vase, an art glass vase & a Liskeard coin £10-20

  • LOT 352

    Three retro German pottery vases, tallest 282mm £10-20

  • LOT 353

    Six Charles Dickens character sandwich plates by Alfred Meakin, twinned with six German porcelain cups & saucers & a Royal Crown Derby butter knife & dish £10-20

  • LOT 354

    A Royal Albert trio, a 19thC. tureen & cover, an Oriental style chocolate pot & cover & other similar items £10-20

  • LOT 355

    Ten pieces of Portmeirion Botanical Garden glassware including ice bucket & large salad bowl £20-30

  • LOT 356

    Two Beswick pigs, Benjamin & Richard, 145mm tall £10-20

  • LOT 357

    An art nouveau pottery vase, possibly Lauder Barum, Devon, repair to one handle, 260mm diameter x 220mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 358

    A substantial art glass vase, probably Czechoslovakian, 340mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 359

    A 17thC. Iznik pottery tankard, faint 60mm curved hairline from rim, 125mm tall £100-150

  • LOT 360

    A pair of Paragon anniversary cups & saucers twinned with a Queen Victoria plate, 245mm diameter £10-20

  • LOT 361

    A Walsh signed cut glass crystal decanter with William Hutton & Sons 1935 Sheffield silver collar, very small chip to edge of base & probably later stopper, 255mm tall £10-20

  • LOT 362

    A decorative resin type model of Reclining Venus, 320mm wide £20-30

  • LOT 363

    A Royal Doulton Thelwell pony figure with box twinned with a Liskeard glass bowl & an art glass vase, 385mm tall £10-20

  • LOT 364

    A small collection of Oriental cloisonne pieces including a pair of vases & three bird figures, tallest 125mm £30-40

  • LOT 365

    A Limoges trinket box twinned with two Japanese vases & porcelain wares including Aynsley £10-15

  • LOT 366

    Four over-sized Royal Worcester 'Cup of Cups' cups & saucers, cup 110mm x 72mm, saucer 167mm diameter £20-30

  • LOT 367

    A pair of 19thC. cranberry vases 165mm tall, twinned with a Scottish stoneware jug by Buchan, Portobello £20-30

  • LOT 368

    A Royal Doulton humidor signed Noke, small chip to underside of rim, 155mm tall £10-20

  • LOT 369

    A silver plated ale tankard twinned with plated grape scissors, other plated wares & four pieces of a Wedgwood bachelors set £10-15

  • LOT 370

    A Lladro polar bear, a pair of jade foo dogs, a bronze style elephant & a Swarovski crystal swan £20-30

  • LOT 371

    A 19thC. Oriental imari dish twinned with a Poole pottery bowl & other ceramics including 19thC. £30-40

  • LOT 372

    Two boxed Rosenthal Studioline items, a porcelain art vase & a similar art glass, tallest 235mm £20-30

  • LOT 373

    A selection of Liskeard related china items £10-20

  • LOT 374

    A pair of painted vintage Jaguar car mascots, 195mm long £30-40

  • LOT 375

    A selection of mostly polished stone eggs £10-15

  • LOT 376

    An F. Winkle & Co. set of English china comprising six comports & twelve matching plates £20-30

  • LOT 377

    A selection of crested wares including Goss twinned with a Staffordshire enamel £10-20

  • LOT 378

    A 19thC. glass urn, 197mm wide x 135mm high, a 19thC. Bristol blue glass insert, both with faults, twinned with a studio art pottery dish £10-20

  • LOT 379

    An antique Japanese Satsuma vase & cover, 383mm tall £100-150

  • LOT 380

    Three blown glass baubles, largest 100mm diameter £20-30

  • LOT 381

    A Japanese vase with enamelled floral decor, 220mm tall, chip to underside of rim £30-40

  • LOT 382

    Two Doulton 5271 pattern stoneware bottle vases, 190mm & 185mm tall, one with crude repair to damage to rim £10-20

  • LOT 383

    A 1930's art deco decanter set, probably by Karl Palda, all the glasses have chips, the decanter as has chips £10-20

  • LOT 384

    Two Moser style enamelled glasses twinned with four Salviati style glass Oriental carp, 150mm long, one lacking a fin £30-40

  • LOT 385

    Eight large glass ale rummers, 135mm tall £60-80

  • LOT 386

    A blue striped studio pottery vase, indistinctly signed, three other studio pottery items & a salt glazed bottle, tallest 150mm £20-30

  • LOT 387

    A selection of mostly 19thC. glasses including four matching champagne glasses, three Stiegel style etched glasses, an 18thC. rummer & an antique French four chamber decanter £50-60

  • LOT 388

    A small collection of crested ware including a Cornish pasty £10-15

  • LOT 389

    Nine 19thC. Minton dessert plates twinned with eight late 19thC. Berlin blanc de chine porcelain cups with six matching saucers with relief decor £60-80

  • LOT 390

    A Baccarat crystal ice bucket, a pair of Baccarat red wine glasses, a pair of Bacarrat white wine glasses, one cracked twinned with a glass candle holder, an Orient Express glass & Orient Express photo frame £60-80

  • LOT 391

    A Ridgway Pottery Royal Vale part tea set £10-15

  • LOT 392

    A sixty piece Wedgwood Florentine tea set with tea pot & cake/sandwich plates £100-200

  • LOT 393

    Two pieces of 1960's European art glass sculpture, possibly by Makora Kronso, Poland, tallest 266mm £30-40

  • LOT 394

    A Tremar pottery style open work vase, 310mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 395

    Nine silver plated Rolex spoons by Bucherer Watches £20-30

  • LOT 396

    Two Royal Doulton figurines, Mary, 220mm tall, twinned with six Coalport figurines including Daphne & Diana £30-40

