Auction Catalogue – New Year’s Day 2023

Clarks Auction Rooms Catalogue New Year 2023

Jewellery, Silver, Paintings, Collectables & Selected Antiques

This auction is now over.

Consignments are invited for future sales; contact us here. Please see our Auction Dates page for details of the next sale.

  • LOT 1

    An engineered working model of a Cornish beam engine by W. R. Simpson of the Royal Flying Corps, 20in wide x 10in deep x 18in high £200-400

  • LOT 2

    A wood & brass Sorby of Sheffield plane, 8.5in wide £30-50

  • LOT 3

    An 1895 Patent Stanley no.45 sweetheart plane with blades & box £30-50

  • LOT 4

    A good example of a J. Buck walnut handled cast steel chisel, 16.25in long £30-50

  • LOT 5

    A Norris smoothing plane, 9.125in wide £200-300

  • LOT 6

    A Stanley Bailey no.6 plane, 18in long £20-30

  • LOT 7

    A Stanley Bailey no.6 plane, 18in long £20-30

  • LOT 8

    An Italian MVSN 'Blackshirts' 1925 model dress dagger, 13.5in long inclusive £100-150

  • LOT 9

    A Japanese Wakizashi short sword, 20.75in long inclusive £200-250

  • LOT 10

    A WW2 German Nazi Third Reich officers dagger with celluloid handle, some loss of silver plate to pommel & top & rear of the rain guard, 15.75in long inclusive £200-300

  • LOT 11

    A pair of Victorian brass sabre candle holders, handles dating to 1896, approx. 12.25in tall £200-300

  • LOT 12

    A c.1870 mounted bronze Prussian soldier ink well, rifle has old repair & is loose from original mounting, overall length 16.25in £200-300

  • LOT 13

    A good example of a 15thC. bearded axe head, four impressed maker marks, approx. 1.4kg, 13in at widest £100-150

  • LOT 14

    A Fairbairn-Sykes style British marine fighting knife, 12in long £30-50

  • LOT 15

    An antique Scottish Regimental Dirk to the 42nd Regiment (Black Watch) dirk with steel blade & bog oak handle, set with Cairngorm quartz & copper fittings with relief thistle & figurative decor, 16.25in long £200-400

  • LOT 16

    A Davidson's leather bound brass telescope, once the property of Major F. H. Bowater, who became Major, Sir. Frank Henry Bowater, 1st Baronet, TD, CStJ & was Lord Mayor of London, 1938-1939 £200-300

  • LOT 17

    An early W. H. Smith & Son Ltd. enamel sign twinned with an engineering staff enamel sign, 18.5in & 16in long respectively £100-200

  • LOT 18

    A 19thC. unworked sperm whale tooth, sold with current Cites certificate, 144mm long £100-200

  • LOT 19

    A 19thC. unworked sperm whale tooth, sold with current Cites certificate, 144mm long £100-200

  • LOT 20

    A 19thC. worked small sperm whale tooth scrimshaw, inscribed "Jill M Castle" with sketch of a sail boat, split to underside & small loss to point, 91mm long £100-200

  • LOT 21

    A WW1 medal awarded to M2-203152 Pte. F. Clarke A.S.C twinned with a sweetheart brooch & a quantity of cap badges, commemorative medals & tunic buttons £60-80

  • LOT 22

    A WW1 medal awarded to 153302 Gunner H. A. Lewis R.A twinned with a miniature set & a three medal WW2 set £30-40

  • LOT 23

    A WW1 three medal set awarded to 632 Gunner F. Parker R.A £40-60

  • LOT 24

    A George V medal awarded for Long Service & Good Conduct to S.4811 T. Sub Condr. W. F. Hall R.A.O.C £30-50

  • LOT 25

    A George V medal awarded for Bravery In The Field to 810173 Dvr. T. Atkins A-232/BDE R.F.A - T.F £80-100

  • LOT 26

    An Edward VII South Africa medal with 1901 & 1902 bars, awarded to 1316 Pte. Londrigan RL. Munster Fus £80-100

  • LOT 27

    A Hobson & Sons officers dress sword, 41.5in long £60-80

  • LOT 28

    A William IV light cavalry sabre with later scabbard, 38.875in long £100-200

  • LOT 29

    A German Der Stahlhelm pin badge, an L. Z. 129 Hindenburg badge, a German coin, a Third Reich BDM button, a German skull & cross bones & a Hitler Youth stamp, a/f "League of German Girls" £20-30

  • LOT 30

    A WW2 German Third Reich Luftwaffe badge £20-30

  • LOT 31

    A British Drivers Racing Club 1937 Mechanic arm band twinned with a 1938 Brooklands, J.C.C. International Trophy Marshal armband £80-120

  • LOT 32

    A quantity of owners club, tickets & official passes for motor racing events from the 1950/60's including Bugatti Owners Club, Silverstone, British Grand Prix & the Prescott Hill Climb £30-40

  • LOT 33

    An album of approx. 140 pin badges including some a good number of vintage, many relating to motoring, including BARC 1973, Triumph, Jensen, Foden, Commer, BMW, Healey, Rex-Acme, Norton & Daimler £100-200

  • LOT 34

    A George V MBE medal awarded to Miss. Edith Milner Gunn, set within a Garrard case with award letter £100-150

  • LOT 35

    A 19thC. tribal art hardwood African knobkerrie, 16.625in long £100-150

  • LOT 36

    A 19thC. tribal art Fijian spurred club, wood density has been measured at 1.3, measures 38.125in long £800-1000

  • LOT 37

    A Leica M3 camera & lens twinned with a Leica light meter, a Leitz lens case, Leitz lens cover & hood, a Weston light meter & Leica M3 instruction book & other related ephemera £300-500

  • LOT 38

    A pair of brass Carl Zeiss Jena DRP Feldstecher 8 binoculars with leather case, dated 25th June 1901 £20-30

  • LOT 39

    A Negretti & Zamba barograph set within an oak & beveled glass cabinet £100-200

  • LOT 40

    A pair of c.1886 bronze arts & crafts Christopher Dresser designed candle holders, loss to one lower finial on one handle, 6in tall, registered design number to base £50-60

  • LOT 41

    After D. H. Chiparius, an art deco style bronze figure of a dancer set on a bakelite stand with celluloid head, some faults to hands, 13.25in tall £100-200

  • LOT 42

    An early 20thC. Austrian cold painted bronze book end depicting 16thC. poet & cobbler, Hans Sachs with lady friend, fault to bronze vine (reglued), 7.75in tall £100-200

  • LOT 43

    A pair of naïve 19thC. tribal art Benin bronze leopards, dug up in Nigeria by contracting firm during the 1940's, 6in tall £300-400

  • LOT 44

    A 19thC. tribal art Benin bronze figure group, dug by contracting firm near river bed in Nigeria in the 1940's, some faults, 4.75in tall £60-80

  • LOT 45

    A pair of early 20thC. tribal art Benin bronze goats awarded by chief of village in Delta State, Nigeria to vendor father, after villager was saved from drowning by British contractor, 7.25in tall £100-200

  • LOT 46

    An Asprey mantle clock with Chinoiserie lacquered decor & gilded dial, winds & runs, 9.25in wide x 6.25in high £100-150

  • LOT 47

    An arts & crafts copper box set with encased Ruskin style roundels, 6.5in wide x 3.5in high x 3.75in deep £100-200

  • LOT 48

    A large Lalique crystal bowl stamped R. LALIQUE FRANCE, 10in diameter x 3.75in high £200-300

  • LOT 49

    A c.1900 Loetz, Austria, iridescent glass "Papillion" lampshade, 7in tall, two small nibbles to base rim £100-150

  • LOT 50

    After Guido Cacciapuoti. a c.1930 period art deco bronze bust of young woman on marble plinth, 11.25in tall £500-600

  • LOT 51

    A quantity of WW2 bank notes, most stamped Waffen SS or similar twinned with an a/f Luftwaffe cloth badge £30-50

  • LOT 52

    A quantity of postal items relating to the Hindenburg & the Graff Zeppelin air ships including air mail £30-40

  • LOT 53

    A quantity of postal ephemera including 19thC. & letter referring to a ball at Windsor Castle £30-40

  • LOT 54

    Book: General Theory of Employment, Interest & Money by John Maynard Keynes 1936 £600-800

  • LOT 55

    Book: Treatise On Money, vol I & II by John Keynes, 1933 & 1934 £300-400

  • LOT 56

    Book: Monetary Reform by John Maynard Keynes 1923 £300-400

  • LOT 57

    A quantity of various vintage magazines & booklets featuring pin up & nude females twinned with similar vintage pin up postcards £30-50

  • LOT 58

    A 1959 General Election Falmouth & Camborne political poster "Vote Gibson", 30in x 20in £30-50

  • LOT 59

    A 1950's Mebyon Kernow Cornish political poster, 30in x 20in £30-40

  • LOT 60

    A 1950's Cornwall related political poster "Democracy Is Dead", 30in x 20in £50-60

  • LOT 61

    A 1950's Cornwall related political poster "Give Cornwall Back Its Own Police Force" , 30in x 20in £30-40

  • LOT 62

    A Clarice Cliff My Garden vase, 7.5in tall £30-40

  • LOT 63

    A Clarice Cliff Gayday pattern tea set for two, lacking creamer, one cup has hairline £50-60

  • LOT 64

    A Clarice Cliff gravy boat & stand twinned with an art deco Wilkinson pottery posy vase, £20-30

  • LOT 65

    A Clarice Cliff My Garden sugar shaker, 5.75in tall, twinned with a pepper pot & a lidded salt cellar £30-40

  • LOT 66

    After Clarice Cliff, a Wedgwood art deco style Age of Jazz pair of dancing couples, 5.25in tall x 6.5in wide £20-30

  • LOT 67

    A Clarice Cliff bizarre Rodanthe pattern sugar sifter, 5in tall £20-30

  • LOT 68

    A Clarice Cliff crocus bowl, 6in wide x 3in high £30-50

  • LOT 69

    A Clarice Cliff Bizarre crocus pattern soup bowl, a similar plate & a small trinket dish, largest piece 6.375in wide £30-40

  • LOT 70

    A Clarice Cliff Bizarre crocus jug twinned with a crocus frog £30-50

  • LOT 71

    A Clarice Cliff Bizarre crocus marmalade pot & cover, 3.25in tall £30-40

  • LOT 72

    A Clarice Cliff preserve pot & cover, 3.5in tall £30-50

  • LOT 73

    A Clarice Cliff Bizarre banded honey pot & cover, 4in tall £30-40

  • LOT 74

    A Clarice Cliff Bizarre geometric honey pot & cover, 4in tall £30-50

  • LOT 75

    A Clarice Cliff harvest honey pot & cover, 4.25in tall, twinned with two floral leaf dishes £30-40

  • LOT 76

    A Clarice Cliff marmalade pot & cover, 4.25in tall £30-40

  • LOT 77

    A Clarice Cliff Bizarre Gayday pot lacking cover twinned with one other £30-40

  • LOT 78

    A Clarice Cliff Bizarre geometric pot lacking cover, 3in tall, twinned with a banded pepper pot & a geometric dish £30-40

  • LOT 79

    A Clarice Cliff Fantasque Bizzare plate, some crazing, 9in diameter, twinned with three Clarice Cliff books £30-50

  • LOT 80

    A Moorcroft pottery floral vase, green signature to base, 10.75in tall £30-50

  • LOT 81

    A Moorcroft pottery teapot with fruit decor, green signature to base, 9.25in wide x 4.25in high £50-60

  • LOT 82

    A Moorcroft pottery vase with green signature to base. 9.25in tall £80-100

  • LOT 83

    A Moorcroft pottery bowl, teal coloured signature to base, 7.25in diameter x 2.25in deep £30-50

  • LOT 84

    A Wemyss cabbage rose pottery teapot, restoration to spout, 7in wide x 3in tall £50-60

  • LOT 85

    A pair of Wemyss cabbage rose candle holders retailed by T. Goode & Co. one with restoration, 7in tall £150-200

  • LOT 86

    A 1990 Chateau Mouton Rothschild red wine with Francis Bacon label £150-200

  • LOT 87

    A large 19thC. Italian School gilt framed oil of woman by Giuseppe Mazzolini (1806-1876), image size 40in x 33.75in, small old tear to canvas, some losses to gesso on frame, discolouration to gilt on top of frame £600-800

  • LOT 88

    A mounted brass plaque depicting a dragon, removed from the wardroom of the 1917 built HMS Dragon, a "D" class cruiser by Lieut W. H. Hobbs D.S.C, which was scuttled after suffering terminal damage by torpedo off of Arromanches in 1944 £50-100

  • LOT 89

    A 1917 Royal Doulton silver rimmed stoneware bachelors tea set £30-50

  • LOT 90

    A 1920's Ruskin pottery bowl, 2.5in diameter £30-50

  • LOT 91

    A 1920's Ruskin pottery footed tazza, faint hairline, 8.625in diameter £60-80

  • LOT 92

    A William Howson Taylor vase, 6.125in tall £80-120

  • LOT 93

    A large Delft pottery blue & white vase with octagonal rim, 17.5in tall £80-100

  • LOT 94

    A 19thC. Staffordshire figure of Jack Tar, 11.5in tall £60-80

  • LOT 95

    An oak tantalus, formerly the property of Sir. William Percy Cowley KBE 1886-1958 of the Isle of Man, silver masonic related presentation label to top, 15in wide x 12in deep x 13.625in high £100-150

  • LOT 96

    Thirty pieces of Royal Crown Derby 1128 imari pattern dinner & tea ware including four cup, saucer, plate trios £100-150

  • LOT 97

    Forty pieces of Royal Crown Derby 2451 imari pattern dinner & tea ware including seven cup, saucer, plate trios £60-80

  • LOT 98

    Two Royal Crown Derby imari trios with a matching sugar bowl twinned with a Royal Crown Derby "Old Avesbury" dish £20-30

  • LOT 99

    A nine piece Royal Doulton breakfast set for two £30-40

  • LOT 100

    A pair of c.1900 Austrian vases stamped "7489 Rembrandt ges. gesch" to base, 9.625in tall £100-150

  • LOT 101

    A Victorian Hinks brass oil lamp with period etched cranberry shade, 27.5in tall £100-150

  • LOT 102

    A pair of WMF style silver plated vases with glass inserts, etched HH to base with number 11141, 18in tall £100-200

  • LOT 103

    A 19thC. French Louis XV style ormolu striking mantle clock, runs when wound, 13in high £200-300

  • LOT 104

    A framed Dorothy Wilding studio portrait photograph of Queen Elizabeth II in 1952, hand signed & dated by the Queen herself in 1953, would have hung in an Embassy or armed forces headquarters, 28.375in x 21.375in including frame £300-500

  • LOT 105

    A rare Royal Worcester limited edition bronze, no.1/25 of Queen Elizabeth II by Ronald Van Ruyckevelt, made to commemorate the silver jubilee in 1977. The bronze was returned by Harrods to the Worcester factory for a small repair to part of the robe ropes after a member of staff damaged them when picking it up in 1977. The repair was never made. Stands 14.25in tall, 8.8kg £10000-15000

  • LOT 106

    A White Star Line damask napkin, embroidered company name to centre, couple of rust marks, 22.5in x 22in £80-100

  • LOT 107

    A framed John Speed map of Flintshire, Wales dated 1610, 22.5in x 18in including frame £100-200

  • LOT 108

    A framed John Speed map of the Isle of Man dated 1610, 23in x 18in including frame £200-300

  • LOT 109

    A New Atlas & Gazetteer of the Isle of Man, Seventeen Highly Finished Maps by James Woods, 1867, some old restorative work, 20.375in x 15in £100-200

  • LOT 110

    Four framed 19thC. etchings relating to the Isle Of Man, twinned with an 18thC. booklet of the Chronicles of the Isle of Man, two 18thC. maps of the Isle of Man & four 18thC. Isle of Man related lithographs £30-50

  • LOT 111

    A 19thC. Isle of Man & Liverpool Joint Stock Banking Company one pound note £20-30

  • LOT 112

    A framed Richard Blome map of Shropshire, dated 1673, 17.5in x 15.5in, including frame £50-60

  • LOT 113

    An early 18thC. framed map of Britannia by Robert Morden, 23.5in x 21in, including frame £100-200

  • LOT 114

    A 17thC. framed map of South West England & Cornwall by Gerardus Mercator, 26in x 22in, including frame £200-300

  • LOT 115

    A 17thC. framed map of Montgomeryshire in Wales by Jan Janszoon, 26.5in x 23in including frame £100-200

  • LOT 116

    A framed 17thC. framed road map of Buckinghamshire to Bridgnorth by John Ogilby, 25in x 20in including frame £80-100

  • LOT 117

    A good 19thC. Austrian porcelain cabinet plate with fine decoration & gilding, beehive mark to rear, 9.5in diameter twinned with a Dresden cabinet plate 9.625in diameter £100-150

  • LOT 118

    A 19thC. Berlin raised wool work of bird & flowers, 19in x 16in £60-80

  • LOT 119

    Nine Victorian cased daguerreotypes, one a/f £50-60

  • LOT 120

    Four Beatles fan club Christmas flexi discs £100-200

  • LOT 121

    A quantity of 34 vinyl LP's, including rock & prog rock, Jethro Tull, Yes, Uriah Heap, Genesis, Pink Floyd, Waylon, Be-Bop Deluxe, Jimi Hendrix, Triumph, Bruce Springsteen box set, Rolling Stones & others £100-200

  • LOT 122

    A quantity of twenty five early 20thC. folk art ballerina models £100-150

  • LOT 123

    Three Beatles albums: Sergeant Peppers, Parlophone with insert, Abbey Road, Apple, The White Album, Apple, top opening, black sleeve with lyrics & photos twinned with two Beatles singles £30-40

  • LOT 124

    A Stahlhelm membership card belonging to German politician & Communist Activist, Hugo Renzel who was later imprisoned by the Nazis. He died in 1940 at Sachsenhausen concentration camp £100-150

  • LOT 125

    A large Carn pottery vase, 10.25in tall £30-40

  • LOT 126

    Four Carn pottery vases, including John Beusmans signed, 4.75in tall £30-40

  • LOT 127

    Three Carn pottery vases, including John Beusmans signed, 10.25in tall £30-40

  • LOT 128

    Three Carn pottery vases, including John Beusmans signed, 10.25in tall £30-40

  • LOT 129

    Four Carn pottery vases, including John Beusmans signed, 10.25in tall £30-50

  • LOT 130

    A Lee Enfield .303 single shot rifle. A UK firearms licence is required to own this item £100-150

  • LOT 131

    A Samuel Colt second generation 1852 pattern patent no.281 U.S. Dragoons percussion army revolver, barrel etched with cavalry & Native Americans, believed to have been owned by WW1 casualty Captain Ivor Thomas Lloyd-Jones of 7th Royal Welch Fusiliers with original leather holster, 14.5in long, approx. 1.7kg. A UK firearms licence is required to own this item £500-600

  • LOT 132

    A GWR Engine book twinned with a GWR coachman's whistle £20-30

  • LOT 133

    An antique Persian jambiya dagger with white metal fittings, rust to blade, 13in long including scabbard £100-150

  • LOT 134

    An antique Scottish basket hilt sword, blade rusty, 38.5in long £100-150

  • LOT 135

    A framed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, image size 16in x 12in £30-50

  • LOT 136

    A framed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, Royal Academy 2001 exhibition label to verso, titled "Confession", image size 35.5in x 23.5in £50-60

  • LOT 137

    A framed watercolour painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, 1990's Royal Academy exhibition label to verso, titled "Roza", image size 19.5in x 15.5in £30-50

  • LOT 138

    A framed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, titled "Agape", image size 39.5in x 25.5in £50-60

  • LOT 139

    A framed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, Royal Academy 2003 exhibition label to verso, titled "Empowerment", image size 47.5in x 35.5in £50-60

  • LOT 140

    A framed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, titled "Aenigma", image size 47.5in x 35.5in £50-60

  • LOT 141

    A framed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, titled "Lord of Karma", image size 35.25in x 23.5in £50-60

  • LOT 142

    A framed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, 1990's Royal Academy exhibition label to verso, titled "Stilling the Storm", image size 29.25in x 24.25in £50-60

  • LOT 143

    A framed watercolour painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, titled "Altiorapeto", image size 29in x 22in £30-50

  • LOT 144

    A framed watercolour & gouache painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, Royal Academy exhibition label to verso, titled "Fruits", image size 295in x 22in £30-50

  • LOT 145

    A framed watercolour painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, untitled, image size 15in x 11.5in £30-40

  • LOT 146

    A framed watercolour painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, titled "Mountains", image size 15.25in x 11.5in £30-40

  • LOT 147

    A framed watercolour & gouache painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, titled "Absonus", image size 29.5in x 22in £30-50

  • LOT 148

    A framed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, titled "70 x 7", image size 29.25in x 24.5in £50-60

  • LOT 149

    A framed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, untitled, image size 29.5in x 24.5in £50-60

  • LOT 150

    A framed watercolour painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, titled "Path To The Temple", image size 19.375in x 15.75in £30-40

  • LOT 151

    A framed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, titled "Diva", image size 23.75in x 19.75in £50-60

  • LOT 152

    A framed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, titled "Transition", image size 39.5in x 29.5in £50-60

  • LOT 153

    A framed watercolour painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, untitled, image size 35.5in x 23.5in £50-60

  • LOT 154

    A framed watercolour painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, untitled, image size 19.25in x 15.75in £30-40

  • LOT 155

    An unframed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, titled "Bridesmaids", 36in x 24in £30-40

  • LOT 156

    Two unframed oil paintings by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, untitled, largest 26in x 20in £30-40

  • LOT 157

    A framed crayon painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, titled "Fruit For Thought", image size 11.5in x 7.75in £20-30

  • LOT 158

    An unframed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, untitled, image size 35.5in x 23.5in £30-50

  • LOT 159

    A framed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, untitled, image size 45.75in x 35.375in £50-60

  • LOT 160

    An unframed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, untitled, image size 46in x 35in £30-50

  • LOT 161

    An unframed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, untitled, image size 48in x 36in £50-60

  • LOT 162

    An unframed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, untitled, image size 50n x 40in £40-60

  • LOT 163

    An unframed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, untitled, image size 48in x 36in £40-50

  • LOT 164

    An unframed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, titled "Face To Face", image size 48in x 36in £40-50

  • LOT 165

    An unframed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, untitled, image size 48in x 36in £40-50

  • LOT 166

    An unframed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, untitled, image size 40in x 30in £40-50

  • LOT 167

    An unframed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, untitled, image size 48in x 36in £40-50

  • LOT 168

    An unframed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, untitled, image size 40in x 30in £40-50

  • LOT 169

    A framed watercolour painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, titled "Insomnis", image size 29.125in x 21.5in £30-50

  • LOT 170

    An unframed oil painting by Marjana Wjasnova, also known as Marianne Watling, of Russian/Polish heritage, untitled, image size 24in x 18in, twinned with smaller watercolour of woman £30-40

  • LOT 171

    An antique framed Irish school pastel portrait of a coachman, image size 15in x 10in £30-40

  • LOT 172

    An early 20thC. William MacKenzie Thomson signed watercolour with inscription to gilt inner mount "HMS Britannia - Lord Beresford joined the Navy aboard the ship at Portsmouth Dec 1859" set within maple frame, image size 17in x 11.5in £300-400

  • LOT 173

    A James Lawton Wingate (Scottish, 1846-1924) oil on panel of estuary scene set in gilded frame, image size 13.75in x 9.5in £100-200

  • LOT 174

    An Albert Moulton Foweraker (1873-1942) watercolour, Tolcarne Beach, Newquay, Cornwall, dated August 1929, image size 11in x 7in £400-600

  • LOT 175

    A Parker Hagerty (1859-1934) landscape oil on panel, image size 13.5in x 9.5in wide £100-200

  • LOT 176

    A framed "Yorkshire Moorland" landscape watercolour by Rowland Henry Hill (1873-1952), image size 14.5in x 10.5in £300-500

  • LOT 177

    An early Kate Wylie (1877-1941) still life oil on panel set within gilt frame, small area of restorative work, image size 13.75in x 9.875in £300-500

  • LOT 178

    A framed David Bates (1840-1921) landscape watercolour depicting a meandering path, image size 12.75in x 9in £60-80

  • LOT 179

    A framed Cecil Jay 1884-1930 (Mrs. George Hitchcock), watercolour depicting woman seated, image size 16.25in x 12.5in £300-500

  • LOT 180

    A framed John Keeley watercolour (1855-1931) of Arthog Marsh, dated 1909, image size 9.5in x 7in £80-120

  • LOT 181

    A framed John Keeley watercolour (1855-1931) of Arthog Marsh, dated 1912, image size 9in x 6in £80-120

  • LOT 182

    A framed John Keeley landscape watercolour (1855-1931), image size 10in x 7in £80-120

  • LOT 183

    A framed William John Wainwright (1855-1931) watercolour of musician seated. Wainwright was the founder of the Birmingham Art Circle which included Walter Langley, image size 10in x 7in £300-500

  • LOT 184

    A framed Thomas Faed (Scottish school, 1826-1900) watercolour of child on cliff, image size 3.75in x 3.5in £100-150

  • LOT 185

    A George Smith (1870-1934) oil on panel depicting cattle in mottled sunlight within a glazed gilt frame, image size 19.5in x 13.25in £100-200

  • LOT 186

    A large framed Frederick John Widgery (1861-1942) gouache of Dunkery Beacon, Exmoor, image size 29.5in x 19.5in £100-200

  • LOT 187

    A pair of framed A. G. Brandt landscape watercolours, image sizes approx. 13.5in x 9in £30-50

  • LOT 188

    A framed David Cox Jnr. (1809-1885) watercolour depicting Tunbridge Wells Common 1872, image size 13.5in x 9.25in £50-60

  • LOT 189

    An unsigned 19thC. gilt framed oil on panel depicting sailboats off Cornish coast, image size 9.5in x 6.5in £60-80

  • LOT 190

    A Douglas Falconer (Scottish school, 1913-2004) oil on canvas landscape depicting loch & mountains set within swept frame, image size 29.5in x 19.5in, plaque reads Douglas Falconer, Exhibiter Royal Scottish Academy £300-400

  • LOT 191

    A Vicento De Luca (Italian school, 20thC.) oil on panel seascape with sailboats set within heavy gilt frame, image size 23in x 11in £100-200

  • LOT 192

    A framed David Shanahan (Irish school, contemporary) oil depicting "fallen angels", image size 22in x 18in £200-300

  • LOT 193

    A framed & mounted Brian Busselle (b.1940, St. Ives school) acrylic on panel titled "Cherries", image size 18in x 18in £400-600

  • LOT 194

    A framed John Hobson Nicholson (Douglas school, 1911-1988) watercolour of Isle Of Man landscape, image size 18.5in x 10in £100-200

  • LOT 195

    A framed Nancy Corkish (Manx school, 1936-2021) landscape watercolour on Isle of Man, image size 20in x 13in £200-300

  • LOT 196

    A framed Henry Wright Kerr (Scottish school, 1857-1936) watercolour portrait of bearded gentleman, dated 1885, image size 9.5in x 7.75in £100-150

  • LOT 197

    A pair of Dexter Brown (b.1942) original paintings of Morocco, one titled "Old Town Chaouen, Morocco", image sizes 19in x 14in & 18in x 13.5in respectively £100-200