  • LOT 397

    A selection of various continental porcelain figures & ornaments including a 19thC. Meissen style pug a/f, Dresden figures & others, largest 185mm £30-40

  • LOT 398

    Three 19thC. cloth dolls, 165mm tall £30-40

  • LOT 399

    A pair of miniature traditional Madeira boots twinned with leather hob nail style boot, 175mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 400

    A gold plated Parker 61 fountain pen, one matching biro with other pens & a silver pencil £10-20

  • LOT 401

    A Copeland porcelain parianware group 'Chasse Au Lapin', after P. J Mene. repair & also a loss to one dog foot, 320mm wide £20-30

  • LOT 402

    A Clarice Cliff 'My Garden' charger with relief floral decor, firing blemish to rear, very small grazing to rim edge, 338mm diameter £30-40

  • LOT 403

    Three Sklo Union glass vases, a Pertti Santalahti style art glass, a Liskeard glass vase & other glassware £30-50

  • LOT 404

    An 18thC. Stiegel style etched glass vase, 250mm tall x 166mm wide at rim £50-60

  • LOT 405

    A two handled pewter tankard, somewhat indistinct stamp, possibly reads "C II KRK", 165mm tall x 245mm at widest £10-20

  • LOT 406

    A collection of badges, mostly Russian £10-20

  • LOT 407

    A 19thC. alabaster box set with cartouche holding watercolour of Schnepfenthal Salzmann boarding school, Gotha, Germany, damage & loss of glass to bottom right of oval, 131mm wide x 91mm deep x 72mm high £30-40

  • LOT 408

    An art deco style bronzed spelter figure lacking plinth, 182mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 409

    A large 19thC. Nailsea glass style cranberry pipe twinned with one other, largest 435mm long £20-30

  • LOT 410

    A Folio Society book on Trafalgar twinned with a piece of oak set within a paperweight from Nelson's flagship, HMS Victory £20-30

  • LOT 411

    A Rosenthal Studioline plate by Dorothy Hafner, 350mm wide £20-30

  • LOT 412

    A Turdric pewter tray no. 0287 designed by William Haseler & sold by Liberty & Co. London, 284mm wide x 210mm wide £50-60

  • LOT 413

    A Beswick pottery horse twinned with a Border Fine Arts 'Full Stretch' model 1368/1500 (loss to whip) & a bronzed resin model of racehorse with jockey, tallest 230mm £30-50

  • LOT 414

    A Dartmouth pottery glug glug jug, 230mm tall, twinned with a silver topped scent bottle, stopper a/f £20-30

  • LOT 415

    A collection of various plates including Ridgways Cornwall, two Limoges, Bloor Derby imari & a plated tray £10-20

  • LOT 416

    A collection of six retro Glyn Colledge, Denby pottery items including tankard & 'cloisonne boat', tankard 130mm tall £30-40

  • LOT 417

    A collection of five retro Glyn Colledge, Denby pottery vases, two plant pots & a bowl, tallest 205mm, bowl 225mm diameter £50-60

  • LOT 418

    A large retro Glyn Colledge, Denby pottery jug, 305mm tall £10-20

  • LOT 419

    A large retro Glyn Colledge, Denby pottery jug, 336mm tall £10-20

  • LOT 420

    A large retro Glyn Colledge, Denby pottery jug, 314mm tall £10-20

  • LOT 421

    A Royal Doulton Churchill character jug, 225mm tall, twinned with a Portmeirion Botanical Gardens teapot, a Wedgwood trinket box & a pottery tomato tray £10-20

  • LOT 422

    A vintage Strathearn glass paperweight, 65mm diameter £10-20

  • LOT 423

    A 19thC. brass mounted porcelain icon, 85mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 424

    An early 20thC. brass Japanese niello work cigarette case, 90mm x 81mm £10-20

  • LOT 425

    A Kukri knife, 443mm long £20-30

  • LOT 426

    Two J.C. Boldoot, Amsterdam figurative scent bottles, male with losses to end of feet, 89mm tall £10-15

  • LOT 427

    A Black Forest bear wine stopper, one pheasant & a Dutch embossed white metal pourer £30-50

  • LOT 428

    A pair of 19thC. silver plated extending candle sticks, a pair of 19thC. brass candlesticks & a brass box, tallest 270mm £20-30

  • LOT 429

    A Russ vintage edition mohair Bartholomew bear, no.10803 of 25000, small hole near eye, 175mm tall £10-15

  • LOT 430

    A brass Smiths eight day carriage clock with key, not running, height 130mm £20-30

  • LOT 431

    A brass field microscope, 160mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 432

    A cased Hohner chromatic harmonica, inscribed The Larry Adler Professional 2 £10-20

  • LOT 433

    A boxed Poole Pottery 21st anniversary plate, 148/150, 300m diameter £10-20

  • LOT 434

    A brass military bugle with Argyll & Sutherland motive, 280mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 435

    A hand decorated wooden cigarette case twinned with a Connaught Rooms vesta case £10-15

  • LOT 436

    A vintage W. T. & S brass reception bell, 130mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 437

    A 19thC. school bell, old repair, retains good tone, 265mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 438

    A brass open work oil lamp base twinned with a brass mounted clock, tallest 305mm £20-30

  • LOT 439

    A cut glass crystal ice bucket with tongs, twinned with silver plated coasters, bucket 230mm tall inclusive £10-20

  • LOT 440

    A three piece arts & crafts style silver plated tea set twinned with a similar potpourri a/f & other plated ware, teapot 180mm high £20-30

  • LOT 441

    A collection of 19thC. editions of Lake's Falmouth Packet, periodical broadsheet, 1870 - Jan to Dec; 1875 - Jan to Dec; 1871 Jan to May; 1874 - Jan to July £80-100