  • LOT 198

    A 19thC. Madeline Hughes (American school, 1814-1907) watercolour depicting two women on beach with baskets, image size 15.5in x 7.75in £30-50

  • LOT 199

    A large gilt framed oil on panel still life painting signed Agricola, image size 30.75in x 24.25 £100-200

  • LOT 200

    A gilt framed William Stone (1842-1913) oil on canvas depicting a winter scene, image size 11.375in x 8.75in £50-60

  • LOT 201

    A framed pair of J. F. Herring (b.1815 or 1820 - d.1907) watercolours of horses & other animals in farmyard, one signed & dated 1849, image sizes 12.75in x 7.875in & 10.75in x 7.5in respectively £300-400

  • LOT 202

    An 18th/19thC. Dutch school, oil on panel set within oak frame, unsigned, image size 32.75in x 21in £600-800

  • LOT 203

    An 18thC. oil on panel of village landscape set within ornate & detailed gesso frame, image size 11.5in x 8.25in £100-200

  • LOT 204

    A framed Brian Shields "Braaq" (1951-1997) oil painting of ice skaters, image size 23.125in x 17.125in, artist resale right will apply £6000-8000

  • LOT 205

    A framed Brian Shields "Braaq" (1951-1997) oil painting of industrial dock scene, image size 32.875in x 18.5in, artist resale right will apply £6000-8000

  • LOT 206

    A framed Brian Shields "Braaq" (1951-1997) oil painting titled "The Football Match", image size 23.5in x 17.5in, artist resale right will apply £6000-8000

  • LOT 207

    A cased Edison cylinder record player including Gladstones final speech & fifteen other cylinders £80-120

  • LOT 208

    A cased Perken & Son Ltd. magic lantern projector with accessories with many slides including Mickey Mouse, Jack & the Beanstalk, Cinderella, children's fairytales etc. £100-200

  • LOT 209

    A 1907 pattern style bayonet & scabbard, 21in long £30-40

  • LOT 210

    Eight Royal Navy cap tallies £50-60

  • LOT 211

    A 1982 South Atlantic medal with rosette awarded to C. A P. N. Ottley D1803390 HMS Ardent (Falklands War casualty) twinned with cap tally & photo of HMS Ardent taken by naval photography in Norway £100-200

  • LOT 212

    A glass cased early 20thC. taxidermy of a leucistic otter with note "Shot by James Pyper on Piper Hill, Ayrshire 1921", case measures 27in wide x 24in high x 14in deep £200-300

  • LOT 213

    A 1920's gilded cabinet with fretwork decor, loss to bottom part, 34.75in high x 20.875in wide x 7.5in deep £30-50

  • LOT 214

    A oak religious triptych, 24in wide x 13.625in high twinned with an alabaster style religious figure group a/f £50-60

  • LOT 215

    An antique elm wheel back armchair, 37in high to back £30-50

  • LOT 216

    An antique elm seated cut down Windsor armchair, 41in high to back £30-50

  • LOT 217

    A small early 20thC. oak bureau set with three drawers, 34.5in high x 19in wide x 15.5in deep £50-60

  • LOT 218

    An Edwardian glazed mahogany display cabinet, 65.75in high x 36in wide x 12.875in deep £60-80

  • LOT 219

    A 19thC. Orkney chair with sea grass style upholstery, 38.75in high to back £100-200

  • LOT 220

    A 19thC. walnut chair with detailed carving of rams to arms & lions to back finials, 38in high to back £80-120

  • LOT 221

    An antique mahogany Gillows style Sutherland table with flared gadrooned legs & inlaid decor, 38.75in wide extended, 27in deep x 26in high £60-80

  • LOT 222

    A green leather button back Chesterfield style armchair with ball & claw feet, 45in high to back £100-150

  • LOT 223

    A Gordon Russell "Double Helix" sideboard designed by David Booth for the 1951 Festival Of Britain, 48in wide x 32.75in high x 18in deep £300-500

  • LOT 224

    A 19thC. walnut occasional table, some faults, 41.25in wide x 26in deep x 28.5in high £60-80

  • LOT 225

    A 17thC. oak dresser base with later rear legs, 72.25in wide 34.25in high x 19.25in deep £200-300

  • LOT 226

    A large painted dresser with three drawers & three cupboards, 83.5in high x 66in wide x 21in deep £100-200

  • LOT 227

    A large 19thC. extending oak dining table with nine barley twist oak chairs & a carver, table 114.5in long x 54in wide x 27.75in high £400-600

  • LOT 228

    A Georgian Alex Boswell mahogany campaign chest, some faults, original label in drawer, 38.5in wide x 44.5in high x 18.75in deep £500-600

  • LOT 229

    A 19thC. walnut sideboard with marble top & mirrored doors, 59.5in wide x 36in high x 17.5in deep £100-150

  • LOT 230

    A 19thC. Meiji period, metamorphic, three piece Japanese parquetry scholars box, opened, 24.5in wide x 8.75in deep x 10in high, otherwise 12.625in wide x 10.25in high x 8.75in deep £100-150

  • LOT 231

    A large 18th/19thC. Chinese blue & white charger, nine character mark & further decor to rear, antique stapled repair, 25.125in diameter x 3.625in deep £300-500

  • LOT 232

    A 19thC. Chinese hardwood stand, 7.375in wide, internal rim, 6.625in diameter £30-50

  • LOT 233

    A Chinese enamelled box decorated with various fruit & flowers, minor losses, 4in wide x 3in deep x 2.25in high £30-40

  • LOT 234

    A 19thC. Chinese prunus vase with stand & ill fitting lid later added top, four character mark to base, vase 7.75in tall, 13in tall inclusive £100-150

  • LOT 235

    An 18thC. Chinese porcelain tea bowl & saucer, small, very faint hairline to cup, from Nanking cargo wreck as sold by Christies, saucer 4in diameter, with Christies labels £50-100

  • LOT 236

    An antique trumpet shaped Chinese vase, six character mark to base in red, 13.875in tall £100-150

  • LOT 237

    A Chinese silver bowl, signed to base, with stand, 5in wide x 2in high, silver weight approx. 105.7g £60-80

  • LOT 238

    Two antique Chinese carved nuts & one uncarved, not in image, largest 34.5mm wide £30-40

  • LOT 239

    An antique Chinese soapstone vase with carved dragon decor, 6.375in tall £60-80

  • LOT 240

    An antique Chinese scroll featuring bird & tree decor, signed, 75in high x 28in wide £200-300

  • LOT 241

    A pair of Chinese landscape scrolls, each signed, 55in high x 14.5in wide £50-80

  • LOT 242

    A c.1900 Chinese hand painted & enamelled porcelain plaque set within carved hardwood mount, 29.875in high x 11.5in £150-200

  • LOT 243

    A framed Stuart Robertson signed lithograph looking down the Thames toward St. Paul's Cathedral, image size 12in x 8.75in £30-40

  • LOT 244

    A c.1932 set of bronze skull & cross bone nut crackers, registration mark 740410 £60-80

  • LOT 245

    A figurative Malacca cane with detailed figurative white metal top, 36.25in long £150-180

  • LOT 246

    Five books relating to Cornwall including the Cornish magazine 1898 & 1899, Tudor Cornwall by A. L. Rowse, The River Fowey by Wilson MacArthur & Richard Carew of Anthony by F. E. Halliday £30-40

  • LOT 247

    Book: The Illustrated Itinerary of the County of Cornwall by Cyrus Redding, 1842 £30-40

  • LOT 248

    Book: Bibliotheca Cornubiensis, A Catalogue of the Writings, both Manuscript and Printed, of Cornishmen, and of Works relating to the County of Cornwall vols I,II & III, 1874 £30-50

  • LOT 249

    Book: Fifteen editions of Lives of the Saints 1877 by Baring Gould £20-30

  • LOT 250

    Five vintage Ward & Lock red illustrated guide books featuring Cornwall & Plymouth twinned with three others £20-30

  • LOT 251

    A gilt framed 18thC. watercolour of man & horse with dogs hunting a hare signed F. Nash, dated 1796, image size 11in x 8.75in £50-60

  • LOT 252

    A silver pigeon fanciers medal awarded to Mr. Nicholson twinned with other pigeon fanciers related items & a 1912 letter from Australia to Mr. Nicholson relating to wanting to acquire one of his pigeons to breed from £30-50

  • LOT 253

    A silk Coco Chanel scarf, 35in x 33in £30-50

  • LOT 254

    A carved mother of pearl box with fretwork decor & white metal fittings, 4.125in wide x 2.375in deep x 1.25in at highest £30-50

  • LOT 255

    A George III London 1799 silver cream jug by Stephen Adams II, monogrammed, 5.25in tall, 103.7g £80-100

  • LOT 256

    A George III London 1793 silver cream jug by Soloman Houghman, monogrammed, 6in tall, 89.7g £60-80

  • LOT 257

    A George III London 1790 silver cream jug with gilded bowl by Abraham Preston, 5.75in tall, 152g £100-150

  • LOT 258

    A five piece 1859 early Victorian ivory handled London silver tea service by Charles Thomas Fox & George Fox with biscuit barrel, locked, key lost, ivory exemption certificate obtained - submission reference RMNUL983, approx. 2290g £600-800

  • LOT 259

    A 1901 Sheffield silver christening cup with monogram, 96.8g, 3.5in tall £30-50

  • LOT 260

    An 1877 London silver christening cup with gilding by Henry Holland, inscribed "Shelia", 4in tall, 147g £50-80

  • LOT 261

    A pair of 1974 Birmingham silver W. I. Broadway candle holders, 7.5in tall, 850g inc. £80-100

  • LOT 262

    A 1931 Birmingham silver bachelors service by Henry Clifford Davis, 636g £200-250

  • LOT 263

    A 1904 London silver bachelors service by Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co. Ltd. awarded to Sergeant & Mrs. Mason from the Officers of 1st D.C.L.I 16th June 1905, 462g £120-160

  • LOT 264

    A 1918 wooden handled Edinburgh silver spirit kettle by Hamilton & Inches, 10in high, 950g £300-400

  • LOT 265

    A Victorian 1889 London silver bread basket by Walter & John Barnard, 13in wide, 700g £200-250

  • LOT 266

    A George III 1809/10 Edinburgh silver tea service by James McKay, ivory spacers in handles, ivory exemption certificate obtained - submission reference DFSG5CGB, 1308.7g £400-600

  • LOT 267

    A pair of Thomas Bradbury & sons London silver candle holders, 1908/09, inscribed "The Pytchely Hunt Puppy Show, 1st Prize Bitches 'Plenty' Mr. W. Darker, 7.625in tall, 974g £80-100

  • LOT 268

    A George V 1912 London silver teapot by W & C Sissons, 740g £200-250

  • LOT 269

    A Victorian 1895 Sheffield silver coffee pot by James Dixon & Sons 700g £200-250

  • LOT 270

    A 1923 Sheffield silver sugar bowl & creamer with gilding by Mappin Bros. with Regent Street, Cheapside stamped to base, 501.1g £150-180

  • LOT 271

    A 1971 Birmingham silver sugar sifter by Barket Ellis, 1971, 7in tall, 109.6g £30-50

  • LOT 272

    An Edwardian 1908 London silver pen & ink stand by Hawksworth Eyre & Co. Ltd. 10.125in wide, 875g excluding glass inserts £250-300

  • LOT 273

    A George III 1817 London sliver cream jug, maker mark rubbed, 176.9g £60-80

  • LOT 274

    A late Victorian James Dixon & Sons Sheffield silver cruet set, silver weight 200.6g £80-100

  • LOT 275

    A 1939 Emile Viner silver gravy boat & ladle, 137.1g £40-60

  • LOT 276

    A 19thC. Austrian silver footed bowl & cover with bird finial, 266.5g £100-150

  • LOT 277

    A George III 1791 London silver sugar basket by William Stroud, 151.9g £80-100

  • LOT 278

    Four gilded Victorian 1858 London silver salts by Daniel & Charles Houle, 289g £90-110

  • LOT 279

    A George III 1797 London silver card dish by William Fountain, 120.5g £80-100

  • LOT 280

    A pair of Victorian 1893 Birmingham silver salts by Hirons Plante & Co. monogrammed, 43.1g, 46mm diameter £20-30

  • LOT 281

    Three silver peppers - Spink & Son, London 1888; Deakin & Francis Ltd, Birmingham 1935; Collingwood & Sons, Birmingham 1919, 68.5g £30-40

  • LOT 282

    A 1914 Birmingham silver mustard with liner & spoon by J. H. Hillcox, 67.3g £20-30

  • LOT 283

    An 18thC. silver toddy with baleen handle, 14in long £50-60

  • LOT 284

    A George IV 1821 London silver Rebecca Emes & Edward Barnard pepper caster, 65.2g £30-40

  • LOT 285

    A pair of early Victorian 1843 Exeter silver tongs by William Rawlings Sobey, 47.3g £20-30

  • LOT 286

    A Saunders & Mackenzie enamelled 1927 Birmingham silver box featuring sheep decor, signed E. Barker, 49.7g, mirror within lid £60-80

  • LOT 287

    An Australian 1920's arts & crafts style Hobart silver spoon, 18.5g, marked D.B - possibly Sargison £20-30

  • LOT 288

    A 1925 Birmingham silver cigarette case with chased decor by M. H. Meyer Ltd, monogrammed, 81.5g £30-40

  • LOT 289

    A grapefruit spoon & a preserve spoon by Aitken & Deakin, 1927 & 1928 respectively, 53.8g, twinned with two plated scalloped spoons £20-30

  • LOT 290

    A 1914 Birmingham silver inkwell, 369g inc. £30-50

  • LOT 291

    An .830 silver tourist spoon, 37g, marked W.S a/s £10-20

  • LOT 292

    Six white metal coffee spoons, test as silver, 57g, marked Jerusalem .950 £20-30

  • LOT 293

    A Victorian 1899 mother of pearl handled pocket fruit knife with Sheffield silver blade by William Needham, 12.1g £20-30

  • LOT 294

    A sterling silver stamp holder, 9.1g £20-30

  • LOT 295

    A 1944 Birmingham silver mustard & salt by Collingwood & Sons Ltd. silver weight 70g £30-40

  • LOT 296

    A Sheffield silver bladed mother of pearl fruit knife twinned with a silver cased Victorinox penknife, inscribed with date & a silver handled fish knife, 1905 £30-40

  • LOT 297

    A set of six Goldsmiths & Silversmiths, William Gibson & John Lawrence Langman, kings pattern 1894 London silver teaspoons, 165.9g £50-60

  • LOT 298

    A cased set of 1926 Sheffield silver teaspoons & sugar tongs by James Deakin & Sons, 96.9g £30-40

  • LOT 299

    A cased set of six 1916 Sheffield silver apostle spoons by Joseph Rodgers, 82.7g £20-30

  • LOT 300

    A cased set of six 1921 Sheffield silver teaspoons & sugar tongs by John & William Deakin, 115g £30-40

  • LOT 301

    A cased 1973 Dublin silver caddy spoon to commemorate joining of the EEC, 32.9g £20-30

  • LOT 302

    A cased 1973 Dublin silver caddy spoon to commemorate joining of the EEC, 32.9g £20-30

  • LOT 303

    A Russian niello silver (tested) snuff box, 87.8g £80-120

  • LOT 304

    A Russian niello silver snuff box, marked 103.4g £100-150

  • LOT 305

    A George III 1784 London silver snuff box by William Eley, 63.1g, monogrammed & inscribed inside £100-200

  • LOT 306

    A George III 1789 London silver sugar basket by Joseph Scammell, 244g £150-200

  • LOT 307

    An early George III 1746 London silver salver by John Robinson, 220g £200-250

  • LOT 308

    A George III 1799 London silver sugar basket by Crispin Fuller 167.9g £150-200

  • LOT 309

    A 1981 Birmingham silver candelabra & garniture set by Broadway & Co. 9in tall, 1.425kg inc. £150-200

  • LOT 310

    A 1930's Walker & Hall silver plated cocktail shaker, 8.125in tall £30-50

  • LOT 311

    A Victorian 1896 London silver salt with E. S. Barnsley silver spoon, silver weight 86.7g £30-40

  • LOT 312

    A Victorian 1898 Sheffield silver tankard by Henry Atkins Bros. 263.4g £80-120

  • LOT 313

    A small 1944 Birmingham silver fretwork bonbon dish by E. J. Houlston 40.7g £20-30

  • LOT 314

    A 1934 Chester silver Stokes & Ireland mustard twinned with other silver pepper pot & salt, total silver weight 181.9g £50-60

  • LOT 315

    A 1931 Birmingham silver tea strainer by William Suckling, 35.4g £20-30

  • LOT 316

    An early Victorian 1851 London sliver sugar sifter by Elizabeth Eaton, 51.7g £20-30

  • LOT 317

    A pair of Victorian 1899 London silver sugar tongs by Josiah Williams & Co. 55.1g £20-30

  • LOT 318

    Five silver napkin rings including a heavy gauge ring by Francis Howard Ltd. 53.7g, total weight 125g £40-50

  • LOT 319

    A Victorian 1860 London silver spoon with decorative handle by George Adams, 15.8g £10-20

  • LOT 320

    A pair of Edwardian 1906 London silver sugar tongs by Thomas Bradbury & Sons Ltd. 24.9g £20-30

  • LOT 321

    A pair of 1975 Francis Howard Sheffield silver decanter labels for Brandy & Whisky, 27.8g £20-30

  • LOT 322

    A 1975 Francis Howard silver decanter label for gin, 13.6g £10-20

  • LOT 323

    A boxed set of six sterling silver cocktail sticks, 17.7g £20-30

  • LOT 324

    An 1820 George III London silver sugar sifter with gilt bowl, 32.5g £20-30

  • LOT 325

    A cased set of 1931 London silver cake forks by Gorham Manufacturing, 140g £40-60

  • LOT 326

    A cased 1974 London silver cruet set by Edward Bernard & Sons Ltd. silver weight 316.3g £90-110

  • LOT 327

    Seventeen Downs silver surgical tracheotomy tubes, 168.9g £60-80

  • LOT 328

    A cased Victorian 1897 Birmingham silver Newquay, Cornwall spoon by John Millward Banks, 8in long, 75.6g £60-80

  • LOT 329

    A 1958 Sheffield silver Mappin & Webb coffee pot, 8.625in tall, 540g £150-200

  • LOT 330

    An Edwardian 1906 London silver coffee & hot water pot by Peter Henderson Deere, 699g £300-400

  • LOT 331

    A small hexagonal sterling silver pill box, 11.3g £20-30

  • LOT 332

    A 1937 silver gilt masonic badge, 5.25in drop, 38.1g £20-30

  • LOT 333

    A vintage silver ring set with amber, 5.7g, size T £20-30

  • LOT 334

    A silver & green stone shamrock brooch, 20mm diameter, 2.6g £20-30

  • LOT 335

    A pair of Tiffany & Co. silver earrings, 14mm diameter, 11.6g £30-50

  • LOT 336

    A Tiffany & Co. silver bracelet, 34.6g, 8in long £50-60

  • LOT 337

    A silver mounted blue John brooch, 32mm x 25mm, 8.3g £20-30

  • LOT 338

    A silver pocket watch, diameter 41mm, 52.5g £20-30

  • LOT 339

    A silver chain set with amethyst, 24in long, 45mm drop pendant, 53.9g £50-60

  • LOT 340

    A pair of silver Isle of Man related earrings, 30mm diameter, 7.6g £10-20

  • LOT 341

    An art deco Ruskin pottery brooch, 63mm wide, 4.9g £20-30

  • LOT 342

    Two Scandinavian .830 silver brooches, 14.7g total £30-40

  • LOT 343

    A Victorian yellow metal pen & pencil, electronically tests as 9ct gold, 109mm long, 15.9g £100-120

  • LOT 344

    An enamelled silver butterfly brooch, 55mm wide, 10.9g £20-30

  • LOT 345

    A Victorian pinchbeck spinner memorial brooch, 68mm high £20-30

  • LOT 346

    A 19thC. Italian mosaic style pendant, electronically tests as 9ct gold, 30mm high, 3.6g £30-50

  • LOT 347

    A yellow metal memorial brooch set with diamond, electronically tests as 18ct gold, 36mm wide x 27mm high, 6.1g £120-150

  • LOT 348

    A yellow metal bar brooch set with amethyst, electronically tests as 9ct gold, 50mm wide, 1.5g £20-30

  • LOT 349

    A Victorian knot brooch set with agate, lacking pin, electronically tests as 9ct gold, 37mm diameter, 17.9g £150-200

  • LOT 350

    A Victorian yellow metal brooch set with pearl & turquoise, electronically tests as 15ct gold, 2.3g £30-40

  • LOT 351

    A gilt mounted Limoges porcelain brooch, 44mm x 34mm, 13.9g £20-30

  • LOT 352

    A 9ct butterfly brooch set with diamonds & garnets, lacking a garnet stone in one antenna, 30mm x 30mm, 4.5g £60-80

  • LOT 353

    A pair of 18ct gold lorgnettes with case, London, 1937, 19.3g £150-200

  • LOT 354

    A yellow metal brooch set with pearl & turquoise, tests electronically as 18ct gold, 27mm diameter, 4.1g £90-110

  • LOT 355

    An antique white metal star & moon brooch set, tests electronically as 14ct gold, set with approx. 1.44ct diamond, 29mm at widest, 7.5g £400-600

  • LOT 356

    An antique 15ct gold bar brooch set with amethyst & pearl, 40mm wide, 2.7g £50-60

  • LOT 357

    A 14ct gold pendant of bee, 32mm x 30mm, 3.6g £60-80

  • LOT 358

    A pair of 9ct gold cufflinks, 14mm x 11mm, 5.5g £60-80

  • LOT 359

    An 18ct brooch of organic design set with approx. 0.27ct diamond & three emeralds, 42mm x 39mm, 12.8g £300-500

  • LOT 360

    A yellow metal brooch, tests electronically as 18ct gold, set with approx. 0.64ct diamond & a central peridot, 43mm wide, 9.6g £550-600

  • LOT 361

    A Victorian amber necklace, 25in long, 30.1g, largest bead 21mm x 15mm £100-150

  • LOT 362

    A cherry amber style necklace, 30in long, 45.4g, largest bead 22mm x 16mm £100-200

  • LOT 363

    A 9ct gold box chain, 23in long, 30.9g £400-500

  • LOT 364

    A two colour cultured pearl necklace & bracelet set with 9ct gold fittings, necklace clasp, 13.5in & 6.5in long respectively, 24.8g £30-50

  • LOT 365

    A 9ct gold 26in long guard style chain with amethyst set seal, 21mm high, 18.7g £180-220

  • LOT 366

    A yellow metal Taurus bull pendant set with white stones, electronically tests as 9ct gold, 7.4g £70-90

  • LOT 367

    A 19in long 9ct gold rope chain, 11.4g £110-130

  • LOT 368

    A 9ct gold pendant set with diamond & emeralds, 38mm drop, 2.5g £40-50

  • LOT 369

    A 14ct gold locket with 17.25in long chain, locket 22mm diameter, 5.7g £100-150

  • LOT 370

    A 9ct gold heart shaped pendant with 17.5in long chain, pendant 25mm diameter, 0.8g £20-30

  • LOT 371

    An iridescent crystal hologram of nymph mounted in 24ct gold, 46mm diameter £60-80

  • LOT 372

    A 9ct gold 17in long belcher chain, 6.5g £70-90

  • LOT 373

    A 9ct gold 18in long Albert chain, mounted with a 1795 George III guinea, 28.6g £500-600

  • LOT 374

    A 14ct gold 18in long chain with 14ct gold mounted Tahitian style pearl pendant, 2.6g £50-70

  • LOT 375

    An Oriental 18ct gold 15in long chain with mounted carved jade holding flower pendant, 6.1g total, chain 3.4g £80-120

  • LOT 376

    An 18ct gold 19in long chain with Libra pendant, 33mm diameter, 21.3g £500-600

  • LOT 377

    A mounted 1791 George III guinea, 9g £250-300

  • LOT 378

    An old head Victorian full gold sovereign dated 1900 £250-300

  • LOT 379

    An old head Victorian half gold sovereign dated 1901 £130-150

  • LOT 380

    A 9ct gold ingot, 65mm x 17mm x 6mm, 63.3g £800-1000

  • LOT 381

    A 9ct gold necklace set with diamonds & sapphires, 16in long, 5.6g £80-100

  • LOT 382

    A cased Gibraltar 2019 - Reverent Remembrance of the Glorious Dead full gold sovereign £300-350

  • LOT 383

    A 9ct gold bangle with chased decor, internal measurement 60mm, 16.8g £180-220

  • LOT 384

    A 9ct gold 19in long square curb link necklace, 24.4g £250-300

  • LOT 385

    A 9ct rose gold bracelet a/f, 14.4g £150-180

  • LOT 386

    A 9ct gold identity bracelet, 7in long, 7.7g £80-100

  • LOT 387

    A three colour 9ct gold bracelet, 7.275in long, 7.2g £70-90

  • LOT 388

    An 18ct gold Mappin & Webb brooch set with cultured pearls & six small diamonds, 3.1g, 31mm wide x 8mm high £80-100

  • LOT 389

    A yellow metal bracelet, electronically tests as 18ct gold, possibly Mappin & Webb, set with diamond & cultured pearl, loss of one pearl, 8.8g, 7in long £160-200

  • LOT 390

    A 9ct gold beaded bracelet a/f, 11.4g £120-140

  • LOT 391

    An 18ct gold bracelet with floral decor throughout, all links marked, 8.25in long, 46.6g £1200-1500

  • LOT 392

    A C. J. Ltd 18ct white gold watch strap a/f, 36.3g £900-1000

  • LOT 393

    A three colour metal bracelet with magnetic clasp, electronically tests as 9ct gold, 7in long, 14.7g £150-200

  • LOT 394

    An antique 9ct gold Albert chain set with George V 1913 full & 1914 half gold sovereigns, total weight 49.5g £800-1000

  • LOT 395

    A Tahitian style pearl bracelet with 14ct gold fittings, 7in long, 6.8g £30-40

  • LOT 396

    An 14ct gold necklace set with cultured pearl, 17in long, 4.9g £60-80

  • LOT 397

    A substantial 9ct gold bracelet with bark effect, 8in long, 148g £1800-2000

  • LOT 398

    A pair of 18ct gold drop earrings, 40mm drop, 4.9g £130-150

  • LOT 399

    A pair of 9ct gold drop earrings set with floral design mounted garnet, 21mm drop, 3.1g £30-50

  • LOT 400

    A pair of yellow metal drop earrings set with amber, electronically test as 10ct gold, lacking one back, 3.5g £30-40

  • LOT 401

    A pair of yellow metal drop earrings set with opal, electronically test as 10ct gold, 20mm drop, 2.6g £30-50

  • LOT 402

    A pair of yellow metal Oriental earrings with floral decor, electronically test as 20ct gold, 3.2g £80-100

  • LOT 403

    A 9ct gold & yellow metal charm bracelet, camera a/f, 61.8g £700-800

  • LOT 404

    A pair of 18ct gold earrings set with emeralds, approx. 0.84ct diamonds, 3.9g, 8mm diameter £300-500

  • LOT 405

    An Edwardian 9ct gold necklace set with pink tourmaline & diamonds, chain length 15in, drop 35mm, 6.4g £200-300

  • LOT 406

    An 18ct gold ring set with approx. 0.3ct claw set diamond & emerald in Boodles box, 3.1g, size N/O £200-250