  • LOT 442

    Six hardwood antique door handles £30-40

  • LOT 443

    A c.1920's pair of floral vases with one other in centre, tallest 427mm £30-40

  • LOT 444

    A Victorian glass vase garniture with floral decor, tallest 415mm £30-40

  • LOT 445

    A late Victorian pottery wash bowl of scalloped form with garland decor, small chip to rim, 445mm wide x 330mm deep x 150mm high, 'The Foley Faience' printed to base £20-30

  • LOT 446

    A Cornish studio pottery bowl & basin, jug stamped 'Zane', bowl 305mm diameter, jug 190mm tall £10-20

  • LOT 447

    A pair of 19thC. sugar cutters, a Mappin & Webb pepper grinder, a cigar cutter, a boxed egg coddler set & a needle case £10-15

  • LOT 448

    A Syrian style dagger with scabbard, 290mm long £10-20

  • LOT 449

    A George V tin money box, a George V & Mary bakelite vesta case, a 1925 London Exhibition multi-tool knife, an East Cornwall Bell Ringing Association badge, a made up miniature horse shoe & three metal pencils £10-20

  • LOT 450

    An antique miniature mandolin & lute musical instrument models, 130mm long £20-30

  • LOT 451

    A quantity of mixed ephemera, two treen boxes, a small case, a leather flask case & other sundries £20-30

  • LOT 452

    A cut glass claret jug with ornate silver plated handle, a decanter with gin label & four other glass decanters £20-30

  • LOT 453

    An antique Faberge Russian cut glass decanter with silver top with 84 standard & the silver mark for Karl Faberge, lacking stopper, one very small chip to shoulder of decanter & two smaller ones along with a small chip to edge of base, 143mm tall, twinned with a 19thC. glass small claret jug, probably Russian, 198mm tall, lacking stopper £30-40

  • LOT 454

    A George III 1804 Paul Storr London silver mounted cut glass sweet meat lacking cover, height 115mm £30-40

  • LOT 455

    A George III 1817 London silver teapot by Charles Fox, 1030g. Ivory exemption number 28A9EDBZ £400-500

  • LOT 456

    An 1898 Victorian Sheffield silver coffee pot by James Dixon & Sons Ltd. dented to lower half, 680g £250-350

  • LOT 457

    A 1937 art deco Birmingham silver tea strainer & stand by Barker Brothers Ltd. two pieces date to 1937 & 1939 respectively, 55.1g £20-30

  • LOT 458

    An 1892 Victorian Birmingham silver cream jug, rubbed maker mark, 57.1g £20-30

  • LOT 459

    A pair of 1945 Birmingham silver George Unite silver toast racks, one a/f, 79g £30-40

  • LOT 460

    Two Birmingham silver mustards, both a/f, both date to 1899, 150.9g £60-80

  • LOT 461

    A 1902 Edwardian silver pair of serviette rings by Harrison Bros. & Howson, numbered 1 & 2, monogrammed, 59.4g £20-30

  • LOT 462

    Three serviette rings, two Birmingham silver 1894 & 1921, the other 19thC. white metal dating to c. 1897, 83.3g total £30-40

  • LOT 463

    Four serviette rings, one sterling silver with elephant decor, one Chester & two Birmingham, 66.2g £30-40

  • LOT 464

    An 1848 Victorian London silver salver by Edward, John & William Barnard, 138g, 160mm diameter, etched with decorative crest £60-80

  • LOT 465

    An 1833 William IV silver teaspoon by William Woodman twinned with other silver items, 84g £30-40

  • LOT 466

    An 1828 George IV London silver pair of sugar tongs by David Phillips twinned with a silver spoon with floral finial & two silver condiment spoons, 52.8g £20-30

  • LOT 467

    A decoratively mounted 1887 Victorian London silver vanity mirror by William Comyns & Sons, 290mm long £20-30

  • LOT 468

    A Georgian silver tea spoon, a pair of white metal handled fish servers & a pair of 1899 Victorian Sheffield silver sugar tongs by Copper Bros. silver weight 38.6g £20-30

  • LOT 469

    A pair of silver handled spoons a/f twinned with an Eversharp silver self propelling pencil & a Birmingham silver pencil holder £10-20

  • LOT 470

    A decorative Victorian 1900 London silver cake fork by William Hutton & Sons Ltd, a silver backed brush, a small 0.800 silver condiment spoon, a silver handled cake server, a small EPNS trowel & two silver topped glass salts, weighable silver 57g £30-40

  • LOT 471

    A white metal lidded gourd in the form of a pumpkin, 61mm x 57mm, 63g £20-30

  • LOT 472

    A small 0.800 Italian silver pin tray, monogrammed AG, 82mm x 57mm, 28.3g £10-20

  • LOT 473

    A 1925 Birmingham silver christening cup by Joseph Hayward & Son, some bumps, twinned with other hallmarked silver items, some a/f, 244g £100-150

  • LOT 474

    A pair of small 1911 Birmingham silver photo frames by G & C Ltd. both a/f, 66mm x 63mm £10-15

  • LOT 475

    A Birmingham silver condiment by Nathan & Hayes, dating to 1892, rubbed marks twinned with a Birmingham silver Walker & Hall mustard pot dating to 1921 & a 1989 Hampton Utilities silver spoon, silver weight 59g £20-30

  • LOT 476

    A 19thC. ruby glass scent bottle, 101mm long twinned with a 19thC. double ended cranberry glass scent bottle, 130mm long £30-40

  • LOT 477

    Five thimbles including one brass cloisonne, one Charles Horner Chester silver, one 1977 Silver Jubilee in silver & enamel & two white metal continental £20-30

  • LOT 478

    A 1989 Birmingham silver cigar piercer by H. Huntley & Sons, 73mm long extended, 4.6g £10-20