  • LOT 407

    An 18ct gold ring with platinum collet set diamond of approx. 0.33ct, 1.9g, size K £150-180

  • LOT 408

    An antique, 18ct gold snake style ring set with three small diamonds, possibly Georgian 1803, 6.5g size S/T £200-300

  • LOT 409

    A 9ct gold ring set with approx. 0.15ct diamond, 1.3g, size I £50-60

  • LOT 410

    A 9ct gold ring set with diamond & sapphire, 4.1g, size M/N £60-80

  • LOT 411

    A 9ct gold signet ring set with Lapis Lazuli style stone, 13.1g, stone 18mm x 11mm, size V/W £100-200

  • LOT 412

    A 22ct gold band, impressed FIDELITY inside, 3.1g, size O/P £60-80

  • LOT 413

    A 9ct gold ring set with amethyst & white stones, 2.4g, rubbed marks, size N/O £30-40

  • LOT 414

    A yellow metal ring, electronically tests as 10ct gold, set with citrine stone of 20mm x 12mm dimensions, 5.6g, size Y £40-60

  • LOT 415

    An 18ct white gold trilogy ring set with approx. 0.7ct diamond, requires repair to shank where it meets mount, sold in a Boodles box, 2g, size S £250-300

  • LOT 416

    A 9ct gold ring set with emerald, 3g size N/O £50-60

  • LOT 417

    A white metal ring set with approx. 0.54ct diamond, tests electronically as 18ct gold, 3.6g, size Q £150-200

  • LOT 418

    A 9ct gold ring set with garnet, 1.7g size Q £20-30

  • LOT 419

    An antique yellow metal band with internal inscription "Mum 10th June 1909", electronically tests as 9ct gold, 3.5g, size N/O £30-40

  • LOT 420

    A 22ct gold band, 3.7g, size T £100-150

  • LOT 421

    A 14ct pink gold Rubin Arthur ring set with mother of pearl & diamond, size O/P, 5.7g £140-160

  • LOT 422

    An antique 9ct gold ring set with amethyst & pearl, one pearl lacking, 7g, size L £80-100

  • LOT 423

    A 9ct gold signet ring set with platinum face, 8.4g, size S £80-100

  • LOT 424

    A yellow metal ring set with garnet, electronically tests as 9ct gold, mount 21mm x 14mm, 4.8g, size W £60-80

  • LOT 425

    A 1931 9ct gold ring with silver set with white stones & opal, 1.5g, size K/L £40-60

  • LOT 426

    A 9ct gold ring set with opal, 2.8g, stone size 14.5mm x 10.5mm, size R/S £60-80

  • LOT 427

    A 9ct gold ring set with pearl, 0.9g, size O £30-40

  • LOT 428

    An 18ct gold band, 1.8g, size H £40-60

  • LOT 429

    A 9ct gold band, 2.7g, size W £30-40

  • LOT 430

    A three colour 18ct gold band, designer maker RP, 5.5g, size K/L £140-160

  • LOT 431

    A 22ct gold band, size K/L, 2.9g £80-100

  • LOT 432

    A 9ct gold band with rose gold set small diamonds, 4.9g, size T/U £60-80

  • LOT 433

    A 9ct gold ring set with ruby & diamond, 1g, size J £30-40

  • LOT 434

    A 9ct white gold ring set with pearl & diamond, 2g, size P £40-50

  • LOT 435

    A 9ct gold signet ring set with small diamond within sunrise design, 7.4g, size Q £80-100

  • LOT 436

    A 9ct gold cluster ring set with 0.33ct of diamond, size P/Q, 4.2g £80-100

  • LOT 437

    A pair of 18ct white gold diamond & sapphire earrings, approx. 0.82ct diamond, sapphire 9.2mm at widest point, 6.3g £300-500

  • LOT 438

    An 18ct white gold diamond & sapphire ring, approx. 0.84ct diamond, sapphire 9.2mm at widest point, 5.7g, size P £300-500

  • LOT 439

    An 18ct gold tanzanite ring of approx. 1.65ct with 0.22ct of diamond, 2.7g, size N/O £400-500

  • LOT 440

    A 14ct white gold ring set with yellow & rose gold set 0.6ct of diamond, colour I, clarity SI-2 (loss of small stone to side) & a centre stone of 1.44ct natural alexandrite, UGL certificate with GIA valuation of $15100 in 2006, size O/P, 6.9g £1000-2000

  • LOT 441

    A gold ring stamped .333 set with turquoise, electronically tests as 8ct gold, 2.8g, size P £30-50

  • LOT 442

    A George III memorial ring set with diamond, yellow metal electronically tests as 18ct gold, shank enamelled, some losses, with text of "Judith Everard OB 7th August 1775", crown 15mm high, 3.8g, size O £400-600

  • LOT 443

    A platinum white gold cross over ring set with 0.25ct of diamond with sapphire, in Boodles box, size Q, 3.2g £150-250

  • LOT 444

    A pair of silver earrings set with 1.5ct of yellow diamonds, 9.3mm sq, 3.8g £100-150

  • LOT 445

    A 9ct white gold diamond cluster ring of 1.45ct, 5g, size J/K £250-300

  • LOT 446

    A 14ct white gold pendant set with diamond & tanzanite, 2.2g, 19mm drop, with a 19in 9ct white chain £200-250

  • LOT 447

    A Lorique 18ct gold ring set with natural pear shaped sapphire & diamond, 2.5g, size N/O £200-300

  • LOT 448

    A platinum ring set with diamond & amethyst, 3.4g, size K/L £200-250

  • LOT 449

    An 18ct gold diamond & yellow csarite pendant with 21mm drop on a 17.5in 18ct gold chain, 3.4g £200-300

  • LOT 450

    A 10ct gold kunzite & diamond ring, stone 16mm x 12mm, 5.6g, size O £150-200

  • LOT 451

    A 1997 Tiffany & Co. silver bangle with original box, 62mm internal diameter, 31.5g, inscribed "Love Terry" £50-60

  • LOT 452

    A Tiffany & Co. solid silver watering can necklace pendant, 22mm high, 21.2g £30-50

  • LOT 453

    A 2001 Tiffany & Co. silver necklace & pendant with Tiffany pouch, 18in chain, pendant 41mm drop, 7.6g £50-60

  • LOT 454

    A contemporary French silver bangle, 30.6g, internal diameter 57mm, 30.6g £20-30

  • LOT 455

    A Canadian Ice Twist Starlight 18ct white gold ring set with 0.35ct centre stone & other smaller diamonds, 3.8g, size N £400-600

  • LOT 456

    A substantial, yellow metal antique ring, electronically tests as 18ct gold, set with what is believed to be a natural, Russian colour change alexandrite of approx. 10.26ct framed by approx. 1.94ct of old cut diamond, originally purchased in the late 1960's from a Belgian Count who resided in Cornwall. Weight, 20.1g, size U/V (The ring has been submitted by same seller of Chinese bronze censer we sold for £38000 on 1st Jan 2022) £6000-8000

  • LOT 457

    A pair of 18ct gold earrings set with approx. 0.4ct diamonds, 0.8g £150-200

  • LOT 458

    A 14ct gold heart shaped opal pendant, 19mm drop, 1.4g £60-80

  • LOT 459

    A 9t gold mounted cameo brooch by Ejay & Co. 38mm high, 9.5g £20-30

  • LOT 460

    A large yellow metal cameo brooch, electronically tests as 9ct gold, 63mm high, 21g £60-80

  • LOT 461

    A Links of London silver & thread adjustable bracelet with box, 22g £30-40

  • LOT 462

    A Links of London silver bracelet with pouch, 190mm long, 20g £30-50

  • LOT 463

    An 18ct gold ring set with sapphire & two small diamonds, 2.3g, size J/K £80-100

  • LOT 464

    A 9ct gold ring set with Ethiopian opal & diamond, 5g, size N/O £150-200

  • LOT 465

    An 18ct gold Illiana tanzanite & diamond pendant with 19.5in long chain, main stone 1.5ct, 2.4g £200-250

  • LOT 466

    A 9ct gold 16in long necklace & pendant set with pink sapphire, pendant diameter 24mm, 3.7g £100-150

  • LOT 467

    An amber necklace with insects including wasp & flies within the amber, 19in long, 25.8g £60-80

  • LOT 468

    A set of three colour cultured pearls with silver clasp, 55.5g, 17.5in long £30-40

  • LOT 469

    A set of cultured pearls with 9ct gold clasp, 17.5in long, 30.2g £50-60

  • LOT 470

    A cultured pearl bracelet with silver clasp, 32g £30-40

  • LOT 471

    An amber necklace, 17.5in long, 22.8g £30-40

  • LOT 472

    A set of Tahitian style pearls with 14ct gold clasp, 19in long, 44.2g £60-80

  • LOT 473

    A set of cultured pearls with 9ct gold clasp, 18in long 44.7g £50-60

  • LOT 474

    A gents Leda wrist watch £20-30

  • LOT 475

    A 9ct gold pedant set with tanzanite, 13mm high, 0.9g £40-60

  • LOT 476

    A gents vintage Omega wrist watch with plated strap, case electronically tests as 18ct gold, case diameter 35mm, currently running, 58.4g £300-500

  • LOT 477

    A ladies 9ct gold Omega wrist watch, case diameter 17mm, 6.5in long, 15g, currently running £200-250

  • LOT 478

    A gents Omega wrist watch, case diameter 33m, currently running £100-150

  • LOT 479

    A J. W. Benson silver wrist watch, hairlines to dial, case diameter 29mm, currently running £30-40

  • LOT 480

    A Revue Sport wrist watch, currently running, case diameter 28mm £20-30

  • LOT 481

    A 1950's Omega RAF military issue watch with broad arrow, NATO & stock number inscribed to back 6645 101000 GB/542 10117/53, currently running £1000-2000

  • LOT 482

    A ladies Technomarine Chronograph with approx. 1ct diamond bezel, boxed with two sports straps £200-300

  • LOT 483

    A French 18ct gold Maurice Guerdat watch with Maurice Lacroix box, 26.4g inc. currently running £180-220

  • LOT 484

    A ladies Nora 9ct gold cased wrist watch with plated strap £30-40

  • LOT 485

    A gents boxed with paperwork Rolex Oyster Perpetual Datejust Chronometer, winder not able to move date, some scratching to crystal £1000-1500

  • LOT 486

    An 18ct gold ring set with approx. 0.5ct diamonds in Illiana box, 2.9g, size K/L £200-300

  • LOT 487

    A 14ct gold pocket watch, 36mm diameter, 43.8g £200-250

  • LOT 488

    An original 1930's Poole Pottery Waterwitch bowl, inscription to rear "This dish was made & painted at the Poole Pottery in the year of 1935. Ship drawn by Arthur Bradley painted by Ruth Pavely", 14.375in diameter x 3.25in deep £100-200

  • LOT 489

    A pair of art deco period spelter antelope garnitures, 6.5in tall £50-60

  • LOT 490

    An art deco period spelter figure group on marble plinth featuring Romulus and Remus with the wolf Etruscan, chip to marble, 6.25in tall £60-80

  • LOT 491

    A Peter Spicer & Sons taxidermy of fox head with plaque "Found Brankelow Moss Killed Admiral March 4th 1948 1hr 40mins", oak shield 10.75in high £50-100

  • LOT 492

    A Peter Spicer & Sons taxidermy of fox head with plaque "Belvoir Hunt March 18th 1937", oak shield 10.75in high £50-100

  • LOT 493

    A pair of German Dresden style porcelain figures, 9in tall £60-80

  • LOT 494

    A pair of large Chinese porcelain vases with figurative decor, 15in tall £150-200

  • LOT 495

    A large antique Chinese bronze censer with lion dog handles, 8in diameter x 5in deep £200-300

  • LOT 496

    A well decorated early 20thC. Chinese porcelain vase, red six character mark to base £100-150

  • LOT 497

    A Chinese porcelain snuff bottle, blue six character mark to base, 3.25in tall £30-50

  • LOT 498

    A quantity of amber fossils mostly with insects & bugs within £30-50

  • LOT 499

    A pair of antique pewter candle holders with inscription to one XXER 1743 £50-60

  • LOT 500

    A 1967 7in vinyl single "Kites" by Simon Dupree & the Big Sound £10-15

  • LOT 501

    A pair of c.1900 Japanese silk embroidered pictures of cockerel & hen in original but later painted frames, image size 18in x 15.5in £500-600

  • LOT 502

    A framed limited edition, 589/850 pencil signed print of the Cornish Rivera Express leaving the Royal Albert Bridge by Terence Cuneo, image size 24in x 20in £60-80

  • LOT 503

    A 19thC. terracotta lion head, part of possibly a gate entrance at one time, used previously as a garden feature, 15in high x 14in wide x 14,5in deep £100-200

  • LOT 504

    A framed pastel by Ken Leech dated 1981 of Polperro, Cornwall, image size 22.875in x 14..875in £100-200

  • LOT 505

    A framed Mary Martin oil on panel of morning glory flowers, dated 1976, image size 22.75in x 9.75in £100-200

  • LOT 506

    A set of documents relating to Royal Marine B9935 James Gosney including a vellum service record from September 1899 along with a .800 silver & gilt pocket watch with Turkish dial & vendor provided research relating to Gallipoli Campaign £60-80


Three Bing steam engine accessories SOLD £560

Three Bing steam engine accessories


19thC. Ivory chess set with losses sold £500

19thC. Ivory chess set with losses


An early 20thC. rocking horse £300

An early 20thC. rocking horse


A Chinese chess set a/f £500

A Chinese chess set AF


A quantity of diecast tractor models SOLD £720

A quantity of diecast tractor models


Boxed Dinky toys sold £230

Boxed Dinky toys


Two vintage dolls £210

Two vintage dolls


Engineers model train requiring restoration repair SOLD £1500

Engineers model train requiring restoration repair


Mamod Brooklands tourer SOLD £190

Mamod Brooklands tourer


Playworn Dinky af sold £170

Playworn Dinky AF


Three Bing steam engine accessories SOLD £560

Three Bing steam engine accessories


An antique solitaire chess board SOLD £520

An antique solitaire chess board


A vintage pocket dice game SOLD £45

A vintage pocket dice game


A boxed 00 gauge Bachmann model train BM 35-075 Class E4 579 LB & SCR Umber SOLD £80

A boxed 00 gauge Bachmann model train BM 35-075 Class E4 579 LB & SCR Umber


A boxed 00 gauge Bachmann model train BM 31-655TL Class 47 47625 City Of Truro SOLD £140

A boxed 00 gauge Bachmann model train BM 31-655TL Class 47 47625 City Of Truro


A boxed 00 gauge Hornby BR Blue Class 71 twinned with a boxed Dapol 00 Gauge Class Diesel Electric Locomotive Gatwick Express SOLD £120

A boxed 00 gauge Hornby BR Blue Class 71 twinned with a boxed Dapol 00 Gauge Class Diesel Electric Locomotive Gatwick Express


A boxed Benbros Qualitoy Sunderland diecast toy flat bed truck, minor play wear SOLD £130

A boxed Benbros Qualitoy Sunderland diecast toy flat bed truck, minor play wear


A boxed unused 00 gauge Hornby presentation edition railway engine with carriages City of Liverpool SOLD £120

A boxed unused 00 gauge Hornby presentation edition railway engine with carriages City of Liverpool


A four drawer Meccano set with two drawers still sealed SOLD £980

A four drawer Meccano set with two drawers still sealed


A vintage boxed Britains no.9748 diecast self propelled 155mm gun, playworn SOLD £140

A vintage boxed Britains no.9748 diecast self propelled 155mm gun, playworn


A vintage tin plate Express steam engine 7.375in long SOLD £220

A vintage tin plate Express steam engine 7.375in long


Eight boxed Matchbox diecast toy vehicles Ford Cortina GT no.25, Fire pumper truck no.29, VRM racing car no.52, BP tanker no.25, standard Jeep no.72, Kennel truck no.50, Jumbo crane SOLD £130.00

Eight boxed Matchbox diecast toy vehicles Ford Cortina GT no.25, Fire pumper truck no.29, VRM racing car no.52, BP tanker no.25, standard Jeep no.72, Kennel truck no.50, Jumbo crane


Five boxed Matchbox diecast toy vehicles Quarry truck no. 6, Motor scooter & sidecar no. 36, Pink Rolls Royce Phantom 5 no. 34, Super Atlantic tractor no.15 & Muir dumper SOLD £240

Five boxed Matchbox diecast toy vehicles Quarry truck no. 6, Motor scooter & sidecar no. 36, Pink Rolls Royce Phantom 5 no. 34, Super Atlantic tractor no.15 & Muir dumper


Quantity of playworn Hornby 'Morning Star' & R078 GWR 4-6-0 'King Edward I' twinned with a quantity of other Hornby & Lima boxed items with numerous unboxed engines, rolling stock SOLD £210

Quantity of playworn Hornby 'Morning Star' & R078 GWR 4-6-0 'King Edward I' twinned with a quantity of other Hornby & Lima boxed items with numerous unboxed engines, rolling stock


Two boxed 00 gauge Hornby model trains R866 SR 4-6-2 loco 'Fighter Pilot' & R327 LNER 4-6-2 loco Mallard SOLD £95

Two boxed 00 gauge Hornby model trains R866 SR 4-6-2 loco 'Fighter Pilot' & R327 LNER 4-6-2 loco Mallard



Georgian educational cards £440

Georgian educational cards


A 16thC. coloured map of Lands End Cornwall by Lucas Janszoon Waghenaer dating to c.1584 SOLD £1100

A 16thC. coloured map of Lands End Cornwall by Lucas Janszoon Waghenaer dating to c.1584


A Topographical and Historical Description of Cornwall John Norden 1728 SOLD £540

A Topographical and Historical Description of Cornwall John Norden 1728


An 18thC. Georgian childs educational game Mothers Friend Set of Cuts SOLD £1750

An 18thC. Georgian childs educational game Mothers Friend Set of Cuts


Book Progymnasmata. The Inn Play or Cornish Hugg Wrestler by Thomas Parkyns 1727 SOLD £560

Book Progymnasmata. The Inn Play or Cornish Hugg Wrestler by Thomas Parkyns 1727


Chinese other postcards sold £400

Chinese other postcards


Six albums of modern stamps £500

Six albums of modern stamps


16thC. Map £760

16thC. Map


A small quantity of vintage postcards £310

A small quantity of vintage postcards


18thC. Map £1050

18thC. Map


ERA motor racing book SOLD £230

ERA motor racing book


Four Julian Barrow oils SOLD £780

Four Julian Barrow oils


Hans Christian Andersen book with Harry Clarke plates SOLD £200

Hans Christian Andersen book with Harry Clarke plates


Modern stamp album SOLD £300

Modern stamp album


PG Wodehouse signed book sold £310

PG Wodehouse signed book


Rangers FC goalkeeper sporting medals cap sold £2000

Rangers FC goalkeeper sporting medals cap


Small card canvas Bernard Leach pottery sign SOLD £340

Small card canvas Bernard Leach pottery sign


Three Samuel Palmer etchings SOLD £230

Three Samuel Palmer etchings


A 16thC. bible printed by Christopher Barker dated c.1589 from Higman family SOLD £780

A 16thC. bible printed by Christopher Barker dated c.1589 from Higman family


A 17thC. bible dated 1631 by Robert Barker SOLD £600

A 17thC. bible dated 1631 by Robert Barker


A collection of 26 books by Colin Wilson, including first editions SOLD £190

A collection of 26 books by Colin Wilson, including first editions


A John Speed 17thC. map of Cornwall, dated 1630, laid to board, af SOLD £480

A John Speed 17thC. map of Cornwall, dated 1630, laid to board, AF


A period 1912 Titanic related framed poster titled Souvenir of Affectionate Remembrance of the Captain, Mates, Crew & the Passengers etc. SOLD £220

A period 1912 Titanic related framed poster titled Souvenir of Affectionate Remembrance of the Captain, Mates, Crew & the Passengers etc.


A set of four original 18thC. William Hogarth prints depicting the four stages of cruelty SOLD £200

A set of four original 18thC. William Hogarth prints depicting the four stages of cruelty


A signed limited edition FRINK Dame Elisabeth AESOP. Fables, Curwen Press for R. Alistair McAlpine & Leslie Waddington Prints, 1968 SOLD £1500

A signed limited edition FRINK Dame Elisabeth AESOP. Fables, Curwen Press for R. Alistair McAlpine & Leslie Waddington Prints, 1968


Handel's Water & Fire Music concertos book af SOLD £250

Handel's Water & Fire Music concertos book AF


Large early 19thC. 1827 edition of Milton's Paradise Lost SOLD £220

Large early 19thC. 1827 edition of Milton's Paradise Lost


Signed W. O. Bentley book SOLD £460

Signed W. O. Bentley book


The Bayonet Book by John Watts & Peter White SOLD £140

The Bayonet Book by John Watts & Peter White


Thirteen postcards, 12 rare ones relating to cycling SOLD £140

Thirteen postcards, 12 rare ones relating to cycling



Naval officers sword af £340

Naval officers sword AF


19thC. Albanian flintlock £330

19thC. Albanian flintlock


German WW2 flag £280

German WW2 flag


German WW2 badge £310

German WW2 badge


A model of a cannon £260

A model of a cannon


A Malayan Kris £330

A Malayan Kris


A Gentlemans sword stick SOLD £160

A Gentlemans sword stick


A Ketland Flintlock blunderbuss SOLD £1700

A Ketland Flintlock blunderbuss


A small WW1 medal set with Somaliland bar SOLD £370

A small WW1 medal set with Somaliland bar


A small WW1 Military cross Yeomanry group SOLD £1100

A small WW1 Military cross Yeomanry group


A WW1 medal set awarded to Lt. Commander J. Edwards Royal Navy SOLD £380

A WW1 medal set awarded to Lt. Commander J. Edwards Royal Navy


German WW2 helmet af sold £300

German WW2 helmet AF


German WW2 Third Reich Nazi double decal police helmet SOLD £200

German WW2 Third Reich Nazi double decal police helmet


Small engineers model of cannon SOLD £150

Small engineers model of cannon


WW1 Iron cross sold £180

WW1 Iron cross


A German WW2 Third Reich Nazi panzer tank camouflage shirt SOLD £170

A German WW2 Third Reich Nazi panzer tank camouflage shirt


A 19thC. Turkish Ottoman yataghan sword £280

A 19thC. Turkish Ottoman yataghan sword


A British Officers Naval short sword with brass fittings & shagreen handle, crack to leather on scabbard SOLD £190

A British Officers Naval short sword with brass fittings & shagreen handle, crack to leather on scabbard


A double sided silk WW2 map depicting Scandinavia & Baltics, approx. 22in x 19in SOLD £150

A double sided silk WW2 map depicting Scandinavia & Baltics, approx. 22in x 19in


A family medal set Queens South Africa three bar medal - Relief Of Ladysmith; Tugela Heights; Cape Colony won by 7424 Co. Sgt. Major W. Carter A.S.C; Ashanti Star 1896 etc. SOLD £420

A family medal set Queens South Africa three bar medal - Relief Of Ladysmith; Tugela Heights; Cape Colony won by 7424 Co. Sgt. Major W. Carter A.S.C; Ashanti Star 1896 etc.


A fine quality Wild West replica 1851 Navy revolver with blued steel & brass fittings SOLD £150

A fine quality Wild West replica 1851 Navy revolver with blued steel & brass fittings


A Gurkha Kukri dagger with leather scabbard dated 1919 with military broad arrow SOLD £140

A Gurkha Kukri dagger with leather scabbard dated 1919 with military broad arrow


A Japanese WW2 samurai sword with scabbard & leather sleeve, sword length 36.5in SOLD £480

A Japanese WW2 samurai sword with scabbard & leather sleeve, sword length 36.5in


A large pair of heavy brass night vision Russian naval binoculars with tripod stand numberbed NW0128 - unextended 45in plus high, glasses SOLD £860

A large pair of heavy brass night vision Russian naval binoculars with tripod stand numberbed NW0128 - unextended 45in plus high, glasses


A WW2 Nazi Germany Third Reich military radio receiver & accessories SOLD £420

A WW2 Nazi Germany Third Reich military radio receiver & accessories


A WW2 Nazi Third Reich Hitler Youth dagger twinned with other Nazi Germany SOLD £620

A WW2 Nazi Third Reich Hitler Youth dagger twinned with other Nazi Germany


An 88lb cannonball found at HMS Cambridge near Plymouth SOLD £130

An 88lb cannonball found at HMS Cambridge near Plymouth


Approx. 43 military helmet & cap badges SOLD £200

Approx. 43 military helmet & cap badges


Two Scottish sgian-dubh daggers twinned with brass badges & other items SOLD £1200

Two Scottish sgian-dubh daggers twinned with brass badges & other items



17thC. John Maitland medal £440

17thC. John Maitland medal


Victorian gold coin £1000

Victorian gold coin


1937 Australian coin set SOLD £14500

1937 Australian coin set


A 1714 guinea fine & VF SOLD £440

A 1714 guinea fine & VF


A good grade James VI 1595 gold coin SOLD £2500

A good grade James VI 1595 gold coin


A high grade 1893 Victorian silver coin proof set SOLD £3000

A high grade 1893 Victorian silver coin proof set


A high grade collection of eight Victorian 1869 gold silver copper coins SOLD £4800

A high grade collection of eight Victorian 1869 gold silver copper coins


A Victorian electrotype William IV crown SOLD £420

A Victorian electrotype William IV crown


A Victorian silver two shilling coin SOLD £350

A Victorian silver two shilling coin


A William Mary silver half crown SOLD £110

A William Mary silver half crown


An 8 over 7 gold sovereign SOLD £500

An 8 over 7 gold sovereign


An 1887 Victorian full gold sovereign SOLD £350

An 1887 Victorian full gold sovereign


Krugerrand coin sold £880

Krugerrand coin


Polboy coins set sold £1850

Polboy coins set


Richard III Groat 1452 1485 23mm SOLD £680

Richard III Groat 1452 1485 23mm


South African 1937 coin set SOLD £2650

South African 1937 coin set


A 1906 Edwardian half gold sovereign SOLD £210

A 1906 Edwardian half gold sovereign


A 1909 Edwardian half gold sovereign SOLD £170

A 1909 Edwardian half gold sovereign


A 1911 George V full gold sovereign SOLD £330

A 1911 George V full gold sovereign


A 1912 King George V full gold sovereign SOLD £400

A 1912 King George V full gold sovereign


A 2018 Royal Mint boxed & cased QEII full gold proof sovereign SOLD £400

A 2018 Royal Mint boxed & cased QEII full gold proof sovereign


An 1864 Queen Victoria Young Head full gold sovereign £420

An 1864 Queen Victoria Young Head full gold sovereign


An 1893 Queen Victoria Jubilee Head full gold sovereign SOLD £420

An 1893 Queen Victoria Jubilee Head full gold sovereign


Two early Irish Lady Lavery series bank notes with first day issue dates SOLD £2100

Two early Irish Lady Lavery series bank notes with first day issue dates



A c.1900 Chinese vase £310

A c.1900 Chinese vase


A c.1900 Chinese ginger jar £330

A c.1900 Chinese ginger jar


Small gilt bronze Tara £2700

Small gilt bronze Tara


A 20thC. Chinese bronze censer bowl SOLD with tribute marks £700

A 20thC. Chinese bronze censer bowl with tribute marks


An early 20thC. Chinese buddha SOLD £960

An early 20thC. Chinese buddha


A 17thC. carved Chinese figure £1700

A 17thC. carved Chinese figure


Small censer £680

Small censer


Small ivory figure £250

Small ivory figure


c.1880 Chinese gown sold £4200

c.1880 Chinese gown


A Chinese 20thC. robe SOLD £720

A Chinese 20thC. robe


19thC. Chinese silk from the Temple of Heaven SOLD £4900

19thC. Chinese silk from the Temple of Heaven


A pair of 19thC Chinese carved ivory tusks SOLD £580

A pair of 19thC Chinese carved ivory tusks


A pair of late Qing dynasty altar vases SOLD £8400

A pair of late Qing dynasty altar vases


A small pair of Chinese silver candlesticks SOLD £440!