  • LOT 479

    A 2011 Birmingham silver irregular heart pendant, 10.5g £10-15

  • LOT 480

    An 18thC. Georgian enamel patch box with motto 'Love me & leave me not', 22mm diameter £20-30

  • LOT 481

    Two silver horse related stock pins, 8.3g £10-20

  • LOT 482

    A 1953 Glasgow silver thistle set with amethyst brooch by Ward Bros. 30mm diameter, 6.6g £20-30

  • LOT 483

    An 1880 Victorian silver locket by Cornelius Desormeaux Saunders Sr & James Francis Hollings Shepard, slightly a/f, 16.8g £20-30

  • LOT 484

    A silver charm bracelet set with many enamel shields & crests, 68.7g £60-80

  • LOT 485

    A pair of 1976 London Celtic cross silver earrings twinned with a 600mm silver chain with enamelled James Fenton silver Yorkshire white rose pendant (formerly a brooch), 26.4g £10-20

  • LOT 486

    A 1987 Sheffield silver cat brooch set with sapphires for eyes, maker SJM, 5.7g, 43mm wide £10-20

  • LOT 487

    An early 20thC. white metal vanity mirror & clothes brush, mirror 270mm long, twinned with an art deco brush £20-30

  • LOT 488

    A 19thC. white metal topped scent bottle with faceted shoulders, a Barlings 3184 pipe, unused, an RMS Asturias silver plated tyg, a boxed Colibri lighter, two crowns & a WW2 MOD issued Bosun's whistle £20-30

  • LOT 489

    Five novelty wine corks with brass African wildlife finials £10-15

  • LOT 490

    A selection of military ribbons & bars, some cased in sterling silver £10-20

  • LOT 491

    A selection of mostly masonic medal mounts, some silver £10-20

  • LOT 492

    A cut glass Victorian scent bottle with London 1861 silver collar, twinned with a silver topped jar, a silver topped inkwell, a/f & a white metal tooth pick holder £20-30

  • LOT 493

    Two butterscotch amber chip necklaces, 95.9g £20-30

  • LOT 494

    An .800 silver pocket watch, movement set with 15 rubies, diameter 48.75mm, not running £20-30

  • LOT 495

    A Dunhill tie clip twinned with a Lobor gents wristwatch with .999 gold ingot to dial £50-60

  • LOT 496

    A 19thC. white & yellow metal mounted lava cameo brooch, 43mm x 34mm, 16.2g £60-80

  • LOT 497

    A collection of Victorian amber beads, largest 16mm diameter, 51.9g £50-100

  • LOT 498

    A 1920's coral necklace, clasp a/f, 580mm long, 27.3g £20-30

  • LOT 499

    A Norwegian silver & enamel necklace twinned with other silver & enamelled jewellery, 39.1g £20-30

  • LOT 500

    Two antique coral necklaces, one 880mm long £30-40

  • LOT 501

    A selection of silver & white metal fashion jewellery, some earrings lacking pairing, 52.8g £20-30

  • LOT 502

    A small selection of fashion jewellery including silver £10-20

  • LOT 503

    A well carved cameo brooch, an antique bog oak brooch, two yellow metal brooches, three silver brooches & a metal chain £30-50

  • LOT 504

    A selection of silver & white metal jewellery including enamelled bracelet & lapis lazuli pendant, 113g £50-60

  • LOT 505

    An 1880 Victorian Birmingham silver bangle with organic decor, internal measurement 58mm x 48mm, 39.3g £20-30

  • LOT 506

    A white metal multi tool, two buttons, a Victorian silver four pence & other items £10-15

  • LOT 507

    Two gold plated S. T. Dupont lighters, some signs of usage £20-30

  • LOT 508

    A Longines Hydroconquest ladies wristwatch with outer & inner case £100-200

  • LOT 509

    A boxed Lalique glass purple heart pendant £20-30

  • LOT 510

    A set of faux pearls with 9ct gold clasp, 360mm long £10-15

  • LOT 511

    A Rotary Super 41 Rotamatic gents wristwatch, 34mm case, running £20-30

  • LOT 512

    A boxed ladies plated Tissot wristwatch 20mm case, twinned with a similar 9ct gold cased Tissot 'Stylist' wristwatch with plated strap, 17mm case £50-60

  • LOT 513

    Five pocket watches including W. T. Williams, Presteigne with Chester silver case & one brass Smiths, some with faults £30-40

  • LOT 514

    Three silver pocket watches, with faults £20-30

  • LOT 515

    A Victorian Waltham Watch Co. full hunter pocket watch in 1896 Birmingham silver case, 115g, case 52mm, wound, ran & stopped £20-30

  • LOT 516

    A Mitzuk cultured pearl necklace with 18ct gold clasp, 420mm long, 13.69g, with box £40-50

  • LOT 517

    A 1911 George V full gold sovereign, slight damage to top of milled edge, 8g £300-500

  • LOT 518

    A 1911 George V full gold sovereign, 8g £300-500

  • LOT 519

    A Victorian full gold sovereign in 9ct gold mount, 10.6g £300-500

  • LOT 520

    An 1887 mounted Victorian £2 double sovereign with 9ct gold mounting, 17g £600-1000

  • LOT 521

    A 1964 Elizabeth II full gold sovereign in 9ct gold mount with 9ct 470mm long chain, 19.4g £400-600

  • LOT 522

    A 1979 one ounce South African Krugerrand, with 9ct gold mount & 620mm chain, 59.6g £1000-2000

  • LOT 523

    A one ounce .9999 fine gold ingot with 21ct gold 690mm chain & mount, ingot decorated with Oriental woman to verso, 61.3g £2000-3000

  • LOT 524

    An 18ct gold Cartier 'Love' bangle with original screwdriver, internal measurement 57mm x 51mm, size 19, 31.7g £2000-3000