A small pair of Chinese silver candlesticks


An early pair of Chinese dogs of foo SOLD £1700

An early pair of Chinese dogs of foo


Japanese charger sold £380

Japanese charger


Chinese brush pots AF SOLD £310

Chinese brush pots AF


Chinese Guangxu porcelain bowl SOLD £4000

Chinese Guangxu porcelain bowl


Ming period Celadon bowl sold £8000

Ming period Celadon bowl


Two 19thC. lidded Persian earthenware jars, both lids af, repair to one rim. each approx. 15in tall SOLD £210

Two 19thC. lidded Persian earthenware jars, both lids af, repair to one rim. each approx. 15in tall


A c.1900 Chinese watercolour scroll with goose at rivers edge decor, signed 86.5in long SOLD £2100

A c.1900 Chinese watercolour scroll with goose at rivers edge decor, signed 86.5in long


A large possibly 18thC. Oriental celadon style charger 15.25in diameter with painted moths & foliates, some wear to decor SOLD £330

A large possibly 18thC. Oriental celadon style charger 15.25in diameter with painted moths & foliates, some wear to decor


An 18thC. Kangxi period Chinese porcelain bowl 7.5in wide, with faults SOLD £2000

An 18thC. Kangxi period Chinese porcelain bowl 7.5in wide, with faults


An antique Japanese Banko wolf teapot with enamelled decor, lacking carrier SOLD £180

An antique Japanese Banko wolf teapot with enamelled decor, lacking carrier


An early 20thC. well decorated Chinese porcelain bowl with figurative enamelled panels 9.25in wide x 6.375in high SOLD £620

An early 20thC. well decorated Chinese porcelain bowl with figurative enamelled panels 9.25in wide x 6.375in high




Mary Martin oil



Starlie Sokol Hohne abstract art



A 19thC. oil portrait AF


An 18thC. oil on canvas in gilt frame £9400

An 18thC. oil on canvas in gilt frame


A John Glover watercolour A/F £1150

A John Glover watercolour AF


A continental oil on canvas £780

A continental oil on canvas


A framedo riginal Fred Yates signed oil depicting Cornish fishing village beach

A framedo riginal Fred Yates signed oil depicting Cornish fishing village beach


A Henry Hall framed oil of coastal scene SOLD £500

A Henry Hall framed oil of coastal scene


A Joan Gillchrest oil on panel SOLD £1900

A Joan Gillchrest oil on panel


A miniature watercolour of Hannah Pearson daughter of Sir Richard Pearson RN SOLD £3000

A miniature watercolour of Hannah Pearson daughter of Sir Richard Pearson RN


A small mounted oil on card of Grand Harbour Valletta by Girolamo Gianni SOLD £1650

A small mounted oil on card of Grand Harbour Valletta by Girolamo Gianni


A Timmy Mallett oil painting SOLD £500

A Timmy Mallett oil painting


An 18thC oil portrait of woman SOLD £2600

An 18thC oil portrait of woman


An oil on canvas depicting a study of young African man SOLD £1250

An oil on canvas depicting a study of young African man


An unsigned Fred Yates watercolour SOLD £500

An unsigned Fred Yates watercolour


Dutch interior oil on oak panel with faults £940

Dutch interior oil on oak panel with faults


Japanese woodblock print £210

Japanese woodblock print


Four hand painted Chinese scrolls SOLD £1200

Four hand painted Chinese scrolls


Impressionist oil painting sold £460

Impressionist oil painting


Japanese silkwork picture sold £580

Japanese silkwork picture


Small 18thC. oil on panel of Royal Navy Captain Ellis SOLD £5150

Small 18thC. oil on panel of Royal Navy Captain Ellis


Three Frederick Goff miniature watercolours SOLD £1800

Three Frederick Goff miniature watercolours


Three small Bob Tucker oils SOLD £400

Three small Bob Tucker oils


Vice Admiral Richard Crozier miniature SOLD £4200

Vice Admiral Richard Crozier miniature


A framed early 20thC. landscape oil on canvas by Icelandic artist Johannes S. Kjarval, 1885-1972, image size 15.375in x 10.375in SOLD £1650

A framed early 20thC. landscape oil on canvas by Icelandic artist Johannes S. Kjarval, 1885-1972, image size 15.375in x 10.375in


A framed limited edition Japanese woodblock print signed £210

A framed limited edition Japanese woodblock print signed


A framed oil on canvas titled to verso Sun 16 by Robert Lenkiewicz SOLD £1750

A framed oil on canvas titled to verso Sun 16 by Robert Lenkiewicz


A framed original watercolour of pheasant flying by Nicola Jane Rowles, signed, image size 15.5in x 11.5in SOLD £420

A framed original watercolour of pheasant flying by Nicola Jane Rowles, signed, image size 15.5in x 11.5in


A framed Robert O. Lenkiewicz oil painting on panel depicting Lisa & a portrait of painter, part of St. Anthony Theme, signed & titled to verso, image size 23.75in x 22.75in. SOLD £6000

A framed Robert O. Lenkiewicz oil painting on panel depicting Lisa & a portrait of painter, part of St. Anthony Theme, signed & titled to verso, image size 23.75in x 22.75in.


A hand signed limited edition print Five Ring Circus by Harland Miller SOLD £8600

A hand signed limited edition print Five Ring Circus by Harland Miller


A large 19thC. watercolour depicting Cornwall fishing village Polperro, signed by artist John McDougal & dated 1885 SOLD £1000

A large 19thC. watercolour depicting Cornwall fishing village Polperro, signed by artist John McDougal & dated 1885


A large Robert Lenkiewicz original oil on canvas, signed & titled to verso SOLD £18500

A large Robert Lenkiewicz original oil on canvas, signed & titled to verso


A pair of Oscar Ricciardi, Italian, 1864-1935, oil on panels with Bay of Naples SOLD £400

A pair of Oscar Ricciardi, Italian, 1864-1935, oil on panels with Bay of Naples


A small 19thC. Italian micro-mosaic of the Doves of Pliny set within a gilt frame SOLD £1200

A small 19thC. Italian micro-mosaic of the Doves of Pliny set within a gilt frame


A small gilt framed oil on canvas of Rueben by Robert Lenkiewicz SOLD £1150

A small gilt framed oil on canvas of Rueben by Robert Lenkiewicz


A small Robert Lenkiewicz oil on canvas titled Paula With The Painter - first time on open market, bought directly from artist SOLD £4000

A small Robert Lenkiewicz oil on canvas titled Paula With The Painter - first time on open market, bought directly from artist


An early 19thC. raised work picture of parrot & flowers set within a rosewood veneer frame SOLD £140

An early 19thC. raised work picture of parrot & flowers set within a rosewood veneer frame


An unframed Harland Miller print, large edition of This Is Where Its Fuckin At, Or At Least It Used To Be SOLD £19500

An unframed Harland Miller print, large edition of This Is Where Its Fuckin At, Or At Least It Used To Be


Two oak framed Maurice William Greiffenhagen pen & ink watercolours SOLD £440

Two oak framed Maurice William Greiffenhagen pen & ink watercolours



Audemars Piguet watch £5500

Audemars Piguet watch


RAF military watch af £2050

RAF military watch AF


A Gents gold pocket watch £840

A Gents gold pocket watch


A Movado slide watch £200

A Movado slide watch


A 9ct gold gents Omega wristwatch with original case SOLD £480

A 9ct gold gents Omega wristwatch with original case


A French gilt clock with pate sur pate panels SOLD £880

A French gilt clock with pate sur pate panels


A full hunter gold pocket watch AF SOLD £1050

A full hunter gold pocket watch AF


A gents Breitling Chronomat Automatic wrist watch with bakelite case SOLD £1200

A gents Breitling Chronomat Automatic wrist watch with bakelite case


A gents Lemania 105 Antichoc Antimagnetic 17 ruby wrist watch SOLD £600

A gents Lemania 105 Antichoc Antimagnetic 17 ruby wrist watch


A gents Omega wristwatch SOLD £960

A gents Omega wristwatch


A Pasha De Cartier watch no box SOLD £1400

A Pasha De Cartier watch no box


A silver verge style pocket watch SOLD £580

A silver verge style pocket watch


A Tissot Automatic Seastar watch SOLD £440

A Tissot Automatic Seastar watch


A wheelwright bespoke made mount for clock SOLD £220

A wheelwright bespoke made mount for clock


A white gold Chaumet watch SOLD £2000

A white gold Chaumet watch


An oak cased German bracket clock SOLD £440

An oak cased German bracket clock


Gents gold Omega Constellation watch SOLD £2300

Gents gold Omega Constellation watch


Gold full hunter pocket watch sold £940

Gold full hunter pocket watch


Ladies Cartier watch SOLD £2500

Ladies Cartier watch


Ladies Omega watch sold £820

Ladies Omega watch


Rolex Datejust SOLD £3100

Rolex Datejust


A brass ships clock SOLD £200

A brass ships clock


Regency period Fusee clock SOLD £1550

Regency period Fusee clock


An Elliot of London chinoiserie clock SOLD £330

An Elliot of London chinoiserie clock


A c.1800 Kenneth Maclennan of London mahogany cased clock with brass & silvered dial SOLD £540

A c.1800 Kenneth Maclennan of London mahogany cased clock with brass & silvered dial


A Carl F. Bucherer Manero chronograph wristwatch with box SOLD £1500

A Carl F. Bucherer Manero chronograph wristwatch with box


A gents substantial Breitling Super Avenger 48mm wrist watch with case & paperwork SOLD £2500

A gents substantial Breitling Super Avenger 48mm wrist watch with case & paperwork


A good silver J. W. Benson pocket watch 115g, crack to enamel SOLD £240

A good silver J. W. Benson pocket watch 115g, crack to enamel


A Regency period early 19thC. bracket clock by Nenton & Co. London, crack to rear glass SOLD £500

A Regency period early 19thC. bracket clock by Nenton & Co. London, crack to rear glass


A Swiss Telemetre Incabloc Antimagnetic vintage wristwatch SOLD £160

A Swiss Telemetre Incabloc Antimagnetic vintage wristwatch


A vintage Lemania military wristwatch with military kitearrow mark af SOLD £5000

A vintage Lemania military wristwatch with military kitearrow mark AF


A West German Cuckoo clock, working order SOLD £230

A West German Cuckoo clock, working order


A Jagaer Lecoultre watch £1200

A Jagaer Lecoultre watch


A gold Smiths watch £360

A gold Smiths watch


A Breitling TopTime watch a/f £460

A Breitling TopTime watch AF


Cocktail watch a/f £480

Cocktail watch AF


An 18ct gold Eterna Diana quartz wristwatch, not running 46.5g SOLD £1000

An 18ct gold Eterna Diana quartz wristwatch, not running 46.5g


Ladies Oyster Perpetual Watch

Ladies Oyster Perpetual (2020)


Gents Omega Seamaster 300 wristwatch

Gents Omega Seamaster 300 wristwatch


Gents gold Rolex Day Date, non factory bezel

Gents gold Rolex Day Date, non factory bezel (2019)


An 18ct Pierce ladies wristwatch

An 18ct Pierce ladies wristwatch


An 18ct gold full hunter pocket watch

An 18ct gold full hunter pocket watch


A Thomas Hunter longcase clock

A Thomas Hunter longcase clock



Silver cruet set £150

Silver cruet set


An Asian white metal box £150

An Asian white metal box


A set of six novelty silver teaspoons £110

A set of six novelty silver teaspoons


A pair of novelty silver salts £300

A pair of novelty silver salts


A small embossed silver box £160

A small embossed silver box


Silver cup & saucer £130

Silver cup & saucer


A silver vinaigrette £180

A silver vinaigrette


A 20thC. silver cutlery service SOLD £1850

A 20thC. silver cutlery service


A c.1840 French silt gilt fitted inkwell SOLD £340

A c.1840 French silt gilt fitted inkwell


A Chinese silver comport SOLD £2700

A Chinese silver comport


A continental silver guilloche box £250

A continental silver guilloche box


A French silver chocolate pot SOLD £1350

A French silver chocolate pot


A French silver tea coffee service SOLD £740

A French silver tea coffee service


A large Robinson Edkins and Aston Birmingham silver footed salver SOLD £940

A large Robinson Edkins and Aston Birmingham silver footed salver


A silver spirit kettle SOLD £1350

A silver spirit kettle


A small silk lined box SOLD £150

A small silk lined box


An 18thC. Guernsey silver christening cup 94g SOLD £420

An 18thC. Guernsey silver christening cup 94g


An early 20thC silver shooting trophy SOLD £1700

An early 20thC silver shooting trophy


A silver montieth £2150

A silver montieth


A George III silver coffee pot A/F £1950

A George III silver coffee pot AF


A Victorian silver teapot £560

A Victorian silver teapot


A Victorian plated tray £400

A Victorian plated tray


Silver toast rack SOLD £170

Silver toast rack


Four silver topped whisky noggins SOLD £330

Four silver topped whisky noggins


Silver tankard sold £430

Silver tankard


A silver mounted lidded vase SOLD £160

A silver mounted lidded vase


Edwardian silver rabbit pin cushion SOLD £310

Edwardian silver rabbit pin cushion


A 17thC. silver trefid marriage spoon with WG maker marks Marlborough, Wiltshire, inscribed R.S E.S 1694 51.1g SOLD £500

A 17thC. silver trefid marriage spoon with WG maker marks Marlborough, Wiltshire, inscribed R.S E.S 1694 51.1g


A 19thC. novelty London silver miniature chamberstick candle holder by William Comyns, date mark for 1896, approx. 8.5g SOLD £60

A 19thC. novelty London silver miniature chamberstick candle holder by William Comyns, date mark for 1896, approx. 8.5g


A 1903 Edwardian London silver footed teapot by Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co. Ltd. 750g £330

A 1903 Edwardian London silver footed teapot by Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co. Ltd. 750g


A 1907 Birmingham silver cigar ashtray spoon by William Hutton & Sons Ltd. SOLD £130

A 1907 Birmingham silver cigar ashtray spoon by William Hutton & Sons Ltd.


A c.1820 French 0.950 silver Empire style footed coffee pot SOLD £580

A c.1820 French 0.950 silver Empire style footed coffee pot


A case set of six Sheffield silver teaspoons with otter & fish decor, lacking one spoon by James Dixon & Sons 1927, approx. 77.7g SOLD £120

A case set of six Sheffield silver teaspoons with otter & fish decor, lacking one spoon by James Dixon & Sons 1927, approx. 77.7g


A cased set of a dozen Belle Epoque French 0.950 silver shots 186g SOLD £130

A cased set of a dozen Belle Epoque French 0.950 silver shots 186g


A Georgian gilt lined London silver sugar bowl, date mark for 1803 approx. 163.6g, rubbed marks SOLD £130

A Georgian gilt lined London silver sugar bowl, date mark for 1803 approx. 163.6g, rubbed marks


A Georgian London silver gilt lined sugar bowl & creamer by Stephen Adams II approx. 510g SOLD £210

A Georgian London silver gilt lined sugar bowl & creamer by Stephen Adams II approx. 510g


A German made silver plated cocktail making travel kit with Mappin & Webb case SOLD £320

A German made silver plated cocktail making travel kit with Mappin & Webb case


A heavy gauge Indo-Aryan silver cigarette case with elephant & lion decor, initialed to one top corner, A.G.S, weight 274g SOLD £180

A heavy gauge Indo-Aryan silver cigarette case with elephant & lion decor, initialed to one top corner, A.G.S, weight 274g


A heavy gauge small Georgian London silver salver by John Schofield, date mark for 1790 410g SOLD £390

A heavy gauge small Georgian London silver salver by John Schofield, date mark for 1790 410g


A pair of 0.830 silver cigar cutters, probably Danish, stamped HJ SOLD £90

A pair of 0.830 silver cigar cutters, probably Danish, stamped HJ


A pair of Henry Wilkinson & Co. 1877 Sheffield silver candlesticks 10in tall af SOLD £320

A pair of Henry Wilkinson & Co. 1877 Sheffield silver candlesticks 10in tall AF


A solid white metal, tests as silver, impressively detailed model of a wild boar made by the late Cornish based silver & goldsmith Edmund Kaszewski, approx. 198.4g SOLD £390

A solid white metal, tests as silver, impressively detailed model of a wild boar made by the late Cornish based silver & goldsmith Edmund Kaszewski, approx. 198.4g


An 1833 William IV Birmingham silver box with fox decor & gilt lining by Thomas Shaw 3.5in wide x 2in deep x 0.875in high, approx. 105.4g SOLD £400

An 1833 William IV Birmingham silver box with fox decor & gilt lining by Thomas Shaw 3.5in wide x 2in deep x 0.875in high, approx. 105.4g


An 1838 Birmingham silver snuff box by Thomas T. Shaw, gilt lined to base & rose colour lining to top, weight approx. 48g 2.25in wide x 1.5in deep x 0.4in high SOLD £170

An 1838 Birmingham silver snuff box by Thomas T. Shaw, gilt lined to base & rose colour lining to top, weight approx. 48g 2.25in wide x 1.5in deep x 0.4in high


An 1888 cased Victorian silver self propelling ink pen & pencil by Joseph Aldman with blood stone seal, approx. 24.9g SOLD £130

An 1888 cased Victorian silver self propelling ink pen & pencil by Joseph Aldman with blood stone seal, approx. 24.9g


An 1894 Victorian three piece London silver bachelors tea set by Sibray Hall SOLD £280

An 1894 Victorian three piece London silver bachelors tea set by Sibray Hall £280


An 1895 Victorian three piece Birmingham silver tea set by George Nathan & Ridley Hayes approx. 1075g SOLD £480

An 1895 Victorian three piece Birmingham silver tea set by George Nathan & Ridley Hayes approx. 1075g


An antique silver topped whisky noggin 1914 Birmingham silver top by Levi & Salaman 3.75in SOLD £100

An antique silver topped whisky noggin 1914 Birmingham silver top by Levi & Salaman 3.75in


An enamelled silver cigarette case with gilt interior 3.25in x 1.75in 83g SOLD £420

An enamelled silver cigarette case with gilt interior 3.25in x 1.75in 83g


An ornate Victorian Birmingham silver servant call bell with twist top action SOLD £210

An ornate Victorian Birmingham silver servant call bell with twist top action




A Beswick penguin


A pair of 1951 Festival of Britain mugs SOLD £520

A pair of 1951 Festival of Britain mugs


A quantity of Hammersley porcelain sold £1800

A quantity of Hammersley porcelain



A Sitzendorf centrepiece AF



Davenport tureen & stand


Cup and saucer

Meissen cup & saucer


Early 19thC. creamware plate damaged sold £270

Early 19thC. creamware plate damaged


Hannah Barlow Doulton stoneware lemonade set sold £840

Hannah Barlow Doulton stoneware lemonade set


Royal Albert china sold £300

Royal Albert china


Royal Crown Derby Imari 1128 part service sold £1160

Royal Crown Derby Imari 1128 part service


Royal Crown Derby Royal Antoinette 43 piece service SOLD £1900

Royal Crown Derby Royal Antoinette 43 piece service


Small Doulton Titanian vase SOLD £120

Small Doulton Titanian vase


Three Royal Crown Derby Imari 1128 baskets sold £1300

Three Royal Crown Derby Imari 1128 baskets


Tin glazed delft salt SOLD £1400

Tin glazed delft salt


Victorian Vennings of Liskeard ale tankard SOLD £200

Victorian Vennings of Liskeard ale tankard


A pair of Fischer Emile ewers SOLD £540

A pair of Fischer Emile ewers


A small Moorcroft pottery ginger jar SOLD £190

A small Moorcroft pottery ginger jar


A Bernard Leach cornflower bowl SOLD £680

A Bernard Leach cornflower bowl


A small pair of Staffordshire zebras SOLD £120

A small pair of Staffordshire zebras


A modern Moorcroft vase SOLD £600

A modern Moorcroft vase


A Royal Worcester cream jug SOLD £540

A small Moorcroft pottery ginger jar


Doulton The Butterfly figure AF SOLD £560

Doulton The Butterfly figure AF


A 19thC. ironstone footbath, in the style of Masons, with cobalt blue & gilded handles SOLD £390

A 19thC. ironstone footbath, in the style of Masons, with cobalt blue & gilded handles


A large Troika pottery lamp base 14.5in tall signed EW SOLD £440

A large Troika pottery lamp base 14.5in tall signed EW


A quantity of Royal Albert Old Country Roses porcelain approx. 165 pieces SOLD £300

A quantity of Royal Albert Old Country Roses porcelain approx. 165 pieces


A restored c.1920's Chelsea Charles Vyse figure The Youthful Bacchus 10.75in tall with later added stand SOLD £330

A restored c.1920's Chelsea Charles Vyse figure The Youthful Bacchus 10.75in tall with later added stand


A Troika pottery anvil vase signed EW 8.5in SOLD£480

A Troika pottery anvil vase signed EW 8.5in


A Troika pottery double base vase by Benny Sirota SOLD £540

A Troika pottery double base vase by Benny Sirota


A Troika pottery mask by Marilyn Pascoe SOLD £720

A Troika pottery mask by Marilyn Pascoe


A Troika pottery mask signed by Louise Jinks SOLD £820

A Troika pottery mask signed by Louise Jinks


A Troika pottery wheel lamp base, indistinctly signed, possibly Alison Brigden SOLD £370

A Troika pottery wheel lamp base, indistinctly signed, possibly Alison Brigden


A Troika pottery wheel vase by Louise Jinks 6.5in high SOLD £140

A Troika pottery wheel vase by Louise Jinks 6.5in high


A Troika St. Ives pottery chimney vase by Anne Lewis 8in high SOLD £200

A Troika St. Ives pottery chimney vase by Anne Lewis 8in high


Approximately 46 pieces of Minton Haddon Hall porcelain dinner service SOLD £270

Approximately 46 pieces of Minton Haddon Hall porcelain dinner service



Tannoy York Corner 15” Monitor Reds speakers SOLD £6400

Tannoy York Corner 15” Monitor Reds speakers


Antique sawfish bill £460

Antique sawfish bill


Three as found stoneware ginger beer bottles SOLD £330

Three as found stoneware ginger beer bottles


Small enamel sign sold £140

Small enamel sign


Restored Nicole Freres music box sold £440

Restored Nicole Freres music box


Pewter Lidded Jug by Joseph Maria Olbrich, made by Eduard Hueck SOLD £460

Pewter Lidded Jug by Joseph Maria Olbrich made by Eduard Hueck


Oceanic marine ivory tribal art AF SOLD £8600

Oceanic marine ivory tribal art AF


Leather gladstone bag sold £200

Leather gladstone bag


Five bottles of Hermitage La Chapelle Paul Jaboulet Aine Rhone red wine SOLD £310

Five bottles of Hermitage La Chapelle Paul Jaboulet Aine Rhone red wine


Chinese incense casket £1050

Chinese incense casket


A copper jelly mould £130

A copper jelly mould


Armillary sphere & post £330

Armillary sphere & post


An 18thC. Norwegian burr birch peg tankard a/f £600

An 18thC. Norwegian burr birch peg tankard AF


c.1810 French POW bone model ship within period straw work box SOLD £6200

c.1810 French POW bone model ship within period straw work box


An art deco chrome cocktail dial SOLD £85

An art deco chrome cocktail dial


An 18thC. coaching panel SOLD £290

An 18thC. coaching panel


A Victorian toilet seat SOLD £110

A Victorian toilet seat


A pair of 1930's vaseline glass bookends sold£210

A pair of 1930's vaseline glass bookends


A large French 19thC. bronze signed by E. Rousseau of woman collecting cockles AF SOLD £1500

A large French 19thC. bronze signed by E. Rousseau of woman collecting cockles AF


A detailed Cornish model of a pub SOLD £680

A detailed Cornish model of a pub


A Dent of London compass SOLD £920

A Dent of London compass


A coco der mer nut SOLD £380

A coco der mer nut


A cased Rolleiflex camera with accessories SOLD £260

A cased Rolleiflex camera with accessories


A c.1900 Zulu prestige stick 35in long SOLD £350

A c.1900 Zulu prestige stick 35in long


A brass caged automaton featuring singing & moving birds SOLD £1100

A brass caged automaton featuring singing & moving birds


A bejewelled ivory cane handle SOLD £9800

A bejewelled ivory cane handle


1960's Triumph Speed Twin motorcycle AF SOLD £3000.

1960's Triumph Speed Twin motorcycle AF


A vintage leather suitcase £100

A vintage leather suitcase


RSPCA horse brass set £230

RSPCA horse brass set


Gold vesta case £600

Gold vesta case


1930's model of Titanic radio room £200

1930's model of Titanic radio room


Antique swordstick £140

Antique swordstick


Ericsson skeleton phone £230

Ericsson skeleton phone


A 20thC. pair of bronze lurchers £700

A 20thC. pair of bronze lurchers


A 19thC. bronze figure £1050

A 19thC. bronze figure


A pair of yacht race starter cannons SOLD £420

A pair of yacht race starter cannons


A 19thC. tea caddy with lattice work ivory decor SOLD £300

A 19thC. tea caddy with lattice work ivory decor


1977 Star Wars cap sold £600

1977 Star Wars cap sold


A 19thC. Bohemian glass decanter, damaged SOLD £500

A 19thC. Bohemian glass decanter, damaged


A 19thC. Bohemian glass garniture set, damaged SOLD £900

A 19thC. Bohemian glass garniture set, damaged


A c.1900 cranberry glass box SOLD £300

A c.1900 cranberry glass box


A lacquerware teacaddy with Chinoserie decor AF SOLD £300

A lacquerware tea caddy with Chinoserie decor AF


A Loetz style vase small chip SOLD £260

A Loetz style vase small chip


A medium Whitefriars glass bark vase SOLD £70

A medium Whitefriars glass bark vase


A pair of 20thC. Kayserzinn pewter bat candelabra SOLD £1300

A pair of 20thC. Kayserzinn pewter bat candelabra


A pair of Regency period Sienna marble tazzas sold £440

A pair of Regency period Sienna marble tazzas


A pair of small carved oak eagle finials AF SOLD £180

A pair of small carved oak eagle finials AF


A Stanley no.72 plane SOLD £130

A Stanley no.72 plane


19thC. White Star Line bitters bottle £700

19thC. White Star Line bitters bottle


Newlyn copper box SOLD £260

Newlyn copper box


Stanley 4.5H smoothing plane SOLD £250

Stanley 4.5H smoothing plane


A vintage pocket dice game SOLD £45

A vintage pocket dice game


Early 20thC. Norris A1 plane SOLD £700

Early 20thC. Norris A1 plane


An Edwardian pewter tankard with brass rim SOLD £80

An Edwardian pewter tankard with brass rim


A small brass steam engine SOLD £150

A small brass steam engine