  • LOT 525

    An 18ct gold bangle set with approx. 1.96ct of diamonds, internal measurement 52mm x 49mm, 33.4g £2500-3000

  • LOT 526

    A Concorde 50th Anniversary quarter gold sovereign with proof finish, limited to 4999 coins, with book & luggage tags £80-120

  • LOT 527

    An approx. 1.28ct diamond solitaire ring set in 9ct gold shank, stone measures 6.9mm diameter x 4.3mm deep, has no inclusions with a x10 loupe, is bright, white & lively, not drawing colour & has no inclusions, diamond tests as lab produced, 3.4g, size S £600-800

  • LOT 528

    An 18ct white gold diamond cluster ring set with approx. 1.6ct of diamond, centre stone approx. 0.5ct, 4.8g, size J £500-600

  • LOT 529

    A selection of yellow metal chains a/f, test electronically as 9ct gold, 33g £300-500

  • LOT 530

    A 9ct gold charm bracelet featuring an abacus, ballerina, mouse ran up the clock, piano & typewriter, 64.2g £600-800

  • LOT 531

    A 9ct gold ladies wristwatch, winds & runs, case 22mm, 13.8g £80-120

  • LOT 532

    A 9ct gold cased ladies Derrick wristwatch with plated & steel strap, 22mm case £30-50

  • LOT 533

    A gold plated pocket watch, not running, with gold plated long guard chain £30-40

  • LOT 534

    A 9ct gold 700mm chain with 9ct gold fob watch, case 20mm, 9.5g £80-100

  • LOT 535

    A 1907 Edward VII half gold sovereign with 9ct gold mount & 390mm chain, 9.1g £200-300

  • LOT 536

    A 9ct gold cased watch a/f, 21mm case, 7.3g £30-40

  • LOT 537

    An antique 15ct gold brooch, 47mm wide, 3.5g £60-80

  • LOT 538

    A 9ct gold five stone ring, set with approx. 0.3ct diamond, 1.4g £60-80

  • LOT 539

    A 9ct gold band, 1.2g, size M £20-30

  • LOT 540

    An antique 18ct gold ring set with three platinum mounted diamonds of approx. 0.33ct, 2.8g, size Q/R £150-200

  • LOT 541

    A yellow metal ring set with small white stone, tests electronically as 14ct gold, 2.5g, size N £60-80

  • LOT 542

    A 14ct gold ring set with approx. 0.09ct of diamond, 3.2g, size J/K £90-110

  • LOT 543

    A 9ct gold ring set with topaz, 5.7g, size S £60-80

  • LOT 544

    A 9ct gold ring set with green & white stones, 1.4g, size N/O £30-40

  • LOT 545

    A 9ct white bar brooch set with topaz, 57mm wide, 2.5g £30-40

  • LOT 546

    A 9ct gold ring set with ruby, diamond & sapphire, 1.7g, size N £50-60

  • LOT 547

    A 9ct gold chain, clasp a/f, 510mm long, 6.2g £60-80

  • LOT 548

    A 15ct gold chain, clasp a/f, 560mm long, 3.8g £80-100

  • LOT 549

    A 22ct gold ring, stones a/f, 4.6g, size M £150-200

  • LOT 550

    A 9ct gold chain, clasp a/f, 4.2g £50-60

  • LOT 551

    A 9ct gold ring set with sapphire & diamond, size O/P, 1.4g £30-40

  • LOT 552

    A 14ct gold ring set with green sapphire & diamond, 2.2g, size O £80-100

  • LOT 553

    A 9ct gold ring set with garnet, 2.3g, size J/K £30-40

  • LOT 554

    A 9ct gold ring set with diamond & possibly garnet, main stone is abraided, 3g, size R £40-50

  • LOT 555

    A Victorian yellow metal ornate arrow brooch, tests electronically as 9ct gold, set with rose cut diamonds, largest being 4.5mm diameter, small rubies & blue paste stones, 67mm wide, 11.8g £400-500

  • LOT 556

    A 9ct gold four bar gate bracelet, clasp a/f, 14.5g £150-200

  • LOT 557

    An antique 9ct gold coral ring, 4.1g, size O £60-80

  • LOT 558

    A 9ct gold chain, 290mm long with a padlock, 7.9g £80-120

  • LOT 559

    A 9ct gold chain, a/f, 460mm long, 6.3g £60-80

  • LOT 560

    A 9ct gold horn charm pendant, 37mm drop, 1g £10-20

  • LOT 561

    A 9ct gold ring set with amethyst, 2.9g, size M £30-50

  • LOT 562

    A 9ct gold ring set with small diamond, 1.7g, size N £30-40

  • LOT 563

    A 14ct gold pendant set with fire opal, 21mm drop, 1.8g £40-50

  • LOT 564

    A 14ct gold earring, 0.7g £10-20

  • LOT 565

    An antique 18ct gold ring set with five stone setting, lacking one diamond, 3.2g, size N £80-100

  • LOT 566

    A 9ct gold chain, 420mm long, 2.1g £20-30

  • LOT 567

    A Scottish agate & white metal necklace with three spares, 28.8g, 290mm long £30-40

  • LOT 568

    A 9ct gold wishbone ring set with ruby, 1.8g, size M £50-60

  • LOT 569

    A 9ct gold ring set with diamond & sapphire, 1.5g, size Q £30-40

  • LOT 570

    A boxed pair of 14ct gold Eldorado Gold Mine earrings, 0.8g £10-20

  • LOT 571

    A 9ct gold chain, 0.7g, with two elephant pendants, one in turquoise & the other malachite £20-30

  • LOT 572

    An 18ct gold diamond cluster ring, approx. 0.66ct of diamonds, lacking one stone, 3.6g, size P £200-250

  • LOT 573

    A 9ct gold amethyst ring, 4g, size M £60-80

  • LOT 574

    A 9ct gold bracelet, 170mm long, 2.9g £30-40

  • LOT 575

    A 9ct gold knot ring, 2.3g, size M/N £30-40

  • LOT 576

    A yellow metal zodiac pendant representing Libra, set with enamelled decor, tests electronically as 18ct gold, 28mm x 14mm, 2.9g £60-80

  • LOT 577

    A pair of 9ct gold sapphire earrings, 27mm drop, 1.2g £20-30

  • LOT 578

    A 9ct gold earring set with amethyst, 2g £10-20

  • LOT 579

    A pair of 9ct gold hoop earrings, 0.4g £10-15

  • LOT 580

    A pair of yellow metal opal earrings, test electronically as 9ct gold, 0.7g £20-30

  • LOT 581

    Three pairs of 9ct gold pearl earrings, 1.4g £30-40

  • LOT 582

    A pair of 9ct gold diamond earrings, 0.4g £30-40

  • LOT 583

    A yellow metal brooch, tests electronically as 18ct gold, 22mm diameter, 4.5g £100-150

  • LOT 584

    A 9ct gold brooch set with pink stone, 62mm wide, 4.2g £40-50

  • LOT 585

    A yellow metal brooch with letter 'A' decorated with amethyst, one stone has chip, tests electronically as 14ct gold, 27mm wide, 1.4g £30-40

  • LOT 586

    A yellow metal Romany ring set with 0.33ct of diamond, tests electronically as 18ct gold, 3.9g, size M £200-250

  • LOT 587

    A pair of 9ct gold kite shaped earrings set with diamonds, 18mm across, 3.3g £50-60

  • LOT 588

    A 9ct gold masonic emblem collar stud, 0.5g, with plated clasp £10-15

  • LOT 589

    An antique yellow metal signet ring, tests electronically as 9ct gold, 6g £60-80

  • LOT 590

    A 10ct gold brooch set with foil backed white stone, 53mm wide, 2.5g £30-40

  • LOT 591

    A yellow metal brooch, tests electronically as 18ct gold, 38mm wide, 9.3g £200-300

  • LOT 592

    A 9ct gold chain, 620mm long, 2.7g £30-40

  • LOT 593

    A 9ct gold chain, 450mm long, 0.9g £10-20

  • LOT 594

    A pair of 9ct gold earrings set with pearl, 1.3g £20-30

  • LOT 595

    A 19thC. brooch, filigree work tests electronically as 18ct gold, some faults to stones, 37mm wide, 10.6g inclusive £50-60

  • LOT 596

    A yellow metal pendant set with peridot, tests electronically as 9ct gold, loss to pearl above main stone, 21mm drop x 11mm wide, 2.4g £20-30

  • LOT 597

    A yellow metal child's bracelet, tests electronically as 9ct gold, 138mm long, 1.7g £20-30

  • LOT 598

    A silver masonic orb & 255mm long chain, 15.5g £20-30

  • LOT 599

    A silver mounted 1696 William III silver crown, chain 585mm long, 45.7g £50-60

  • LOT 600

    A Roamer Vanguard gents wristwatch, running, case 33mm £30-40

  • LOT 601

    Six silver & white metal fashion rings set with various stones. 27.5g £20-30

  • LOT 602

    A pair of 9ct gold earrings set with pearl, 24mm drop, 2g £20-30

  • LOT 603

    A platinum diamond ring set with approx. 0.85ct old cut centre stone of good colour & clarity with small stones on shoulders, 3g, size M/N £700-900

  • LOT 604

    A 1971 US silver dollar, 37mm diameter, 22.5g £10-20

  • LOT 605

    A small pair of 9ct gold sleeper earrings, a Smiths top wind pocket watch, a pair of boxed Jeff Banks cufflinks, a white metal heart shaped pendant & a costume necklace £10-20

  • LOT 606

    Two silver fashion rings, UK bank notes including one pound & five pound, an antique amethyst cross, silver rings, coins & other costume items £20-30

  • LOT 607

    A small quantity of various costume jewellery items including silver bangle & coin bracelet £10-20

  • LOT 608

    A selection of costume jewellery items including wristwatches, kilt pin, malachite pendant, fashion necklaces & other items £20-30

  • LOT 609

    A selection of costume jewellery including various beads including an antique red amber style beaded necklace, a Sekonda watch, malachite necklace & other items £30-50

  • LOT 610

    A vanity case & contents twinned with coins, crowns, compacts including Stratton, evening bags & other items £20-30

  • LOT 611

    A selection of costume jewellery items including brooches, earrings, necklaces & jewellery boxes £20-30

  • LOT 612

    A faux pearl necklace with 9ct gold clasp twinned with a Gradius fob watch on silver bow mount £10-15

  • LOT 613

    A boxed quantity of costume jewellery items including New Zealand jade pendant, pocket watch, earrings & Shaeffer 12ct gold plated biro set £20-30

  • LOT 614

    A collection of badges including USA, Canada, New Zealand, Cunard & Cornwall Caravan Club £10-20

  • LOT 615

    A Fossil fashion watch, a Seiko watch, miniature prayer books, various jewellery including white & yellow metal jewellery £10-20

  • LOT 616

    A silver plated sovereign holder twinned with a pink & blue stone necklace £10-15

  • LOT 617

    A vintage Swatch wristwatch twinned with other watches including Seiko, Pulsar & Accurist £20-30

  • LOT 618

    A boxed selection of jewellery items including two silver & marcasite brooches, crowns, silver jewellery, jade pendants & a miniature biscuit tin £20-30

  • LOT 619

    Seven wristwatches including Seiko & Rotary twinned with a small selection of costume jewellery items including plated earrings £10-20

  • LOT 620

    Two cased Cunard proof like coins twinned with liner key rings £10-20

  • LOT 621

    A quantity of vintage wristwatches including Seiko, Smiths, Euromatic, Citron & a leather collar case £10-20

  • LOT 622

    Two boxed medallions, President Medal Saltram Rotary & Past Chairman Faculty of Architects & Surveyors twinned with two Rotary tie pins, a boxed 1951 Festival of Britain crown & an enamel badge, possibly would have been sewn on, with Latin motto that translates to Simple Kindness Cheerfulness, 30mm x 35mm, 12.9g £10-15

  • LOT 623

    A 1935 crown, a 1994 silver proof Queen Mother Barbados dollar & a selection of mixed coinage £10-20

  • LOT 624

    Eleven £5 crowns, a 2003 Royal Mint coin set, mixed crowns & other coinage £30-40

  • LOT 625

    A cased gold plated silver dollar £10-20

  • LOT 626

    A selection of mostly antique coinage including four Queen Victoria crowns 1889, three Victoria double florins 1888, 1887 & 1890, sixteen half crowns, other UK silver coinage including George III & George IV, an 1862 Victoria one penny with lustre & other coinage £100-200

  • LOT 627

    A selection of mostly antique coinage including Indian, Roman, a Leopold I 1672, George VI 1652-1952 South African crown, a silver 1773 Schilling, an 1813 George III Stiver, coffee tokens & other tokens, sealed half pennies, a 1795 Dublin Half Penny token, other coinage twinned with a London Rifle Brigade swagger stick top & a boxed quantity of silversmith/watchmaker tools £30-50

  • LOT 628

    A 9ct gold brooch set with seed pearl, lacking one either end, 47mm wide, 1.7g £20-30

  • LOT 629

    An antique Railway Time Keeper pocket watch a/f £20-30

  • LOT 630

    A boxed four piece Broadway & Co. 1972 Birmingham silver dressing table set comprising hair brush, clothes brush, mirror & comb, twinned with a 1977 jubilee silver plated coaster set, a box of decorative teaspoons & a vintage cased coffee spoon & cake knife set £30-50

  • LOT 631

    An Edwardian inlaid chair, 780mm high to back £10-20

  • LOT 632

    A large carved Chinese camphor wood chest with half top tray & brass clasp, 1040mm wide x 530mm deep x 580mm high £40-50

  • LOT 633

    A WW2 Moorland Factory teddy bear made from flying jacket lining, 460mm tall £20-30

  • LOT 634

    An ethnic white metal bangle twinned with other white metal, silver & other costume items £20-30


Three Bing steam engine accessories SOLD £560

Three Bing steam engine accessories


19thC. Ivory chess set with losses sold £500

19thC. Ivory chess set with losses


An early 20thC. rocking horse £300

An early 20thC. rocking horse


A Chinese chess set a/f £500

A Chinese chess set AF


A quantity of diecast tractor models SOLD £720

A quantity of diecast tractor models


Boxed Dinky toys sold £230

Boxed Dinky toys


Two vintage dolls £210

Two vintage dolls


Engineers model train requiring restoration repair SOLD £1500

Engineers model train requiring restoration repair


Mamod Brooklands tourer SOLD £190

Mamod Brooklands tourer


Playworn Dinky af sold £170

Playworn Dinky AF


Three Bing steam engine accessories SOLD £560

Three Bing steam engine accessories


An antique solitaire chess board SOLD £520

An antique solitaire chess board


A vintage pocket dice game SOLD £45

A vintage pocket dice game


A boxed 00 gauge Bachmann model train BM 35-075 Class E4 579 LB & SCR Umber SOLD £80

A boxed 00 gauge Bachmann model train BM 35-075 Class E4 579 LB & SCR Umber


A boxed 00 gauge Bachmann model train BM 31-655TL Class 47 47625 City Of Truro SOLD £140

A boxed 00 gauge Bachmann model train BM 31-655TL Class 47 47625 City Of Truro


A boxed 00 gauge Hornby BR Blue Class 71 twinned with a boxed Dapol 00 Gauge Class Diesel Electric Locomotive Gatwick Express SOLD £120

A boxed 00 gauge Hornby BR Blue Class 71 twinned with a boxed Dapol 00 Gauge Class Diesel Electric Locomotive Gatwick Express


A boxed Benbros Qualitoy Sunderland diecast toy flat bed truck, minor play wear SOLD £130

A boxed Benbros Qualitoy Sunderland diecast toy flat bed truck, minor play wear


A boxed unused 00 gauge Hornby presentation edition railway engine with carriages City of Liverpool SOLD £120

A boxed unused 00 gauge Hornby presentation edition railway engine with carriages City of Liverpool


A four drawer Meccano set with two drawers still sealed SOLD £980

A four drawer Meccano set with two drawers still sealed


A vintage boxed Britains no.9748 diecast self propelled 155mm gun, playworn SOLD £140

A vintage boxed Britains no.9748 diecast self propelled 155mm gun, playworn


A vintage tin plate Express steam engine 7.375in long SOLD £220

A vintage tin plate Express steam engine 7.375in long


Eight boxed Matchbox diecast toy vehicles Ford Cortina GT no.25, Fire pumper truck no.29, VRM racing car no.52, BP tanker no.25, standard Jeep no.72, Kennel truck no.50, Jumbo crane SOLD £130.00

Eight boxed Matchbox diecast toy vehicles Ford Cortina GT no.25, Fire pumper truck no.29, VRM racing car no.52, BP tanker no.25, standard Jeep no.72, Kennel truck no.50, Jumbo crane


Five boxed Matchbox diecast toy vehicles Quarry truck no. 6, Motor scooter & sidecar no. 36, Pink Rolls Royce Phantom 5 no. 34, Super Atlantic tractor no.15 & Muir dumper SOLD £240

Five boxed Matchbox diecast toy vehicles Quarry truck no. 6, Motor scooter & sidecar no. 36, Pink Rolls Royce Phantom 5 no. 34, Super Atlantic tractor no.15 & Muir dumper


Quantity of playworn Hornby 'Morning Star' & R078 GWR 4-6-0 'King Edward I' twinned with a quantity of other Hornby & Lima boxed items with numerous unboxed engines, rolling stock SOLD £210

Quantity of playworn Hornby 'Morning Star' & R078 GWR 4-6-0 'King Edward I' twinned with a quantity of other Hornby & Lima boxed items with numerous unboxed engines, rolling stock


Two boxed 00 gauge Hornby model trains R866 SR 4-6-2 loco 'Fighter Pilot' & R327 LNER 4-6-2 loco Mallard SOLD £95

Two boxed 00 gauge Hornby model trains R866 SR 4-6-2 loco 'Fighter Pilot' & R327 LNER 4-6-2 loco Mallard



Georgian educational cards £440

Georgian educational cards


A 16thC. coloured map of Lands End Cornwall by Lucas Janszoon Waghenaer dating to c.1584 SOLD £1100

A 16thC. coloured map of Lands End Cornwall by Lucas Janszoon Waghenaer dating to c.1584


A Topographical and Historical Description of Cornwall John Norden 1728 SOLD £540

A Topographical and Historical Description of Cornwall John Norden 1728


An 18thC. Georgian childs educational game Mothers Friend Set of Cuts SOLD £1750

An 18thC. Georgian childs educational game Mothers Friend Set of Cuts


Book Progymnasmata. The Inn Play or Cornish Hugg Wrestler by Thomas Parkyns 1727 SOLD £560

Book Progymnasmata. The Inn Play or Cornish Hugg Wrestler by Thomas Parkyns 1727


Chinese other postcards sold £400

Chinese other postcards


Six albums of modern stamps £500

Six albums of modern stamps


16thC. Map £760

16thC. Map


A small quantity of vintage postcards £310

A small quantity of vintage postcards


18thC. Map £1050

18thC. Map


ERA motor racing book SOLD £230

ERA motor racing book


Four Julian Barrow oils SOLD £780

Four Julian Barrow oils


Hans Christian Andersen book with Harry Clarke plates SOLD £200

Hans Christian Andersen book with Harry Clarke plates


Modern stamp album SOLD £300

Modern stamp album


PG Wodehouse signed book sold £310

PG Wodehouse signed book


Rangers FC goalkeeper sporting medals cap sold £2000

Rangers FC goalkeeper sporting medals cap


Small card canvas Bernard Leach pottery sign SOLD £340

Small card canvas Bernard Leach pottery sign


Three Samuel Palmer etchings SOLD £230

Three Samuel Palmer etchings


A 16thC. bible printed by Christopher Barker dated c.1589 from Higman family SOLD £780

A 16thC. bible printed by Christopher Barker dated c.1589 from Higman family


A 17thC. bible dated 1631 by Robert Barker SOLD £600

A 17thC. bible dated 1631 by Robert Barker


A collection of 26 books by Colin Wilson, including first editions SOLD £190

A collection of 26 books by Colin Wilson, including first editions


A John Speed 17thC. map of Cornwall, dated 1630, laid to board, af SOLD £480

A John Speed 17thC. map of Cornwall, dated 1630, laid to board, AF


A period 1912 Titanic related framed poster titled Souvenir of Affectionate Remembrance of the Captain, Mates, Crew & the Passengers etc. SOLD £220

A period 1912 Titanic related framed poster titled Souvenir of Affectionate Remembrance of the Captain, Mates, Crew & the Passengers etc.


A set of four original 18thC. William Hogarth prints depicting the four stages of cruelty SOLD £200

A set of four original 18thC. William Hogarth prints depicting the four stages of cruelty


A signed limited edition FRINK Dame Elisabeth AESOP. Fables, Curwen Press for R. Alistair McAlpine & Leslie Waddington Prints, 1968 SOLD £1500

A signed limited edition FRINK Dame Elisabeth AESOP. Fables, Curwen Press for R. Alistair McAlpine & Leslie Waddington Prints, 1968


Handel's Water & Fire Music concertos book af SOLD £250

Handel's Water & Fire Music concertos book AF


Large early 19thC. 1827 edition of Milton's Paradise Lost SOLD £220

Large early 19thC. 1827 edition of Milton's Paradise Lost


Signed W. O. Bentley book SOLD £460

Signed W. O. Bentley book


The Bayonet Book by John Watts & Peter White SOLD £140

The Bayonet Book by John Watts & Peter White


Thirteen postcards, 12 rare ones relating to cycling SOLD £140

Thirteen postcards, 12 rare ones relating to cycling



Naval officers sword af £340

Naval officers sword AF


19thC. Albanian flintlock £330

19thC. Albanian flintlock


German WW2 flag £280

German WW2 flag


German WW2 badge £310

German WW2 badge


A model of a cannon £260

A model of a cannon


A Malayan Kris £330

A Malayan Kris


A Gentlemans sword stick SOLD £160

A Gentlemans sword stick


A Ketland Flintlock blunderbuss SOLD £1700

A Ketland Flintlock blunderbuss


A small WW1 medal set with Somaliland bar SOLD £370

A small WW1 medal set with Somaliland bar


A small WW1 Military cross Yeomanry group SOLD £1100

A small WW1 Military cross Yeomanry group


A WW1 medal set awarded to Lt. Commander J. Edwards Royal Navy SOLD £380

A WW1 medal set awarded to Lt. Commander J. Edwards Royal Navy


German WW2 helmet af sold £300

German WW2 helmet AF


German WW2 Third Reich Nazi double decal police helmet SOLD £200

German WW2 Third Reich Nazi double decal police helmet
